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noz's characters~

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cameron, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Jaxx from the RP Rising Force

    Faction: Bellato

    Name: Jaxx

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Bio/Personality: A person who's very close friends with Nathan. As being a friend of Nathans's from the childhood he had a chance to gain additional training and he's one of the most fastest ones in his faction. Unlike Nathan, Jaxx doesn't like to use the sniper always, only on missions where he has to kill, fast. He prefers to use explosives, two pistols at once or at close combat his machete or billhook.

    Weapons: Pistols, machete, AK-47, billhook, explosive traps

    Skills/Specialty: Warrior class. Knows something of spiritual enlightment. Master at speed, especially in martial arts and using two weapons at once. When in close combat, using only one weapon at a time (his machete or billhook) he can focus his strength but his speed is decreased. Expert in swordplay, and Jaxx can cast explosions from underground. His psychical power is low but it's counterblanced by his high endurance.


    Obsession from the RP Neo Organisation XIII

    Name: Obsession
    True Name: Kh'ela (last name unknown)
    Height: 5”9
    Weight: 161 lbs
    Gender: Male
    Age: 28, 26 when became a heartless
    Faction: The Hallowed
    Member Title: The Dark Eternal
    Member Number: I
    Birthplace: Radiant Garden (human), End of the World (can mean almost any place, but I'm meaningthe one in KH1, heartless)

    Personal Treasure(s): His "carneval" styled mask. It changes shapes at the times when he's angry or having other feelings. When he's calm like most of the times the mask has an appereance like in the pic.

    Likes: When his subordinates accomplish something.
    Dislikes: When they don't. Also, if his plans are ruined.

    Weapon(s): Whip that is completely formed of darkness and a dagger like weapon with extended handle.

    Ability: High Jump, Dark Firaja, Dark Blizzaga, Dark Thundaja, superhuman strength and reflexes.

    Lesser Heartless: Invisible

    Ultima Form: Obsession's Ultima Form is an outfit like of old carnival suite. His weapons combine into one (a blade which has a whip at the other point) but as in the normal form of Obsession the whip is formed of darkness, so is the blade in the Ultima Form. He uses much of the magics he knows and doesn't do occasionally melee attacks.

    Bio: After the attack of the Heartless to the Radiant Garden, Kh'ela was one of the survivors from the world and he travelled to Traverse Town. As because of his curious nature he did research on the Heartless and the more he tried to understand them, the more the people of Traverse Town started to despise him and tell him to stop his experiments. Kh'ela didn't want to listen but one night when he wake up from his sleep, his laboratory was set in flames and Kh'ela had to escape from Traverse Town. He travelled through many worlds only to express how he would hate everyone and he began soon a moment by moment to lose his mind. As he travelled around the worlds he would find himself in Hollow Bastion, where he discovered the mysterious mask. He began to call himself "The Jester" and was in the edge of losing his mind completely when he arrived to a world that was in a brink of destruction. There he regained some of senses but it was too late; as he made a single step the darkness consumed him and eventually he became a Heartless.

    By the fall of Organization XIII, he began slowly day by day to turn into a more human form. As he was a Invisible the transformation for him was slow and painful. After he had regained his human form he was impressed by what he wasturned into and started to search for more like him. As the leader of the Hallowed he acts calm and completely different like in his past. He still has sometimes insane way of thinking but regardless of that, he is respected by most of his faction members.


    Jake from the RP KHPlanet School

    Name/Nickname (First name or member name): Janne, but since it's a finnish name the nickname could be Jake
    Age: 16
    Classes taking: Math, English, Biology, Drama, Psychology, Music
    Appearance: (A description, anime look a like or real picture): Long and brown hair, tall, around 6.8 feet, dresses in black. Has a little brown beard.


    Renadus from the RP Keyblade Academy: Remnants


    Name: Renadus, but students most of the time call him as "Ren" or "unca-Ren"

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Personality: Althought most of the time he is serious, students love him for his use of humor. He spends most of the time in his dark office doing his own paperwork and experiments but no one know quite what is he searching. Most of the time he acts calm but if one of his students is placed into danger, he takes action as in a state of rage.

