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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan stared at 'Reho' with a slightly aggitated look. He then smiled and said, "Well if you're offering than I guess it would be rude for us to not introduce ourselves. The boy there is.....Alex, she's Felicia, and my name is J-Ryan," Jordan had to catch himself before he revealed his real name. He thought it better to use alias' for all of them, even Will just for safety purposes. 'This guy isn't gonna get to close to us,' Jordan thought as he gave off his fake smile to the stranger.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will realized Jordan's plan but was about to set loose. "I am not a recruiter!!!" Will barked, stepping forward with an ice blade forming in his hand. "You said yourself you had to report back to Darius, so go! We're fine with just us, that's why we were hand picked for this mission!" He roared, shattering the blade against the wall to try and calm his anger but it didn't work as fire started spewing from his nostrils. "Can we go now, mister... you know what, I don't care what your name is, just go report in!"
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Truly, you're not that big of a member if you're going against proper order call in the book. All missions must be reported back to Spade Leader, aka Darius. So if you mind, soldier, move." Era stated creating a big enough force of wind to push the guy out of the way. Era startled herself when she did that but didn't have time to deal with that when she flew ahead at a rather quick pace in an attempt to lose the guy.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lagaleeca started to laugh as the boy tried to cover up Will's name but was not good enough to keep him be. "Oh shut up Will. He wouldn't mind that I would be a few minutes late. I am more concern for their own well being. I am not done. Our rivals may be on the move as we speak so it is best to be in numbers. As a member of the Spades, I would rather lay down my own life as a hero for anyone to make sure that the mission becomes a success."

    Lagaleeca started to look back at the boy. "As for you two, Felicia and...J-Ryan. It is very nice to meet you two. Just make sure that you do not put yourself in any danger. Especially someone who is just as pathetic as him." Smiling since he is the only one to keep calm, he started to puzzle with curiousity.

    "Ignoring the fact that hothead here would like to argue, your...friend, can shapeshift, can he not? If so, then he can easily trick all of us. What plan do I have in mind? If he's an animal that can take the skies, Felicia should use her powers to grab him. If he take by land, I will lay down a trap for him while one of you can corner him. Simple as that, no? Good. I just hope that he would not do anything drastic."

    Lagaleeca started to chuckle as he started to follow Felicia.
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will finally lost it when they man started following the girl. He grabbed him, hauled back, and punched him in the face. While the man was clutching his nose, Will stepped forward with Jordan and Era, making a wall of ice to try and stop the man. "You heard us soldier, Go. Report. IN!!" Will roared before starting after the others. "Quickly, go now. I really don't want to be around when he gets through that..." Will growled, fire pouring from his mouth as he spoke, mixed with a cold mist of his breath.
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan bit his lower lip and thought, 'Well Jordan, you just gonna let this guy start nosing his way into your friends are you?' Jordan shot a blast at fire past 'Reho's' face, melting the ice off of his face, just to annoy the boy. "Hey if you already know his name no reason to lie about mine," Jordan yelled to him. "The name's Jordan, and we can handle this little problem of ours by ourselves." Jordan gave the boy and angry look, hoping that would send him a signal as he began to walk off with the others.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era looked behind at the man and noticing the wall of ice.

    "Yeah, no time to fool around. Now you two fireballs hurry up and get out, I'm probably faster with the wind than you two so I'll hold him back if he escapes." Era shouted at the two others sort of acting like a leader. 'How much did that blast really change me?! Oh well, I'm kind of liking this new brave Era thing.' Era thought to herself while she moved her arms holding the ice wall packed tight so he couldn't burst it open.
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin had figured no one was is in the house so had left out. Kevin had calmed down from all the commotion that went on in the base. Kevin transformed back into a cheetah and began running towards the base. Kevin was running as fast as he could before he knew he was back in the base. It was pitch black but since he had transformed into a cheetah he could in the dark with his cat like eyes.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lagaleeca started to smile when "J-Ryan" finally showed himself that his name is Jordan as he try to push against the wind. "How amusing. You would rather start a fight that you really do not want to start. Well then." Lagaleeca started to smile as he started to hover in the air and started to have flamed, large rocks surrounding him. "I will show you the reason as to why I am Darius' trusted member. I will not leave until I make sure that this "Kevin" is brought back safe and sound. No filthy wraiths will stop me, especially a low-down recruiter!"

