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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Actually, Julie is kind of pissed too; the more so out of principle of gang life: someone does in a member of your crew, that's just asking for trouble.
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    So then whats the point of having a group if someone is attacked and no one cares? Sounds like a bunch of riff raff to me. as most gangs that i know. "you attack one of us we attack you" not " you attacked us oh well who cares"
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    While I see your points, peons are peons. Unless someone significant like Rosalyn, Jay, or Julie are taken or attacked/killed, I'm pretty sure they won't care. The lesser members can be replaced, considering Victor took them out easily, and they were using guns, they weren't at the party.

    They are peons. They are insignificant. They can and will be replaced. Defiance will continue to grow. We will be unstoppable.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'm pretty sure someone else in this had their character carrying some sort of crude weapon despite having superpowers. Maybe guns were being used as an accessory to their powers. Even if they were only peons, their being murdered is a disrespect to the gang, even if no one actually cares about the members. It's a common gang dynamic.
  5. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Defiance care about all of their members due to the lack you members they have. Same case for the Spade's don't forget most of the gang died in that explosion.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    @Wayward: Fair enough my friend.

    @Abyss: Speak for yourself. Not all the members of Defiance have to care. Rosalyn for example will be upset over their deaths, but she isn't stupid. She's not going to challenge someone who could and would kill her just because he murdered a couple of their members.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I agree about the caring, but it comes to a point of the person. Jay in a fight and the way he is now is a psychopath . He doesn't care about deaths, he just enjoys violence, that's it.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Wait?! Is this really important?

    Some people care and some people don't for different reasons. I thought this was generally understood.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I think it's more out of mulling over why an entire gang filed out to engage someone who had just killed some of their members when they don't really care about them, or otherwise why Jay would recruit someone portraying themselves as an enemy of the group.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The part I bolded was why we hadn't wanted them labeled as Defiance members. Besides Julie and Angel's character, whose name I can't recall(lol), every member of Defiance was in the base when Rosalyn left in my opening post. I think Vox confirmed his intentions were to stir up conflict, but I'm pretty sure Destiny had labeled Victor's opponents as government agents in her first post.

    In any case, what's done is done. No use arguing over it any further.
  11. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'm just going by Vox's intention. Ultimately it's up to him who exactly Victor was attacking. Which really names the best sense in establishing Vic as an enemy.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The way I see it, Jay either had one of his many lapses of good judgement, or he just wanted to deliberately piss Rosalyn off by not listening to her(even though he really doesn't have to), when he gave the order to go to Victor. You can bet Rosalyn's going to bark down his throat when they return, but knowing Jay, he'll just ignore her lol
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hey Abyss,

    Did you want Julie to follow Aaron through the portal?
  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Yes I'd like that.

    I'm sorry everyone if everything is a little hectic at the moment but believe me I'm trying to craft this one differently than what I did with my last one.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well that much was obvious a while ago broski.

    You say you've got a plan, and I trust that you do, but changing your chain of command is not always wise, even if it's only temporary. While Rosalyn cares little about Aaron(she does care because it's in her nature, but not alot), at the very least, Jay, who is Aaron's best friend, and has been unquestionably loyal, is likely to get pissed off that you completely stripped him of his rank.

    As I said, I trust you when you say you have a plan, but changing the Chain of Command, while in your right to do as it is your rp, is a very unwise move.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Shut up. pretty sure it's a temporary issue while he deals with Victor and Remi.

    Shut up.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Because I've had another (hopefully more colorful) character in head for here, with a plotline I've wanted to actually play out... I hope running a second character in this is OK.


    Name: Alexander Falke
    Nickname: "Lex"
    Age: 20
    Side: Neutral; current Non-combatant


    Aerokinesis - Lex is of a particular persuasion of being able to manipulate air molecules. The ability's most basic application involves the manipulation of air currents, enabling Lex to create various forms of gale forces such as simple gusts, tornados and super-compressed and altered renditions of such events. Through thermokinetic control he can render these forces at blisteringly hot or freezing cold temperatures. He is capable of producing enough controlled gale force to carry his weight airborne. At higher levels of function, Lex is able to alter atmospheric pressure on a localized level, using air to constrict and crush objects. The ability can be applied to the inverse effect of pulling air away from a space, creating a vacuum. The power can extend to manipulate the many airborne substances that exist, such as gases and smoke, provided that a source exists.

