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Comments on Profile Post by Nova

  1. Napoléon
    I've been pretty good!! I'm just relaxing and enjoying my hobbies (reading, video games, and anime) that I'm neglected during undergrad.

    So glad to be done University for now haha

    How have you been :3
    Mar 22, 2017
  2. Nova
    I bet! :D
    What games are you playing?

    I've been good. Just keeping busy with school and work mostly.
    Mar 23, 2017
  3. Napoléon
    Pretty much just FF Theatrythm, but I also have the post game of Pokémon Sun left to do! I would also like to start Story of Seasons at some point :3

    That's always good! What are you studying?
    Mar 23, 2017
  4. Nova
    Nice! Another Pokemon fan! I'm starting to think I'm the only person here who has never played a Pokemon game xD

    Business Administration and Human Resources. I was in Dental Hygiene before, but I kind of hated it. So the major change was a recent-decision lol.
    Mar 24, 2017
    Napoléon likes this.
  5. Napoléon
    Really?! Nobody else plays Pokémon here?? The franchise is such a staple and in all of the latest Pokémon games you get to change how you look! I love making myself fashionable/unfashionable!! xDD
    Mar 24, 2017
  6. Napoléon
    I like the sound of your new studies!! I'm at the point where I don't know what I really want to do with my life. I tried doing research, but I don't like being in a lab all day. I considered dental hygiene, but I figured I would clean some nasty teeth if I did that >_>'
    I was thinking maybe accounting would be fun? Once I'm back in Canada, I'm taking a year off to figure things out...
    Mar 24, 2017