    Lagaleeca started to shoot four of the rocks straight at the walls. The four rocks tried to melt the ice as it started to push against Era's ability. "HAHAHA! We can do this my way or we can just waste time and have your friend end up in more danger. I would rather end this episode with a peaceful ending. That is the Reho hero way."

    Lagaleeca started to smile as he closed his eyes and started to make contact to Gyndie without the others noticing since he knows what she is capable of with the mind. "I suggest that you send a few soldiers on the way here. I have found the boy but he is with that Will who is being feisty. I cannot carry out both of my missions if they keep on interfering and I do not wish to end their lives so easily at this early stage."
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Who knew having little character interaction could be so enjoyable?<

    Tom reached his home, getting back from his walk. "That was nice." He muttered to himself. "Aside from the idiot who was showing off in public, that is. I should do it more often." He quickly went to his room and shut the door. As he walked away, he locked the door with telekinesis. He sat down on his bed, bringing a piece of paper to him from across the room. He cut the paper in two pieces before moving it to a trash can. "I should leave this place. Let's see... There was that party I was dragged to. An explosion, and now I move stuff with my mind. Based on that other guy doing whatever, clearly I'm not the only one. And the more people who can do things, the more likely we're gonna be discovered by the government. And then they're gonna come after us for experiments and whatnot. So yeah, I should leave." Tom lied down, spinning the marble above his head again.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Pheobe frowned, still unsure what to think of this war though she understood the point. Her next question, she had only intended to say in one and wait for an answer but her curiosity got the best of her and she ended up saying many in one breath instead. "So you are part of the defiance? That's what we are? Mutants? Is there a way to be human again? Why do you have to be on one side at all? Doesn't anybody just not get involved in this war at all, even if they are mutants?..." she realized she was talking too much only when she ran out of breath, then she felt very embarassed. Her face went a little red and she looked down at her hands in her lap to kind of obscure his vision of the fact. "I'm sorry." She said, referring to the sudden attack of questions.
  12. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Kage laughed a little when Pheobe looked down to her hands to hide her reddening face. "Not to worry" he said in response of her apologizing. "Yes, we are part of the Defiance, although like we said we don't really care for them. We mearly joined as a matter of convenience. Some would say mutants. Others Superhuman or hero's and villains, take your pick of which you prefer. And why would you ever want to be human again. Powers are great" Kage said pushing himself off of the table so he was now rocking on the chair. "Speaking of which, what are your powers?" He asked, but he continued to speak before Pheobe could respond. "I suppose there are some who don't join either sides. We would probably be working independently if a Defiance hadn't told us we had to join or it would make life difficult for us. Of course, its dead now. Never really bothered to leave fully. We're left to our own thing mostly. Have only ever been assigned one mission. Didn't go well" Kage said his evil grin coming back. It only lasted for a couple of seconds and disappeared when he looked at Pheobe again. "Any more questions?" he asked his kinds smile coming back again and his eyes going a lighter colour.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin had ran into what had seemed like an battle. " Whats going on..and who's this guy" Kevin said as he transformed back. Kevin looked at the guy. He then looked at the other. " Look man whoever you are leave us alone before yuh get into some serious trouble ok!" Kevin said as he lift the guy off the ground by his collar with one hand.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded at Era, trying to calm himself before he went right through the ice wall after that guy. He filled his palm with fire and started forward, looking back at Jordan just to ask a question. "Jordan are you com-" He said, never finishing when he noticed that the man was gone from the other side of the wall. "Oh well... I guess we can go find Kevin and Pheobe" He said to Jordan and Era, making the fire grow so they could see their surroundings. Will looked to the wall to their right and found it interesting. The remnants of his ice wall were right between the Spade and Defiant symbols carved there. "Well that's a coincidence..." He breathed, eying the symbol.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cydnie had herself a slight nap on her throne until she had received Lagaleeca telepathic message. Her eyes opened immediately and rose up from her seat. Her chimera looked up at her, as he too was sleeping. She pointed at one of the guards and said, "You, send for perhaps our strongest ally. It would appear we found just who we were looking for." The guard nodded and replied, "Wait, do you mean Kage, Madame Widow?" Cydnie rolled her eyes and replied, "Is there anyone else? Tell him to immediately go to the Spades base and assist Lagaleeca when he gets there. Oh, and tell him he can 'let loose'." She smiled and began walking out of the room with her pet following closely behind. The one guard began to sprout wings and began to fly out of one of the open windows to Kage's hideout. He flew to the front of the house and began knocking frantically on the door, not sure if he were there or not.


