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How did you die most of the time?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Sephiroth X Slasher, Feb 20, 2008.

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  1. PaintedDragon

    PaintedDragon New Member

    Well, I didn't pay attention to my health and just went hacking and slashing through heartless. Then I wouldn't notice them sneak up on me when I was at less than half my HP until it was too late. The sad thing was, the Shadow Heartless always killed me that way. Sneaky little buggers... =(
  2. rikulover2323

    rikulover2323 New Member

    For me I know that the biggest thing that killed me the most is I became dependent on the other characters to fill my health, that way I didn't have to worry about it. But when they died I didn't pay attention and ended up dieing.
  3. donald

    donald New Member

    I normally run into battle and keep getting hit back and dying
  4. I can be totally honest in saying in KH2 i didnt die ONCE from heartless. I died 3 times from high level nobodies my first 2 times through the game but on my third i only died from bosses. oh that was on medium difficulty btw.
  5. Sephirothruler23

    Sephirothruler23 New Member

    i got killed in timeless river cus of the stupid
    car heartless cus hes invulnerable
    cept for one moment but it would be too far
    away. but id also die cus id face a boss
    when i was too weak cus id underestimate them.
  6. Soras Other #13

    Soras Other #13 New Member

    I die because of the really tough bosses, like the last battle with Xemnas, when you hafta get to Sora before he dies
  7. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    xaldin i think. he killed me
    well even mickey saved me it didn't helping at all in the end:(
  8. sora978

    sora978 New Member

    i only ever died 4 times once from seffire or what ever his name is twice from xemmis and once from a guy at hollow baston he had a HUGE sword
  9. RoxasxKairi

    RoxasxKairi New Member

    I had to fight the nobodies and Demyx for the LONGEST TIME. Like the nobodies that was before the Demyx fight, 2ND fight.
  10. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    It's sephiroth. Whoa, you spelled the name wrong!
    It's Xemnas, not xemnis!
  11. RoxasxKairi

    RoxasxKairi New Member

    The guy at Hollow Bastion was Demyx and it wasn't really a sword, he uses that as a guitar to bring water clones.
  12. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Thats how i died the most
    thats if you dont count my constant attempts at sephiroth
  13. I die most when the Wireless connection on my ps3 continuously plays up and i loose control of sora XD
  14. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    ive also died in Hollow Bastion cause i practicly killed my ps2 controller and it randomly turns off or the buttons didnt work

    so sora just stood there while getting attacked helplessly... then died

    but i got a new controller (i go through about 3 a month)
  15. worbs

    worbs New Member

    i got killed a few times in the fight against xigbar and once against luxford
  16. LOL!!!!! I almost died figthing Sephy.
  17. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    I used AR MAX, so I never died LOL
  18. Yes. . .good man, very good man.
  19. Axelsgirlfriend

    Axelsgirlfriend New Member

    stupid Luxord/Dancers/sephiroth

    Dude, you r sooo right. "Haha! stupid Luxord turns people to cards!! I can beat him eas..NOOOOO!!!!!" and, because im only a freakin' level 56, insted of flippin' recomended 80, (bosses r easy 2 beat, but you can't level up worth crap!) Sephiroth kills me. Stupid awesome/hot guy! And curse you Dancers!
  20. Axelsgirlfriend

    Axelsgirlfriend New Member

    Sorry bout the double-post, but also:
    You can't freakin' heal fast enough to beat people! its like *taptaptaptap*C'mpn im dyin here!! heal Darnit! *(even faster)taptaptaptap* NOOO!!!!!
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