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Create Your Own Form

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by lanihead7, Jun 19, 2007.

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  1. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

    Ultima Final Form- Sora simply changes in to the form with 2 keyblades with a 5x powerboost. Sora is invunerable and never stops attacking.

    Growth Ability: Ultima Drive: When in a form, drive gauge depletes 10x as fast with a 5x powerboost. When out of a form, drive gauge refills 2.5x as fast with a .75x powerboost. No other effect.
  2. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    mine would be a god form. it weilds 8 keyblades 6 keys constently flying around 3of those cast
    firaga allthe timeand the other3 cast blizzaga.the 6 are all ultama and he then in his hands he
    dual weilds oathkeeper and obivian.oh and he can fly:D
  3. Xigbar

    Xigbar New Member

    Prototype Form.

    Where you have a huge claw in one hand, and a spear that is your other arm. Then a devil wing and an angel wing. That would look nice. ;)
  4. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    Xigbar - i made a form like that before just that it wasnt for KH and i didnt have the claw & spear =P
  5. copycat414

    copycat414 New Member

    this was made in about thirty seconds
    the trinity form ,using all three of youre party members you gain the ability to use all trinity attacks using yourself and two trinity sora's (they look like the anti-form)and your attacks dont take mp but it takes 7 drive gauges and can only be used if your on crit hp
  6. Mon-sieur Bome

    Mon-sieur Bome New Member

    100 face form he can take the enemy form ^^
  7. Org. XIII Form
    (Only unlocked when you beat the game)

    When you transform, much like the Anti-form (meaning it's a roullete), it gives you one of the Org. XIII Weapons and abilities, plus thier specials, with Sora's little twist. Sora's weapon takes the form of the Org. weapon, but it is still a keyblade attached or still is. But there's a chance where if you get the XIII (Roxas) form, it's like a Nobodies Final form, allowing to take Roxas' look (But your in all white with the Nobodies design, with XIII inside, on your back) and his speed, It can be selected, but then you might transform to a..

    Nobody Form
    (When you've beaten at least 100 of each form, excluding Twilight Thorn)
    Much like the Anti-form, it's random, and you lose your magic, but your party is still with you, but you lose the ability to use limits. Your keyblades are still there, but they become your hands, giving a sort of martial arts way of fighting. You can glide, and one cool reaction command I made up is called One's Heart. If it's a heartless and not a boss, you go beserk, racking up hits and time, and the longer you stay in the form, the more powerful you get... Imagine using the Nobody form in the 1000 Heartless battle?​
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2007
  8. Kairi8013

    Kairi8013 Guest

    i would do a sailor senshi form strenths lasts for longer and magic is better weaknesses HP leval drops easy
  9. alexchewy

    alexchewy New Member

    death step form: 1 step and every enemy dies
  10. Lone21

    Lone21 New Member

    i would make the Blood Form he will be a vampire and have sephorths sword and have a red wing and a blue wing and hold a water and fire keblade floating behind him and he floats 5 feet off the floor and he can suck blood 2 gain HP and MP back lol
  11. Omega

    Omega New Member

    mine would be called omega form. his eyes would be evil looking and red and he has a blonde ponytail.
  12. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    i would make a chaser form. i mean, if ven (who looks exactly like roxas) looks good in armor, think of how sora would. he would have the same abilities, but, he'd be able to control anything around him. like the old geezer in the secret ending. he could also make a clone of himself. and of course, he be able to summon both ultima weapons from kh1 and kh2. basically, he would have more magic and powerful keyblades.
  13. Lurker77

    Lurker77 New Member

    Lucky Form

    Although it was weak phisical attack, he has a serious luck boost allowing you to get rare items more easiely. Wields one keyblade.

    Seven Seven Seven (Increases Luck)
    Mug (Enimies drop money when it with a finisher, bosses are immune.)
    Jackpot x 2
    Second Chance
    Once More
    Draw x 2
    Aerial Recovery

    How to Level Up: 1 EXP for Picking Up a Common Item, 2 EXP for Uncommon, 3 EXP for Rare

    White Form

    Wields no keyblades, but magic damage is multiplied by 1.5x. His attack is replaced by a small magic burst similar to Wisdom Form. Spells are raised an aditional level (Fire is Fira, Firaga is Firaja). Also learns Holy. Groth ability decreases MP cost for spells for this form only. Cure still takes all MP.

    Holy (Bursts of Rays Shine Down On the Target, 30 MP).

    Keyblade Zero (Can't equip keyblades.)
    Magic Boost (Magic damage x1.5)
    Burst Magic (Unlease burst magic. Replaces attack, cannot combo, counts as finisher.)
    Spell Level Boost (Spells go up a level.)

    MP Channel (-2 MP for LV 1, -3 for LV 2, -4 for LV 3, -5 for LV MAX.)

    Fire Boost
    Blizard Boost
    Thunder Boost
    MP Rage x 2
    MP Hasteja
    Magic Lock-On
    Leaf Bracer
    Aerial Recvery
    Second Chance
    Once More

    How to Level Up: 1 EXP for Each Spell Casted that Deals Damage or Heals an Ally.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2007
  14. kingdomkey94

    kingdomkey94 New Member

    assassin form:

    all black
    four keyblades and could use other peoples weapons

    heavenly strike(a wave of light destroys the enemy)
    deadly fate(enemy suffers a terrible fate)
    assassin strike(attacks with deadly strikes)
    obliteration(an explosive wave)
    oblivion(an attack that could mean the end of the world)
  15. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    i got another one :DSummoning Sorcerer Form:
    its basically a form that lets you call any heartless & nobodies to fight with you.
    your def, spd, & mp are 2x more and you get more magic spells such as ultima, demi, holy, meteor, flare, and so on.

    heres the other one Fighter Form:
    Sora's keyblades become gauntlets and has some armor on his body. his str, spd, & hp are increased drastically. he has special finishing combos and limits.
  16. thekeyblader

    thekeyblader New Member

    how about a form with a bunch keyblades floating around you and you can do awesome combos and stuff kind of like xaldin's lances but with keyblades
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2007
  17. Kairi008

    Kairi008 New Member

    King/Queen mode

    Kairi and Sora are in it together
  18. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Gunslinger mode, you wield two held keyblades about the size of the old peter pan keyblade, and they shoot rapid fire magic blasts (you can change the setting to fire, ice, thunder, and gravity) and the 2 keyblades can shoot different types. Normal magic is disabled. Runs/ jumps at valor form speeds.

    Weaknesses - No close range combat
    No normal magical spells.
  19. haris

    haris Guest

    I imagine the Mix-Form having two mistic keyblades which you find them with the Mix-Form in a mistic cave. The Mix-Form is also green with all the other forms' abilities. Do you find it cool?
  20. Graxe

    Graxe New Member

    random form:

    randomly drives sora into a form(one of the main 5)
    has same abilities(plus an extra growth ability), stats, etc. as the form drived into
    there's a chance of an instant KO while driving
    keeps both party members

    growth ability: deathproof
    lvl. 1- 15% chance of ignoring a KO(random form), 15% chance increase of not getting KO'd from driving into random form(normal sora)
    lvl. 2- 25% " "(" "), 25% " "(" ")
    lvl. 3- 50% " "(" "), 50% " "(" ")
    lvl. max- 75% " "(" "), 75% " "(" ")

    how to level up form: 1 exp for every complete use of this form
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2008
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