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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well, even then Curtis you need to watch. Though that's what the Spades and Defiant/ Defiance have separating them doesn't mean Darius is. After all that decision sort of became so thanks to Sherlock for despite not being controlled by emotions, but rather by intellectual thoughts, she has a strong moral compass and sense of justice.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Changed it. My bad, sorry
  3. Lust

    Lust New Member

    Name: Remi Kai

    Nickname: The Elite Soldier

    Side: Neutral


    Appearance: Beautiful young women body well fit from her strict workout routines. Long wavy Black hair and low and unrevealing eyes.
    5"8 tall and possesses a variety of tattoos covering her upper and lower torso.

    Power: Remi is Dual Minded and sometimes turns into her alter ego Gigi a more arrogant and a more dangerous and cold blooded version of herself. Both Remi and Gigi possess there own unique abilities
    Remi uses kinetic energy manipulation. While Gigi uses Psionic Inundation.

    Kinetic Energy Manipulation:
    The ability to manipulate kinetic energy.
    Psionic Inundation: Assault the mind of others on a psychic plane.
    Bio: Remi Kai was born in Tokyo, Japan. As the daughter of a military general Remi's life was planned to be disciplined and structured for her at a young age. Remi was sent to military school alongside her older brother for the majority of her life. When Remi turned 18 she decided to move to San Fransico with her half American cousin who was a little wild. Remi didn't have many friends when she first arrived in San Fransisco. Her first friend was a boy named Aaron who was apart of a gang her cousin had joined before she had arrived. Remi talked to Aaron more than she talked to her own cousin.
    Remi's life changed more than she had ever imagined when Aaron invited her to the party. Remi knew that becoming more acquainted with the Defiance street gang had it's consequences had risks but that intrigued her. Remi was enjoying herself more than she expected at the party "letting loose" as her cousin often urged her to do. As she maneuvered through the crowd of people to fund her cousin and the crew she spotted Aaron as he began fighting along with his crew. As Remi looked more frantically for her cousin she walked into the midst of an explosion and everything went white as her body f
    slid across the ground. Remi woke up and she felt confined and everything was black... and then it was white. Remi wasn't herself she was in a different state of mind. She couldn't control her body but she was moving, escaping the debrees from the blast. She had no idea what happened to Aaron, she only assumed he died from the explosion and her cousin was messing. A day after the blast she had finally felt normal, well as normal as she was going to ever be, for the rest of her life. Remi continuously heard voices in her head and gained some abnormal abilities.

    Two days after gaining control of herself again Remi began to master her abilities and noticed that if she focused she could really hear the voice in her head , and it was talking to her. Remi has an alter ego named Gigi who can takeover her body whenever she pleased. I guess you could say Remi has a wild side.
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Darius Thomas​
    Nickname: Ace of Spades or Ace​
    Side: Spades​
    Age: 19​
    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Power: Blast Absorption - Can absorb any type of blast, ray etc. and recoil it. Duplication - Power to make duplicates of the user and to make duplicates of objects. ​

    Bio: Darius was a A student in High School, but he was also a problem from the faculty and staff at the school. Darius is the leader of a gang of thieves and heroes, his gang went by the name of the Defiant Spades. The Defiant Spades were a group of misfits, no life thieves. abandoned, and suicidal crew. But Darius couldn't stand for it anymore. He knew most of the Defiant Spades were good inside but Darius's partner in crime didn't think so. So the two split, Defiance and Spades. Darius continued to lead the Spades, and the Defiance went MIA for a while the Spades began to see more of the Defiance, at parties, college campuses, even some high school seniors were in their gang. Darius didn't care, as long as they didn't cause trouble with him or his friend he was fine with whatever they had done until a fight broke out at a huge party, it seemed almost everyone was there. At the party it was the Spades vs Defiance, but something went terrible wrong in the brawl and cause something catastrophic to occur.​
    Since the day of that epic party Darius and his whole crew have been going threw some changes and then came the war. A powered war between the two gangs.​
    Theme: Wild for the Night (Instrumental) Skrillex and ASAP Rocky​

    Name: Aaron Thomas
    Nickname: Trump Card
    Side: Defiance
    Age: 19
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    (White haired one, the other is Darius.)
    Power: Portal Manipulation - Can create and alter portals that send people to places the user chooses and stay open until closed by the user.
    Shadow Manipulation - Can use shadows to create dark blast and create shadow creatures. It also can be used to control a person by their shadow(Much like Shikamaru from Naruto). Can hide himself using the shadows that surround him.
    Bio: Aaron was the other half of Defiant Spades and left and took his half with him. Aaron was pronounced dead by his brother Darius Thomas but he wasn't. Now he has risen and he's brought Hell along with him.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Rather skittish move Vox, considering that that orb wasn't directed at Victor.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    oh it wasnt? i thought it was. Guess i misread it. i thought you were with the rest of my little party that came to do something about me.

    Want me to fix it? since you had nothing to do with it.
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well Julie was part of the party that came; but he orb was meant for targeting any Spades that tried to enter. As per Jay's order.

    It's actually cool though. There are like three or four of us with electricity manipulators in this RP. Every little bit of something to develop like-powered rivalries works.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    oh okay, cause i didnt mean to. but on the same token. Vic doesnt care for either faction.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I mention before, but I figured I'd bring it up again. In your first post Vox the people you attacked were soldiers also based on lack of their fighting they have no powers sealing the deal that they're governmental soliders, not Defiant members. Jay is not there to save the soldiers, he's there to try and win Victor as a member.
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    We can always entertain the idea of 'soldiers' just being Victor's view of the gang members. And it's not too uncommon for gang members to think of themselves as being soldiers in an army. I imagine it was Vox's intention for Victor to have attacked members of Defiance.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    This is Defiance you're talking about here. The villains make sacrifices when necessary.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well then to be fair, Jay probably wouldn't care. But had I known he way in which I got Jay there would not have been how I did it because it's been posted and set up as soldiers from actual government officials.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    ^ This is exactly the case. i didnt think of the defiance as a group of just mutants i thought it was a group of mutants and people who supported the struggle. It's not uncommon for these groups to have nameless members / soldiers.

    not to mention aren't the defiance the good guys? they should be more preoccupied with saving people like the xmen. so even if they arent defiance should they just stand idly by while i cause mayhem? woudlnt that make them just as bad as the spades? i thought spades were the baddies and defiance were like the goody goodies like xmen.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The Spades are the good guys. The Defiance are the villains, and I can assume, unless Abyss has an unexpected plot twist planned, that Aaron, the leader of Defiance, is the main antagonist
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Such a reversal of meanings lol Spades are usually the bad cards, But i guess i had it confused but luckily for me, Victor doesnt like either faction. So screw em both.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Oh this is back? We I'll help keep the activity too, so, I'll get a character up soon
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    So what are we doing about the soldier thing, that's what I'm waiting to find out about? Are we playing them as governmental soldiers (as I would prefer, seeing as there was a news report of them that way) or as defiant members (which sort of screws up the post I made about the news story).
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well the reason he attacked them was because they were defiant members. and to send a message to the defiance. didnt really matter what faction they were. The whole point of my post was to take defiance hostages and stir the pot a bit.
  19. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    And Certainly, with the attack at the gas station having happened as Jay and the gang were hearing the story on the news, it would be unlikely that the government soldiers from it would have been the same people Victor was attacking anyways.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The only person who'll be pissed off at the death of lesser Defiance members is Rosalyn, who cares for all of the members equally, even Jay, as much as she loathes to admit it.

    So Defiance members or government officials, there is no pot stirring going on in the Defiance Ranks.

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