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Tash Sultana

Discussion in 'Music & Industry' started by Become, May 11, 2018.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Over the past 3-5 years, Melbourne-based musician and performer Tash Sultana has been making waves throughout the music scenes in both her home country of Australia, and around the globe. Presently 22 (going on 23) years old, she began her musical journey when she was gifted a guitar at the age of three; since then she has taken it upon herself to learn upwards of about 20 instruments, including: guitar, bass, trumpet, flute, piano, percussion... I could go on, but I think the picture is pretty clear. All of these, in addition to her skill as a singer and songwriter, as well as developing a knowledge for production and electronic effects.

    Having slipped into a drug addiction, and consequently, psychosis at the age of 17, music became a means of therapy for her, and upon her recovery, she turned to busking (street performing) as a means of making a living for herself while engaging in her passion for music. Her career soared from there, through viral videos, such her "Live Bedroom Recordings" shot entirely within her home. Viral success quickly gave way to an EP release in 2016, and a world tour in 2017.

    Her songs "Jungle" and "Notion" in particular have become hallmarks of her set list thus far.

    Tash busking in Melbourne ("Notion")

    Tash performing "Blackbird"

    As a live performer, Tash is known as a one-woman band, utilizing live looping effects to achieve the effect of actually having a full band backing her. But her use of effects can't be allowed to fool anyone: Tash has legitimate musical chops on her learned instruments. Her live performances are as much a visual show as they are musical. Her physical engagement exudes an immense stage presence, and a raw, unrestrained passion for her art.

    At as young an age as she is, if Tash can retain her creative freedom, unrestrained by influence from a managerial or industry influence, I can only foresee her becoming even greater a musician. She is easily in position to be remembered as one of the most accomplished artists of her (come to think of it, mine as well) generation.
    Angel and Taboo Sho like this.
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Just to curb anyone that might be in doubt of her instrumental versatility... Synergy, and Gemini; both from the Bedroom Recording videos and both featuring her musical aptitude beyond guitar... the solo at the end of Synergy is especially striking.

  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Very well written!

    She's definitely talented. I don't think she's a strong singer though. Her instrumental talents definitely far succeeds her vocal skills.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I can definitely agree with you on that point of relativity. Her skill as an instrumentalist outshines her vocal abilities. But she's by no means "weak" in terms of her vocals. Not from my perspective anyways.

    Mind us all, the material I've shared is older. I've been steadily catching up with her performances.

    I've never been a big fan of watching most concert footage (unless it's something official from the artist or recorded with a higher quality device (ie not just a cell phone). The quality tends to get lost between subpar equipment and the vibe of the audience around the person recording.

    But, she's only been getting better, so far as I've seen. I'm actually catching her live next week at a festival. So I'll experience firsthand where she's at these days.
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Saw her live on Friday at the Governor's Ball Music Festival in NYC.

    She held up to all of the hype, and then some. Epic performance.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Dropping this here because I'm hyped AF for it... FIRST FULL LENGTH ALBUM DROPPING NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!​
  7. deltamind

    deltamind New Member

    Music is actually a cure for a lot of diseases, it proves how strong words and tunes can be. Amazing to read about her!
    Become likes this.
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Equally, maybe more so, remarkable (and downright amazing), is what Tash's music has done for those that have heard it. Just about everywhere I've been listening, and among other fans that I've been networking with, there seem to be legions of people who have been positively and profoundly impacted through Tash and her music.

    I've never seen anything quite like it in my lifetime.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    For anyone who's eyed this thread with any interest: Tash is set to drop her debut full-length album Flow State, on August 31st. She's been steadily unveiling a few of the singles from the album over the course of past two months.

    "Salvation" an entirely new song, dropped back in June.

    Last month, a 'studio' recording of one of Tash's older pieces, "Harvest Love" was released; rather fittingly to Tash's way of doing things, the song was actually recorded in the lounge room of Tash's home (just a little fun fact).

    A third single, "Free Mind" is poised to be unveiled this coming Thursday (August 16th) at 5PM AEST (which translates to 3AM EDT, for those of us in the USA). It'll be heard first in Australia's triple j radio station.

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