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The Ven/Roxas Connection

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by Desert Warrior, Sep 2, 2008.

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  1. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member


    wtf? Think outside the box? I am!!
    First off, everything you just said proves my point. What Nomura says he doesn't want us to pay attention to is most likely what he plans on putting in the series. He just doesn't want us to figure it out yet. Usually its nothing big, lie the Namine and Kairi connection. My little sister could figure that one out, and all she does is watch me play! So its not like it s much, but lets be "open minded" and asume the possibility that Soras parents are in bbs
  2. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    its always possible,though highly unlikly,that ven is sora's dad.kids can have more kids at 12,though thats obiouvsly not a good idea.Ventus being his brother makes some sense though,and its possible that he forgot.as you guys said,sora is 4 in BBS,and Ven could have left before he was born.Might have gone to Destiny Island to see how his family was doing before being asked to be erased.and Terra being sora's dad could work too.while sora's keyblades come out in a light,roxas looks,sometimes,like how terra brings out his.course,that was data,so mabye birth by sleep is all data?before light and dark,there was tons of data!ok,mabye not,but hey,its a game,anything is possible.
    If there are any family relationships,we might find out in BBS,we might get no info to tell us whether or not they exist.till then,speculate!you might get it right.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  3. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Ven's Sora's brother. I don't think terra has a family connection to Riku. Thats just me. Also, Ansem the Wise could be Kairi's grandfather. just theories
  4. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    no that (the kairi one),i can see as being right.though he looks good if he is a grandfather.
  5. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member


    WHAT DA F?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

    Yeah, he's the grandpa of Kairi... I think. MY THEORY!!!!!
  6. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    i actually have another theory of roxas and ventus that i just thought up of 30 minutes ago (sorry if anyone else already had this and put it down,i didnt steal it,just thought of it) ok,so when sora became a heartless,his body and soul dissapeared to somewhere,but before the soul could start the body again to make it a nobody,kairi's light brought back the soul,body,and heart to it.however,it didnt bring the whole heart,only half of it.the other half instead wandered around,trying to find body or kingdom hearts.it then somehow came upon ventus's body (somehow still around) and went into it,created the roxas we know,and was somehow brought to twilight town (or was just there the whole entire time).while it was ventus's body,being that memories are tied to the hearts,he had no memories about ventus's life,or sora's because of the way he was "born". then xemmy found him and we will know more in 358/2 days of his life after that.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Never heard that before. I like it.
  8. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    i like it too.course i would,but i say it anyway.wonder if it might end up being true though?
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Then congratulations on being one of the few to solve a mystery.
  10. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    that would be awsome,i actually did something with my life!anyway,anyone got any other theories?
  11. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    pretty god theory dualblade. But whos heart went into ventus body? Sora's? Or Kairi's (becasue Kairi's heart was in Sora in KH1). It must've been Sora's, otherwise how else would Roxas have the dreams of Sora's memories? So then in KH2, Sora had Kairi's heart in him the whole time!! weird....
  12. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Umm. No.

    Nomura said there are no family relationships in the KH series,with the exception of Kairi's grandmother. But she doesn't count because she's not apart of the KH series since she was never feature.

    Also if I remeber correctly, they showed Sora and Riku fighting on DI in the BBS trailer.
    Sora was 4, and Riku was 5. Also Ven was like 14. So that's wrong.
    Another reason to why Sora could wield the keyblade in the first place. Ven could have gotten erased by someone and gave his heart to Sora.

    In KH1 they showed Riku taking the KB from Sora, but he got it back. That is another reason why Terra in KH2FM+ thought that Sora was Xehanort because Sora could weild the keyblade in the first place.

    So no. There not related, also Nomura said that there two totally different people.
  13. roxasisamazing

    roxasisamazing New Member

    Sora isnt the original keyblade weilder, riku was supposed to get the keyblade, and its not possible for ATW to me MX... ATW was still a scientist at the time with his other apprentices
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2009
  14. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    I know, but Sora's heart that holds the memories locked away in it of Ven is the "key" to awakening Ven.

    No, as far as we know ATW became a scientist after he found Xhenahort. Also, even if they say he was a scientist before, maybe MX was a scientist of teh heart, and thats what led him into chaos, because thats what happened to ATW.
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Well they are Ven is connected to Roxas through sora.
    No it doesnt and let me explain that family has no importance in KH. Ven looks about 14 soras current age in KH and sora is 4 in bbs. Okay that would mean ven had sora when he was 10 which cant happen. Which i learned in health.
    Anyway like i said family has no importance in KH.
  16. sha19

    sha19 New Member

    Family dosent matter in the game but, they are all conneted some how thats manys no family in the game.
  17. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    I think Ven could quite possibly be Sora's older brother, and maybe Roxas's look is just a genetic throughback sorta thing.
  18. PaintedDragon

    PaintedDragon New Member

    I have no idea what connection Ven and Roxas have, but it's going to bug me until the game comes out in America.
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Nah, their wouldnt be a point in making Ven, Sora's brother.
  20. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Well there could be actually, though that is really doubtful
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