    Jordan looked at 'Reho' as Kevin lifted him off of the ground. "I see operation KEVIN found us instead," Jordan joked. He gave 'Reho' a disgusted look. "Pathetic. You looked like you were just going to give me the fight I've been wanting for a while now. It looks like not a single Freak has actually shown me there true potential yet." Jordan scoffed and turned around. "Kevin, let's go find Pheobe ASAP, before something bad happens," he said to him without looking back.
  16. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin dropped "Reho". " So no ones going to answer me about who this guy is?" Kevin said. Kevin looked at "Reho" then at Jordan. " Also do we even have any idea where Pheobe is.....or what she looks like for all we know she could have been mutated way worst than what we are. Second she may not even be on the street she may already be a Defiance member for all we know" Kevin said calmly. Kevin looked at Era and Will." but hey who cares let's go!" Kevin said
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan bit his lower lip, frustrated at Kevin's negative comments. He tried to hold back for a brief moment but instead spun around and shot a burst of fire at Kevin's face before lifting him up to the wall. "Negative comments like that aren't going to get us anywhere. So how about instead you shut your mouth and follow along," Jordan growled, his temper getting the best of him. He let go of Kevin and followed behind Will.
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    After being hit by the fireball Kevin instantly transformed into Jordan. Kevin was holding a fireball in his hand. Kevin threw it at Jordans back. " You know what I'll go find Pheobe on my own....no need for me to be here with a jerk like him on your side." Kevin said as he transformed back into himself. Kevin looked at Era then turned around and walked the other way. "Oh yeah Will tell Darius he can forget about me joining the Spades!" Kevin said as he raised his left hand as he walked off towards the exit.
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's bitter anger inside began boiling as his arms began to catch on fire. His arms weren't just on fire, but sparks of electricity were surging through them as well. He cracked his neck once and shot an electrified ball of fire at Kevin's back, shocking him and burning him. He continued throwing multiple blasts at him as he began walking toward him. "You know Kevin, right now you got my blood boiling to a degree that actually feels REALLY comfortable. So comfortable, in fact that I think I'll share it with you," Jordan screamed as his blasts got slightly bigger as his body temperature rose. "Oh that reminds me Kev, how does your body feel huh? You shapeshifting into me had to have done something to your body. Pretty hot huh? And the madder you get, the hotter you get!"
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin fell to the ground. His temperature began to rise at extreme extents. Kevin turned over on his back and shot off a huge bolt of lighting at Jordan hitting him directly in the chest. Kevin then got up from off the ground and transformed into Jordan. " If it's a fight you want....well you got it" Kevin said as his arm light on fire. Kevin punches Jordan in the face with his left hand then punched him the stomach with the right. Then let off a blast with his left hand directly into Jordan's stomach. " Cmon Jordan Fight Back!" Kevin yelled out as his temperature rose up 200 degrees.

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