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Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by JordanKnight, Jun 3, 2007.

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  1. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    i know its overrated but i loved mewto i would only watch the episodes or movies with him in it
  2. maher23

    maher23 Member

    and i like mew! hehehe!!!!:)

    you know! i like the pokemon movei the revenge of mewtwo! the best part i like is the ending it makes me wanna cry! joke! it makes puke! but i think misty is hot!

    aw? come on! you know mewtwo is just a clone of mew! i rather watch ash and his pokemon cause his goos! and im like him you know!:D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2007
  3. sam_samantha

    sam_samantha Guest

    um its the other way around mew was a clone of mewtwo you just keep dreaming lol
  4. Leon

    Leon New Member

    I always thought Mew could pwn Mewtwo
  5. Angel of Oblivion

    Angel of Oblivion New Member

    this waz probably the first anime i saw when i waz little ^-^''

    i waz so attached to it and wanted the cards and to see the movies and stuff ^o^

    i dont really watch it anymore and hav moved on but i still play the games! ^.~
  6. Misa Misa

    Misa Misa New Member

    It's retarded. It's characters do obvious things and make themselves look like idiots.
  7. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ its probably because the anime is aimed at a younger audience.
  8. maher23

    maher23 Member

    yeah right! all the pokemon fans know that mewtwo is a clone of mew's fossil!
  9. khnite

    khnite Member

    Pokemon!!! <3 I love it so much. My favorite pokemon is Dragonite. i have a plushie of it.
  10. maher23

    maher23 Member

    i love pokemon deoxys!
  11. Leon

    Leon New Member

    My most favorite Pokemon r Ninetales Mew and Blazikin
  12. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Dratini is the best.
  13. Leon

    Leon New Member

    Well Dragonite is pretty cool
  14. maher23

    maher23 Member

    but i bet me and pikachu can win to the worlds pokemon leauge!
    right pikachu? PIKA!!!!!!
  15. Leon

    Leon New Member

    ^^Lol yeah if it's ash's Pikachu...It must be up to a level billion by now...
  16. maher23

    maher23 Member


    excuse me? do you know whom your chatting with? :confused:
    I ASH klimpton the future pokemon master! hmwahahahaha!!!!:D
    alright pikachu! thundershock! and direct hit to charlizard now!!!!
    game over!:D
  17. Snow

    Snow New Member

    I love the games but the anime is just really not much of an anime.
  18. axelvs.riku

    axelvs.riku Member

    the games are ok
  19. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ The games are a part of my early childhood. I love pokemon games.

    But the anime wore off for me.
  20. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    I did like this show... but I kinda dont like it now..
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