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Growing Up

Discussion in 'General' started by Desert Warrior, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Sucks, don't it? Well, about half a week ago I dropped my little sister off at the airport for her to fly away to her new school. Probably not gonna see her until Christmas. And so I got home that night and I just kinda sat in my room, not entirely sure what to think.

    And not only that, but I myself am moving out for school on Monday. So all sorts of new stuff all around. Anybody else going through (Or have gone) through similar things?
  2. Ovum

    Ovum ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

    There's little things in life that remind me that I have grown up and it either gets me somewhat down or makes me happy. Being able to drive myself places with my own car, for one, is great. I remember having to awkwardly ask my mom to drive me somewhere/get something from a store because I couldn't get there myself. Having to rely on others to drive me places in general on time was annoying, as well. That also comes with responsibility, though. I remember as a kid I used to play with my Barbie dolls and run around on the playground thinking "I'm going to be one of those adults who still do this when I grow up--how could I grow out of this? Don't grown-ups miss going on the swings and slides?" Now, I look at playgrounds and don't really even miss them. I obviously have zero desire to play with my dolls. Yeah I do some childish shit here and there, but ultimately, it makes me feel so old to look back on stuff I used to do and see how much I've changed. I'm such a different person compared to even three years ago, which feels so far away yet it's really not.
  3. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Every passing year, everything seems more grey and dull. Seriously, last year when I turned 20, I've been starting to think about life passing away day by day constantly. Things that made me happy have little purpose. There's only bills, worries about unemployment and I've given up with the concept of love. New places and people won't light me up anymore. It feels like I've seen everything there's to see, even though I haven't.

    There's constant reminders around me that life's fucked up and there's no bright side. Especially with unemployment and this economy, I'm going to be an alcoholic or a junkie within the next 5 years because living sober in this stereotypic, sexist and war-scarred world is just too much without blurring your mind from the horrible reality.

    I will always miss the playground and the swings.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    @Cameron. Wow there goes my innocence. Me and you are like complete opposites.

    I always get excited about new things, and people. Life is just starting, and no one is going to live it but me. So weary and pessimistic people bum me out and ironically make me act more cheerful. The only thing that saddens me is my youth and how things have changed and how people drift apart. But I tell myself this fairytale that, "When you encounter someone or make a friend. You and that person are connected by this tiny invisible string. And this string stretches over every state, every province, every continent, every valley, and every sea. And what this string represents? Is a promise that you'll meet again." So that typically gets me through any funk of saying goodbye to people. So, yeah, that's me in a nutshell.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    The years definitely go by a lot faster nowadays, and I can't say that I feel the same excitement as I used to about things like birthdays and holidays. Plus there's the ever constant worry about bills, which at times really weighs me down. But it is nice to be able to rely on myself and do what I want to (part of the reason I don't really want any kids right now, even though people are constantly asking/telling me I should have them).
  6. Luke

    Luke Member

    It didnt really hit me that i was an adult until i realized those around me were kids. Half my friends have kids and are getting married and im just saving money and playing games lol.

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