    Weapon: Due to his recent loss of his Keyblade he uses a spear which has blade at the other point of it. He uses his almost superior speed to attack enemies rather that using force - he only uses the blade of the spear when he sees that it's necessary to end life. IMAGE

    Magic/Powers/Abilities: He has mastered the power of Aero, and uses it's almost in every battle. He also has a hold of power of darkness in a very lightly way, but of this no one knows but Riku and Mickey. His most noticeable power is his speed which he uses constantly to defeat his enemies rather than using his powers. He uses High Jump most of the time and he has ability to glide, but only for a moment.

    Biography: As being an old friend of Sora from his countless journeys, he was asked to teach the way of fighting to the students at the academy. He also teaches the students how to synthesize items. Ren and Sora have a never ending competition of almost everything. He seems to know Hades.

  2. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Zodi from the Chasing Destiny RP

    Name: Zodi

    Sex: Male

    Age: 18

    Persona: Quiet, determined and strong in mind.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Keyblade/Abilities: Follow the Wind [​IMG]
    Uses all of the simple magics but favors ice the most. Likes usually make counter strikes and dodges in the battle than just rushing to his opponents.

    Role: Maleficent's apprentice

    Bio: Thought Zodi is quite anti-social, he respects his comrades and his master, Maleficent. His background is shady but it rounds up in a murder scene, where someone murdered his whole family. He frenzied, and killed the murdered and tortured him for hours. As found by Maleficent, he was trained well and by reasons unknown, he gained ability to wield the Keyblade.

    Other: Enjoys any kind of music that's available. He smokes too.


    Nate and Fora from the Neo Organization RP

    Name: Nate


    True Name: Tenate Mi'hail
    Height: 5"9
    Weight: 160 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Faction: The Hollowed
    Member Title: The One for the Sun
    Member Number: IV

    Birthplace: Claims to be Deep Jungle but only Obsession and Forta seems to know that it's a lie and where he's really from.
    Personal Treasure(s): A golden necklace which has a round picture of his former family. He has a tattoo under his throath which says "Sarah".
    Likes: Goofing around teasing Sorrow and Forta
    Dislikes: When Reaper tries to kill him after some stupid joke.
    Weapon(s): A blue, katana like weapon and throwing knifes.
    Ability: Nate uses his abilities mostly for combat and knows only few simple dark spells. He has a ability to cast berserk but in that state he doesn't care about who's enemy or ally.
    Lesser Heartless: Neoshadows

    Ultima Form: Nate has a simple Ultima Form, as he gains five more swords to use in battle and his swordmanship is higly raised. He has the ability to use modified berserking which he targets now only at the enemy with much power, and it raises each time he charges. His speed and endurance are raised too, but they won't build up like strength.

    Bio: As found by Obsession, Nate had wandering around the worlds for some time to get an answer what is he. But always when Nate arrived somewhere, he was despised and people started to gather bounties for his head. Many treasure hunters went after him and he battled with them constantly. When Obsession found out that he was a heartless, now in human form, Nate joined the faction soon after hearing what he was. Nate has great respects for Obsession and he sees Forta as his little brother since they both have similarity at appereance.


    Name: Fora


    True Name: Fora Renea
    Height: 5"7
    Weight: 152 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Faction: The Hollowed
    Member Title: The Light
    Member Number: VIII

    Birthplace: As a Angel Star, Forta formed to his human form in a End of the World, just like Obsession in his state of Invisible.
    Personal Treasure(s): A ring which has some writing inside it. Forta doesn't understand the writing and wants to know it whereaouts.
    Likes: Spending time with Nate.
    Dislikes: When he does something that he thinks as wrong.
    Weapon(s): A normal katana which has rune writing in it.
    Ability: Unlike Nate's abilities, Forta uses much magic in combat instead of using the sword. He has the best healing skills in his faction and he controls over light, despite being Heartless. He uses the power of the sun in his attacks and disliked to use the Dark magics, althought Obsession has instructed to use them. He has a ability glide for only a little while.
    Lesser Heartless: Angel Hearts

    Ultima Form: Only change in Fora's appereance that he gains angelic wings and has the abilityto glide for a long time. Due to this, his speed is raised and his magics are more powerful but he gains no additional attack/strength bonus.

    Bio: Fora doesn't remember much of his past and always is trying to find something about his background. His only clue is the ring that he has, and Obsession knows something of it. As Nate sees Obsession as a fatherly figure and leader, Fora sees only a mere scholar just Xehanort in his times. He has no respect towards him but sticks in the faction because of Nate, since they seem to have family connection that is never proven right.

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