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Create A New Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Nova, Mar 25, 2008.

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  1. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    LOL so funny
  2. AJ64

    AJ64 New Member


    Name: Xenidus lord of the Darkness

    Age: ???

    Looks: a lot like xemnas but with black hair and black eyes and with big evil wings on his back wears a organization 13 hood but you don’t see much of his face with a big heartless symbol on his back

    Special Abilities: complete power over the darkness and ability to create heartless

    Character they are most like: xemnas

    Gender: male

    Short bio: since the birth of light there has always been darkness and evil lurking everywhere that is unseen by everything in people’s hearts the god of light marxen and xenidus has fought for so long for the hearts of the creatures in the world marxen beat xenidus in the end and punished him to spent all eternity in the world that never was when until ansem unlocked kingdom hearts he freed xenidus lord of the darkness and fused with ansem then when sora beat ansem he escaped ever since he was free he has been claiming people’s hearts to fuel him so that he could become whole again and to destroy the worlds

    Power Level: infinity

    Darkness or Light: pure darkness

    Other: he carries around a heart stealing keyblade and a scythe that have the power to steal people’s hearts instantly and turn them into heartless that are pure evil
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  3. Eternal Chronos

    Eternal Chronos New Member

    Looks:Shoulder-length blue and silver hair that is wavy at the bottom, white eyes(creepy), wears a black coat like organization members for a unknown reason(she isn't an organization member).
    Special Abilities: The ability to control time.
    Character they are most like:I don't know......
    Short Bio: Haxras, like Roxas, was originally a Keyblade wielder and the first light of day she saw was at Sunset Horizons(the place in the BBS trailers). She has a quiet and intelligent personality, but can be hyper when she has too much sugar(like me). Haxras is able to go backwards in time and forwards, though she is afraid to because she doesn't want to mess up the timeline and make everything change, so she only uses her powers when she absolutely has to. Once when she was trying to escape her purseurs(Organization XIII), she traveled back in time and met three young Keyblade Wielders on a journey to find some old man named Xehanort(DUN DUN DUN) :)
    Power Level: Depends on her emotions and thoughts.
    Darkness or Light: Both
    Other: She owns a Keyblade that looks similar to the Ultima Weapon(from KH2) but the colors are inverted. Has a secret crush on Roxas.
  4. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    ...Not that I should be doing this. However, I would like to know what other people think. So here goes.

    Name: Kasukedo (meaning behind name in Japanese--katakana); anagram version of actual name: Nenlyxan
    Age: 18
    Looks: Face hidden under hood for majority of the time; originally starts out as wearing traditional Organization garb with green converse (super high tops, of course, because those are clearly the best ^^); changes to green renaissance dress, and later to peach-colored renaissance dress. As for physical characteristics: when revealed, long dark brown pipe-curled hair (little past waist); dark brown eyes with reddish tint; petite frame/slender; height approx. 4'4".
    Special Abilities: Memory. Anything from memory can be used, such as weaponry, fighting tactics, etc. Kind of like mimicry, I guess, in a sense.
    Character they are most like: Axel...strangely enough...
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: Comes to KH from a different world in order to figure some things out, to research, and prove some things...such as Nobodies having hearts...anyway, attempts to relate to the characters. Knows too much for her own good, way to curious for her own good. Becomes friends with many of the characters, but most in depth with Axel.
    Power Level: ...well, threatening to destroy Kingdom Hearts and actually being able to carry through that threat would mean having a considerable amount of power, no?
    Darkness or Light: Resu light, but severe struggle with both twilight and darkness, like Axel. Go figure...
    Other: Tessen (fighting fans) is preferred weapon, though often chooses not to fight. Plays by rules: no warping and no weapons rule most common. Can wield Keyblade, but chooses not to. Random and quirky in a good way (if that makes any sense to you all), enjoys acrobatics when in combat.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Seya

    Age: 17

    Looks: Long Blondish hair and eyes so bright blue that they almost look silver. She usually pulls her hair into a messy bun and puts a bandana on to keep her hair out of her face. She has round facial fetures and full lips. She has a petete body frame and doesn't exactly have an hourglass figure. She has pale skin and wears a pair of blue jeans and a light blue tank top. She wears a black cloth tied just above her right knee over her pants and she stands at about 5 ft 2 in.