    Airwave Sensory - branching from his connection to air, Lex possesses a unique awareness through he movement of airwaves. With air as a tangible matter, Lex is endowed with sensory of its displacement against the movement of people and objects through it, and able to interpret the nature of objects as humanoid, animal or otherwise.

    Respiratory Mutations - As a result of his exposure to the blast, Lex's body has mutated in an improvement to his breathing capabilities. His lungs have changed dramatically, allowing him to draw more oxygen in with each active breath. In addition, his body has become to air as a sponge is to water. Lex is able to draw air directly in through his skin a passive trait that enables him to continuously draw in oxygen. The substance can be used immediately or stored away for later use. Through similar functions, his body is able to directly expel harmful gaseous substances. As more of a novelty his increased breathing capacity enables him to produce exhales on similar levels of force as his aerokinetic prowess.

    Sonokinesis - deriving from his manipulative abilities over air, Lex is able to control sound waves. Utilizing a sound source and air as the medium he can alter the frequency and intensity and movement of sounds produced by and around him. Through this ability he can perform such feats as the creation of sonic booms, completely silencing trivial noises he produces (or amplifying those made by others), and driving frequencies towards high an low pitches as a means of weaponizing sound.

    Biography: Two years ago, Lex was on a path towards distinct success. He had just turned to legal adult age and graduate from high school. Having been a model student and an ever rising star of the athletic department, he was on his road to UCLA on both academic and athletic scholarship. Through it all, he had a loving household of three others behind him, supporting him and his every move.

    Yet, two years ago, despite his diligence, care and success, tragedy struck his life. A freak accident left both of his parents dead; this news would be revealed to him while he was away his college orientation weekend. The guardians arranged to provide for Lex, and his little sister Olivia, were staunch penny pinchers refusing to pay a cent to fuel his university education, and particularly harsh towards their wards. So he was forced to uproot and a move to San Francisco to live with his godparents and support Liv. The law of the land laid down clearly for him, he eventually found full-time employment to earn his keep as an adult in the household and provide rent as he was legally an adult.

    The year passed with little incident. Lex worked as long of shifts as he could pick up, and overtime whenever it was offered. Olivia came of age, graduating from high school herself. Soon after, she too turned eighteen. It was then that their godparents sprung the news on Lex and Liv: they were legal adults, and it was time for them to get along with their lives. Shown out the door, Lex and Liv stayed in with one of Lex's coworkers, who arranged part-time employment for Liv while she readied herself attended a community college, paid in part by Lex and the rest through student loans. Eventually the two managed to move out and into their own loft apartment; Olivia commenced with classes in late August.

    Another year passed without incident. Lex continued to keep watch over his sister, who's emotions seemed to be (more visibly) getting the better of her.

    Then there came a night of tragic wonder. Lex and Liv had treated themselves to a dinner out for the first time in several months. Having no vehicle, they were walking back home after their meal when they passed by a rager. Not thinking much of the boisterous nature of the event, they quickened their pace as they walked by, ignoring the advances of others to join them and "have some fun for once." It was just as they felt they were nearing the clear, a blast ensued from the heart of the party. The two were in range of the effect. Lex, after a brief moment of nausea, managed to expel residual smoke and other particles from his body... directly through his skin.

    Liv, however, didn't seem to fare as well. When medics arrived on the site of the blast, she was rushed into an ambulance with suspected internal damage and infection. Not permitted into the ambulance with her, Lex managed to catch only the name of the Hospital Liv was en route to. Once his injuries were tended to, he rushed to the hospital, spending a sleepless night at Liv's side. Leaving her in the ICU in the early morning, Lex returned home, realizing in the process that he seemed to be accompanied by a strange, almost puppet-like movement of air around him.

    Further delving into this strangeness, he discovered his abilities to control air and breath.

    For the first time in those two years, Lex called out of work, sickness from the blast and the family emergency being his reasons, and a need to find out more about what happened as his motivation. For the next few days, between visits with Olivia, he held out low and out of the public eye, honing the powers he had acquired.
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Okay cool, Accepted. Everyone is aloud to have as many characters they can handle.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Did this thing seriously die again? Now come on people. I know I'm wait for abyss to go
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    he got that kh error where when he posts it goes back to main page. and we still arent sure how to fix that.

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