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Comments on Profile Post by Key King

  1. Become
    They're probably a troll.
    Jan 31, 2016
  2. Xeren_Ozone
    He's Trio come back from hell lmao
    Jan 31, 2016
    Key King and Angel like this.
  3. Angel
    @Xeren_Ozone Haha. You remember Trio? Your post literally has me on the floor.
    Jan 31, 2016
    Xeren_Ozone likes this.
  4. Xeren_Ozone
    Of course I do xD dude was crazy
    Jan 31, 2016
  5. Become
    Wasn't he the one that kept talking about how he was being hunted down by someone?
    Jan 31, 2016
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  6. Xeren_Ozone
    He said a lot of things, I believe that was among them. I do remember he got banned for making multiple accounts and lying about a bunch of shit... I think he was a pedophile too, that might just be me misremembering things though.
    Jan 31, 2016
  7. Angel
    Apparently, he was online dating a couple of members here!
    Jan 31, 2016
  8. Become
    I thought that was only in his mind.
    Jan 31, 2016
  9. Angel
    Nah, he actually did. At least two as far as I know, but obviously that didn't work out.
    Jan 31, 2016
  10. Become
    I'd say, considering he got banned.
    Jan 31, 2016
  11. Key King
    Key King
    Thanks so much, Xeren xD Let's all raise a glass to Trio and his broken english!
    Jan 31, 2016
    Angel likes this.
  12. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    I feel like I should remember Trio, but I don't at all. I do remember one big issue with one specific member having multiple accounts, but I don't recall Trio being the name to any of those accounts.
    Feb 1, 2016
  13. Xeren_Ozone
    It was Trio something. I can't remember the other part though
    Feb 1, 2016
  14. Key King
    Key King
    All i know is he changed his name to DarkAngel so I don't remember the old username he had outside of Trio
    Feb 1, 2016
  15. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    Heck, I don't even remember a DarkAngel. Damn I'm old.
    Feb 1, 2016
  16. Become
    I think it was Trionaut, and then they changed it to DarkAngel. Then they got banned. I think this was before I was on staff, so it wasn't my problem.

    I'm pretty sure they had some kind of beef with Sho at some point.
    Feb 1, 2016
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  17. Xeren_Ozone
    Trionaut! That was it, yeah!
    Feb 1, 2016
  18. Angel
    Dude, had this weird admiration for me for whatever reason, so he changed his name to DarkAngel to be my opposite or something. Too weird!
    Feb 1, 2016
  19. Desert Warrior
    Desert Warrior
    I guess I'm gonna have to look for some of his posts if they still exist. The name Trionaut isn't too familiar, and my first time on staff was a while back before you joined the staff Become. I just don't remember any issues with him.
    Feb 1, 2016
  20. Taboo Sho
    Taboo Sho
    If it's him I swear to god. He thought Destiny was bad? OOH LET IT BE HIM.

    Sad thing is I'm all talk. Unless he actually does something wrong, I'm not gonna start anything.
    Feb 2, 2016