    Specail Abilities: She has one special ability called 'Never ending light' in which she holds her hands out in front of her and says an incantation in her native tongue. A blast of light and energy comes from everywhere and temporarily blinds and deffens her enemies. Also, the wether seems to be connected with her mood oddly enough.

    Character they are most like: Riku

    Gender: Female

    Short bio: She has lived alone for as long as she can remember. She lives in Hollow Bastion and often goes to visit Leon and the gang when she has nothing better to do. She finds some kind of thrill when hunting for high level heartless and nobodies and people pay her to track some sertain species sometimes so she often hangs around moogles because they pay her often for getting rare synthesis items off of high level enemies she kills. I guess you could call her a bounty hunter and a mercenary. She is pretty cocky of her abilitys in fighting and gun handeling and she claims to have never lost a fight before in her life. But underneith all of this self confidence and rude selfish behavior, she likes to be around people who care. She has slight abandonment issues and often tends to rebel against athority.

    Power Level: 78

    Darkness or Light: Twilight

    Other: She can handle any weapon that is put in her hands and she is a fast learner. Because of her small body, she can fit into tight spaces quite easily and she is more stealthy than even some of the most highly trained assasins. Though her biggest weakness is a slight handicap on her right leg. She walks with a slight limp sometimes when the past injury is kicked or in other ways injured.
  6. Kiarra

    Kiarra New Member

    i wanna create a charcter but im new here and i really dont know what to do. can anyone help me out?
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Hmm... This sounds like the opposite of my character.

    Anyways, just follow this template:

  8. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Name: Xilor

    age: 15

    look:his hair like luxord but have pony in his front hair with silver color and his face like xemnas but have red colored eye and wear organization hood but have silver color

    special abillity: power to control gravity

    characters they are most like: saix but more arrogant


    short bio: his somebody (Rilo) was a friendly boy who lived in radiant garden, but since heartless invasion, he left his hometown to tranverse town, he became hate everything except himself, then he became heartless that named phantom (neverland...). and his nobody, xilor have more arrogant than him, and unknownly have power to control gravity, but he doesn't want to join organization even xemnas himself invited him, and he is last seen in the world that never was, unknownly what happened to him

    darkness or light: twillight (he is nobody, y'know?)

    power level: 66

    other: he carries a weapon named twillight space that looked like a long rod with nobody emblem that could change the gravity level. like 100x or even 1000x
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008
  9. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    i used gravity because all of sora's magic is used except reflect, gravity, and cure
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    How come I never see any of this stuff before? Anyways, seems fun, why not. :D

    Name: Sarah

    Age: 14

    Looks: Hair like Kairi's but the color of Sora's. Dark blue crystal color eyes. Kind of tall and skiny. Tan capris like Olette's, a shirt like Olette's but aqua ocean blue. A seashell necklace/ chocker. Kairi's necklace from kh1.

    Specail Abilities: All of Sora's. Can do the disappear puff like Yuffie. Can create light portals like the organization, but light.

    Character they are most like: Most like Sora, because she's outgoing and wants to have fun. She can also joke around. Can be a little stupid at times as well. She can also be like Kairi mature.

    Gender: female

    Short bio: Sarah is a girl who recently moved to Destiny Island from Twilight Town. She misses Twilight Town, but she made new friends with Sora and the gang. She is almost like a guy and will do the sword fights with them, she did struggle battles back in Twilight Town as well. She though keeps hiding something, she won't let anybody know. Her parents to look alot like Sora and Kairi (wink wink)

    Power Level: Well I'm 100 on KH1, so why not a 100.

    Darkness or Light: Light

    Other: Look at wink wink
  11. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Name: Rexov
    Age: 16 years old
    Looks: Eragon/Roxas
    Special Abilities: Can Summon a Giant Sword, make himself look like a werewolf kinda sorta, and can manipulate a matter less fire that desinigrates almost anything, and dissappears after being exposed to Oxygen in 5 seconds. Can fly. Can see things really far away (like X-ray vision kinda sorta). Knows the truth i peoples hearts, detects lies easily.
    Character they are most like: Roxas and Riku
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: His Father ran away when he was young, his mom in captivity by a Heartless group called "The Creo", and has been raised by a Heartless mother that looks identical to his real mom. When he was 16, his whole village was destroyed by Nobodies and the Orginization. He didn't know why. His mom exposed herslf to him, showing she was really a Heartless, and he was called a monster for the powers He got on his 16th birthday. He hides, waiting for them all to return for revenge.
    Power Level: from 1-100, 101.
    Darkness or Light: Dusk
    Other: Using him as a charcter for my sereies called the Fowl, don't steal him.
  12. megacody2

    megacody2 New Member


    Name: Xeroz

    Age: 17

    Looks: he wears glasses, wears an organization XIII robe, has hair like Riku’s only the color is black, he's 5'9 ,green eyes, average weight for a 17 year old

