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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Alex&Axel4evr, Mar 16, 2009.

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  1. Alex&Axel4evr

    Alex&Axel4evr New Member

    hi i'm new and well i'm not very good at this so if anyone wants to be my friend plz add me XP :)
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Haha! I love that enthusiastic HEY!!!!!! of yours XD
    Welcome to the Forum, here you will meet others who may become your family, well not literally but you'll definitely meet cool people on this site.
    You can call me Rawr. I don't mind any other name but Rawr sticks to this forum better ;D
    As usual, read the Rules and the FAQ's, follow them... blah blah blah. You'll get the jist of it.
    Afterwards post on some of the recent threads, start a thread of your own that no one has posted yet. Have fun, make friends, stay active and you'll do just fine!
    Make sure your doing the first one as well buddy "Have Fun"!
  3. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Hey! Welcome to the site! Please enjoy posting and join some RP if you have time! You can call me Trump :)
  4. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Heyy! Welcome to the site, Hope you have fun and enjoy yourself ^^
  5. Kandy-Sugar

    Kandy-Sugar New Member

    Hey and welcome to the forums. =D

    Enjoy your stay!
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ELLO!!! MY name is summonerbrandon & the only summoner around this communitee!! Need anything, I'm your summoner!! (Singing) "I LUV TO DRINK ME SOME FUNTAA!" ^_^_^
  7. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Ey, welcome man :D

    I'm Merlino, Merlin, Merlinosheep, Fishface whatever.... :p
    If you need anyone to talk to just pm if you want to, read the rules and all that stuff.
    Be an active member and you should really try out the RP section (role playing) :).
  8. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Hi there, and welcome. I'm Kyuuketsuki, but you can call me Kyuu. I'll say this same old stuff (like always :D): read the rules, follow them and so on, you'll surely be fine. Everyone here is really nice. Stick around and have fun. ;)
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    wuz up amigo!? i'm King of Darkness but most people kall me KoD, king, or SWEENEY TODD...........ignore the last comment. anywho, enjoy your stay here and i'd be happy to add ya as a friend. and remember, always smile!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  10. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    Welcome to kh-3 forum, my friend. Hey guys this is my best friend at school.
  11. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    Hi and welcome ^^ annyssrr's best friend, cool! :D I'm Kichi, I hope you'll have fun.
  12. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Hey Alex!!!!! This is me Anita, I'm happy you joined the site! Well, I hope you enjoy the site and enthusiam in the forum!!!!!!!
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ahhh I never saw yoru welcoming, I'm sorry, anyways welcome to the site. I'll gladly help you. I'm Kairi Star. Just check out eth rules and the guide and you should be fine. I hope to see you active. I'll add you to my list.
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