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Earthbound: NOA

Discussion in 'Roleplay' started by Oath, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    The Earth was destroyed in nuclear war 200 years before the beginning of this story. Mankind has survived on a space station called NOA. However, after 200 years the ship has begun to run out of oxygen. With time running out, man had no choice but to send a team of humans back to Earth. Their mission is simple: To learn weather or not life on Earth has been made possible for mankind once again.

    You are a citizen of NOA. Your task is to fill out the following profile with your information volunteering for the task. Only the most qualified citizens will be selected. Good luck all!

    Country of Ancestors: (Where were your ancestors from before the blast)
    Occupation/Specialty: (Doctor, Botanist, Survival, Soldier, etc..)
    Reason for applying:

    (I'll post more backstory later. Right now I want the bios posted based on the information given. Once the characters are chosen, I will elaborate more on the history of this RP. Only human characters accepted. No superhuman freaks. Thanks.)
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator


    Name: Dr. Olivia Wilde
    Age: 33
    Gender: Female
    • Height- 5'5''
    • Weight- 130 lbs
    • Hair Color- Brunette
    • Eye Color- Brown
    Country of Ancestors:
    Occupation/Specialty: Doctor/Surgeon
    • Experienced Physician/Surgeon.
    • Underwent 2 years optional self defense training via NOA Military.
    Reason for applying:
    • To use medical expertise to keep the other volunteers alive.
    • Study the effects of the radiation on life on Earth.
    • Rather die trying to survive than waiting to run out of oxygen.
    Personality: Intelligent, quick witted, sarcastic, kind. Olivia can come across as a bit of a control freak, especially in a crisis. She is slow to trust others and would prefer to handle things herself. Its a habit that usually works out for her well enough due to her sharp mind and cool composure. She can be stubborn at times but at her core she values human life.

    Bio: Much like all of the others, Olivia was an only child in her family. Her father was a well respected doctor and member of the council and her mother was part of the NOA peacekeeping (military) service. She lived a pretty normal childhood on the NOA station but she was always fiercely competitive. She did everything she could to be the best version of herself she could be. Because of that, she was known to be well respected among most of her peers aside from a few rivals.
    Aside from her every day norm, Olivia grew increasingly tired of being stuck in the NOA station.

  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    OOOOOHHHH i know what this is. OMG i want in OOOOOHHHHH ok ok ill make a temp ASAP
    Nova likes this.
  4. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    @Hope looks good so far. @Vox looking forward to seeing your profile. What kind of character are you gonna throw up?

    Name: Corporal Brian O'Connell
    Age: 34
    Gender: Male
    Weight: 196
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Blue
    Country of Ancestors: Scotland
    Occupation/Specialty: NOA Military- Corporal
    • Leads a team of soldiers that are all willing to go to earth with him.
    • Vast survival training and leadership experience.
    Reason for applying:
    • Would rather die on earth than in this tin can.
    • Can do what is necessary to keep our people alive.
    • Save the human race.

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2017
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Eliot Colmes
    Age: 24
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Country of Ancestors: USA
    Occupation/Specialty: Prize Fighter/Martial Arts enthusiast
    One of the best Fighters on NOA
    Survival Tactics.

    Reason for applying: " I'd rather fight my way to a new future than stay here and fight to die."
    Promise he intends to keep to someone.

    Eliot is a natural born leader and a people person and prides himself on it. He is loyal and empathetic, a realist when he needs to be, courageous and little dramatic. He takes his friendships very seriously and, due to the way he was brought up, is very empathetic to those in danger or who have been hurt. Misfortune often falls upon him, though in some cases he bring is upon himself. He talks a lot, even on things he doesn't know much about, and often tries (or accidentally happens) to provide comic relief in tense situations.

    He is a defensive fighter who likes to wait and react based on the opponent he is up against. His defense becomes his offense, taking advantage of their mistakes. He gets irritated easily when losing, especially against styles he doesn't like or appreciate, which can get in his head during a match. These issues can cause him to lose track of his game plan or affect him negatively in terms of mindset. But He always finds a way to push forward and claim victory for himself or those around him.