    Special Abilities: able to cast stronger magic than the strongest lvl of magic(example firaga,curaga,ect)

    Character they are most like: Leon(Squall) because he is pretty laid back but when he wants 2 he can fight

    Gender: Male

    Short bio:Xeroz is the nobody of Zero,a really strong warrior,and he is almost never caught without a book. He uses the book to cast his spells, but when he fights, he summons the oblivion keyblade. His mortal enemy(s) is Org. XIII.He worked 4 them at first but then he turned against them by attacking and almost killing Xemnas. After the Attack he had to fight them all by himself and he beat X of the XIII members,the 2 he didnt beat was Xemnas, Roxas and Axel. He escaped from the fight before he was 100% destroyed. He then ended up on a world consumed by darkness. He has been fighting heartless since he got there and he has became very strong.

    Power Level: Really strong against both beings from the realm of light and being from the realm of darkness. Strength of magic 10 out of 10

    Darkness or Light: Twilight leading to darkness

    Other: Fights using oblivion keyblade and his book. Even though he is a nobody he has a heart.
  13. Suicidal_Romance

    Suicidal_Romance New Member

    I guess I could tell you about Sage.

    Name: Sage
    Age: 15
    Looks: Shoulder-length blonde hair, wears a slanted black bandana around right eye, one eye blue and one eye red, wears black leather most of the time, has the Heartless symbol on her right arm
    Special Abilities: Fire
    Character they are most like: Axel, Xion
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: Sage is a Nobody who was created from the dark side of Kairi's heart at the same time as Namine, making Sage commonly known as Namine's "twin".
    She can manipulate time, fire, and darkness and has a mysterious connection with Riku, much like Namine with Sora.
    Power Level: 10-10, 100
    Darkness or Light: Lost within herself
    Other: Sage stayed with the Organization for awhile at Castle Oblivion, but left to find the truth about herself.

    Sage can control the Oathkeeper Keyblade and the Oblivion Keyblade, much like Roxas.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2008
    Mythril Roxas likes this.
  14. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Character Most like should actually be Xion and Axel, because her bio sounds like Xion totally!!
  15. Suicidal_Romance

    Suicidal_Romance New Member

    I know I already have Sage, but I thought of another Kingdom Hearts character a few days ago.
    I was thinking what would have happened if Riku had a Heartless.

    Name: Anti-Riku
    Age: 16
    Looks: Hair just like Riku's, Red eyes, Black and Purple striped shirt, Black jeans, two Black cross tattoos over her eyes
    Special Abilities: Can weild the Way To The Dawn keyblade
    Character they are most like: Riku
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: Anti-Riku was created when Ansem took over Riku's heart with darkness, she wasn't created like other Heartless, much like Namine wasn't created like other Nobody's.
    Power Level: 10-10, 100
    Darkness or Light: Darkness
    Other: It is unknown why Anti-Riku is a girl, the main possibility would be that she was created from some of Riku's memories of Kairi.

    Anti-Riku's Way To The Dawn keyblade.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2009
  16. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Name: Gly

    Age: 16


    -Hair Color: Silver

    -Eye Color: Dark Blue

    -Torso: Gly wears a brown-leather overcoat that falls to his knees, also, the back of his overcoat goes all the way down to his ankles and has a short rim. His overcoat is always zipped up- so no one knows what's under it.

    -Lower Body: Gly wears blue-plaid sailor pants that go up to his ankles.

    -Shoes: Gly wears boots that meet with the bottom of his overcoat at the knee. The boots are long, they're black, and leather with 5 buckles to make the boot literally cling on to the back of his calf.

    Special Abilities: Glide, Wisdom Shot, and Wisdom Action

    Character they are most like: King Mickey (AKA: Determined)

    Gender: Male

    Short Bio: Gly grew up in Twilight Town, and always messed around with his friends. It was until he took the wrong train to Sunset Terrace, and ended up at the Fabled Countryside.
    Mickey and Gly talked since Gly knew too much already by just being there- and Mickey thought of raising Gly to be his apprentice. Gly soon learned magic spells from his master, and even though he doesn't wield a keyblade- he can still use them with great power.

