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Deadpool (2016)

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Kitty, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Anyone seen this yet, and if so, what did you think about it?

    I saw the movie Friday night and thought it was pretty good. This characterization of Deadpool is an infinite improvement over the one in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, no mistake about that. I thought the movie had a good tone, balancing seriousness and comedy. As far as the rating goes, in comparison to other R-rated movies, I didn't even think it was all that bad, really, but I suppose there was more scrutiny because it is a comic book movie coming out at a time when a lot of the mainstream public like to take their families to see such movies. I don't know. I've seen worse. You probably shouldn't take your Iron Man-loving kiddos to see this one, though.

    Story was interesting, and I liked how small it felt. Like, the fate of the world was not resting on Deadpool's shoulders here. I know his character doesn't lend himself to the hero thing anyway, but it was nice to see something where the stakes were lower and it was just about one guy's life. There wasn't a huge cast, but the characters included were all pretty cool. Maybe next time around the studio can afford a few more X-Men cameos. XD The movie had a pretty good soundtrack, too- reminded me of Guardians of the Galaxy in that regard. Effects were decent in that I can't remember seeing any horribly done CGI.

    I hope Fox can keep the good Marvel movies coming, rather than following the path of Fant4stic (not that I hated that, but everyone else does, so...). *Shrugs* Might think of more things to discuss later, but for now, who else has seen it or is wanting to see it?
  2. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    It was great, saw it with my friends opening night. One of our prick classmates invited himself and didn't realize it was rated R. It was also his first rated R movie. In terms of content that is usually in rated R movies, this is probably not a good choice for someone's first rated R movie (a ton of gore, swearing, nudity, those fun things). His facial expressions were great, because he totally deserved it.

    He saw his first pair of tits that day. But I think he was more excited to see Ryan Reynold's dick. Because he is a giant faggot.

    11/10 you can see Deadpool's cancer-infected super penis in this film.

    (to be serious though it was a pretty amazing movie. Easily among my top 3 favorite Marvel films. If you haven't seen it yet and have any remote desire to, go and see it. 8.5/10 would watch again, mate)

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