    They call him the " Prize Fighter" or Eli for short. Eliot spent all his time living with his older brother watching old martial arts films that were salvaged from years ago. Mimicking these movements he became a self taught fighter. While growing up in the slums fighting became a natural thing for him as his older brother was the one who kept food on the table. When Eli turned 18 He found himself in a illegal fighting ring, not by choice of course. The money was tempting and with the money he could make he could forge a better life for him and his older brother Noel. The way Eli fought was unknown by anyone other than himself and he never lost a fight in the fighting circuit. winning every prize placed in front of him. Gaining himself the title " Prize Fighter" Stepping away from the illegal backrealm fights he stepped into the legal fighting circuit for entertainment. but it was just to make a financial stable future for himself. Things were seemingly fine until the NOA station started having its issues.

    Eli's older brother was starting to get sick and not many resources could be provided considering NOA's status. " I want you to sign up for this mission..." Noel told his younger brother. i want you to promise me you'll make a bright future for everyone else..." Knowing he had nothing left on NOA besides his brother he accepted the request and applied to be selected. " I'd rather fight for the future..."

    Other: Eli's Theme song
  6. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Name: Fergus ‘Gus’ Hughes

    Age: 57

    Gender: Male


    • Height- 6'2''
    • Weight- 145 lbs
    • Hair Colour- White
    • Eye Colour- Light Blue

    Country of Ancestors: Australia

    Occupation/Specialty: Biologist

    Qualifications: Genetics and evolutionary biology, Anatomy, Earths history

    Reason for applying: His skill set will be very useful on the expedition to Earth. Can make a difference for humankind.

    Personality: Fergus is quite a neurotic person. He is uncomfortable with change and doesn’t handle most social situations very well. While he doesn’t have many friends those he is close to he is very loyal. When at work Hughes almost becomes another person as he can hyper focus on the work at hand.

    Bio: Fergus’s parents were delighted when they had a son. His father especially was looking forward to him following in his footsteps and becoming a soldier. His father became more and more disappointed with Fergus as he grew up showing little interest in military life and leaning towards books and learning. Gus’s mother on the other hand encouraged his want for learning saying that he could make a big difference for humankind one day. Growing up he put a lot of time and effort into studies allowing him to become very prominent in his fields.


    Name: Jane Kelly

    Age: 33

    Gender: Female


    • Height- 5'3''
    • Weight- 150 lbs
    • Hair Colour- Black
    • Eye Colour- Blue

    Country of Ancestors: Ireland

    Occupation/Specialty: Soldier/Engineer

    Qualifications: Trained with the NOA military. Qualified engineer.

    Reason for applying: Serves under Corporal O’Connell and was happy at the prospect of adventure of exploring earth.

    Personality: Jane is headstrong and can be quick to become angry. She feels respect is earned and not deserved and because of this Jane can have an attitude problem when it comes to authority. When you have earned her respect she is a good friend and a loyal companion.

    Bio: Jane's mother died during childbirth. Growing up with only her father as her influence she was interested in dismantling and recreating different things. Her father was glad she was creative but ultimately she didn't qualify to be a full time engineer as her school results were to poor. Annoyed that her worth was decided by what she put on paper Jane looked for alternative methods to get what she wanted. She joined the military and soon found she enjoyed it. She fell in with O’Connell who helped pushed her forward in her career. She moved to train with the engineering department and began working on her dream. When she head of the mission to Earth she jumped at the opportunity to go.


    (If you want me to change anything just let me know)
    Nova likes this.
  7. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Hope feels I need to clarify before we get started to avoid hurt butts. Never enter into an RP that I GM expecting your character to be safe. No character is sacred and I reserve the right to give your character trials, or kill them at a moments notice to move the story along. In this RP, I am fate. Expect shit from me. And you are all grown up enough to roll with the punches. We clear? Good. Lets have some fun my darlings. :3

    Kairu, Your characters are good. Accepted

    Vox, yours is also ok. There are a few things I want to talk about on facebook, but accepted.

    Hope, looks good so far. Gonna need you to finish it though.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    uh oh im in trouble!

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