    Power Level: 85/100

    Darkness or Light: Light

  17. angelXboy

    angelXboy New Member

    Name : BranMan
    Age: 13
    Gender: Male
    Looks: Pink Fluffy Bunny With Tuxedo, Dress Shoes, and some pimpin shades
    Special Abilities(all dmg listed may sound low but im just using 100 hp as reference and defense is just average. All melee attacks of BranMan he will usually rush up to you or teleport to you before starting attack)

    Omega Pistol:Englargens his pistol to a rocket launcher/minigun/ laser/ grenade/ Everything harmfulnator shooter and fires it all at once-Dmg-50

    Teleport Flipkick: teleports in front of you, stuns you jumps up at your face and does a
    rapid flipping kick combo-5 dmg each hit

    Dagger Combo: Does a break dance while hitting you with daggers and finishes with an AoE which flings daggers at all directions like with Warden from warcraft 3 .5 dmg each hit Finisher 15 dmg

    Rapid Shockwave Pounce: Bounces around causing powerful shockwaves doing 30 dmg each

    Mecha Bunny: All clothing article of BranMan becomes all cyber techy gizmo type and allows a larger range of attacks-Uses this about 3/4 of his health gone

    Laser Shades: shoots 3 hits of lasers out of his pimpin shades 20 dmg each hit

    Sonic Scream: Screams and stuns you for 5 seconds allowing to unleash a good combo-20 dmg solid

    Mouth Laser: Shoots a huge 10 feet radius laser out of BranMan's mouth - at LEAST 60 dmg usually 80 dmg

    Lightsaber Combo: Has four activated lightsabers floating like in Sora's final form and does some crazy moves with it - each lightsaber hit will do at LEAST 10 dmg but will hit you ALOT

    House of Flying Harmful Stuff: Makes a portal that shoots everything harmful imaginable and unimaginable thing possible out of it and scatters around the room-will use this alot throughout the battle - dmg: 1 each object that hits you but becareful there are alot of objects


    Gods thumb: Totally Obliterates You with the power of god- uses this when only 1 life left( you must be lucky to interrupt him by doing 1000 dmg within 10 seconds)

    Character most like: this character is totally unique

    Short Bio: Out of the deepest depths of hell spawns the cutest but most dangerous mammal ever. BranMan. His only objective is to destroy all non Bunnies and recreate the world into a Bunny utopia. It is said that in his time in hell he proved the devil that he was a good boy(he faked it) and got sent to heaven and became a good boy there that he gets one wish from god and he wished for ULTIMATE POWER

    Power Level: Infinite

    Darkness or Light: screw this dark and light and all this stupid mumbo jumbo he is a bunny

    Other: One thing he is afraid of is his older Brother Branithus Manathor IX
    his brother is far more devestating but god was fortunate enough to catch him off his guard and seal him up forever
    but no one knows if he will ever come back and finish BranMan AND God off
    thats right God( god will need all the training he can get)

    Since this is a kingdom hearts 3 forum i made BranMan up pretending he is a boss fight
  18. yuffie

    yuffie New Member

    Age: Unknown, but still young
    Looks: Right hand has a rocket, blonde hair
    Special Abilities: Gliding, has a wind ability (tornados etc.)
    Character they are most like: Larxene
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: Someone killed her parents and someone take care of her. But the caregiver was from Dark side. So, she was, too.
    Power Level: Pretty strong, she uses her wind ability and 3 circle weapons [​IMG] (One in her neck, that is big, and 2 in her legs, smaller...)
    Darkness or Light: Darkness

    I haven't really figure out so much of her... :)
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Listen your idea on voting this is a great idea, but your spamming up this thread. If you'd like to do this idea, I or you can set up a thread in spam city, because it'll probaly fill with spam very fast.
  20. RoxasxKairi

    RoxasxKairi New Member

    Name: Alyson
    Looks: long hair/layered, bangs, she has brown hair
    Special Abilities: She can use the power of the sun, sending beams and lazers of light to attack enemies, teleports.
    Character they are most like: Riku, she is tempted by the darkness.
    Gender: female
    Short bio: She lost her parents when she was a baby and is desperatly trying to find them, she thinks they might be lost somewhere in the darkness. she feels depressed almost all the time and she only has her friends for support.
    Power Level: 60
    Darkness or Light: Light
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