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Uh, hi...?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RealmoftheDragons, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. RealmoftheDragons

    RealmoftheDragons New Member

    Hi, guys, I'm new here!
    If you wanna ask m any questions don't be afraid!


    Drawing, I'm really good at it, too, but I only have one art style!
    Cartoons, I just keep getting better and better! ;)

    Music, I love music! I mostly like playing the keyboard, but I really don't like singing.

    Well, that's all about me!
    Like I said before, if you have ay questions just ask! :D
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    First mistake: Introducing yourself with a question. This makes you sound uncertain. Avoid it at all costs.
  3. RealmoftheDragons

    RealmoftheDragons New Member

    Come on, I can't make a joke?
    I hate it when people have no sense in humor...
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2012
  4. SUDoKu

    SUDoKu New Member

    I like you so far. Welcome to the forum. I recently moved here from Albuquerque and have set up shop. So..."what are ya buyin'?"
  5. Noir


    Welcome to KHPlanet.
    Enjoy your time of stay here.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ^_^ Which cartoons? I love cartoons and music. I am SummonerBrandon. Very nice to meet you.
  7. RealmoftheDragons

    RealmoftheDragons New Member

    Well, I can draw Naruto characters, and maybe KH if I tried. That's the kind of cartoons I can draw!
    But if you mean Spongebob or something then...yeah, I can draw him too!
  8. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Welcome ^_^
    If you're confident enough, then post your drawings in the Traditional Showcase section and we'll tell you what we think.
    Have fun.
  9. Bhae

    Bhae New Member

    Sounds like fun. I dabble in drawing myself. Mostly sketching, though.
  10. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    As do I. But I'm way too lacking in confidence in sketching to ever post my work.

    RealmoftheDragons, what's your favourite art style?
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it here.
  12. RealmoftheDragons

    RealmoftheDragons New Member

    Well, I made my own kind of art style I guess, if you wanna see some I can show it to you...
    But I guess I like Kingdom Hearts' art style.

    Though I haven't memorized any characters design yet! XD
    I like Dragonball/Z/GT's art style, too, and Pokemon's I guess. Those are good.
  13. SUDoKu

    SUDoKu New Member

    Have you ever dabbled in One Piece styled drawing? I try to get close to it, but I still suck at drawing.
  14. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Welcome, why haven't I seen this a while ago, well, better late than never?

    Welcome, have fun here andd if you have ANY questions or if you just wish to have a chat, I'm am here :D
  15. RealmoftheDragons

    RealmoftheDragons New Member

    Thanks for the welcome...
    But, um, no...I never tried that, I'm not a fan of One Piece.

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