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pc or mac?

Discussion in 'General' started by Maria, Jun 6, 2007.

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  1. Maria

    Maria New Member

    I'm going to buy a new laptop soon and I was wondering if it was worth it to get a Mac instead... the two laptops I have a choice between are the same price... and actually the Mac has better hardware... still, though. Anyone want to contribute their two cents?
  2. Unknown 22

    Unknown 22 New Member

    All I'm going to say is don't get the Mac. A lot of people don't like it. I really hate it, but then again it's your choice. Good luck!
  3. Maria

    Maria New Member

    Haha, alright. Any particular reason though? Is it because they crash or you don't like the way the OS is set up? Chances are, I'd still be using Windows on it (lol Mac with Windows) but the more-hardware-for-same-price dealie makes it a little tougher, bleh...
  4. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Mac's are almost virus-free entirely.

    If you find those a problem for you...then get a Mac.

    Also, mac's (as far as I know) have very nice interfaces. That's merely my opinion, however.

    I'd recommend a Mac, but doing that would mean I'd be partially responsible if you don't like it.
  5. Unknown 22

    Unknown 22 New Member

    It's not real bad, but they don't always last and some people that I've talked to had problems with it...
  6. Maria

    Maria New Member

    Haha, don't worry about that.

    I knew about the virus-free argument, which I've never really had a problem with on PCs (but I've never really opened myself to them I guess...), but it's another thing I wouldn't have to worry about.

    With this whole Boot Camp thing Apple has going, I'd probably use Windows for work and the Mac OS for... well, everything else. I like the Mac OS okay but I've never been a regular user of Macs so that's why I was worried about the stability of them in general.

    Yeah, a friend of mine has a problem with hers but it was after some upgrade that wasn't compatible... and it never worked right again, but she said it was great before that... and the thing is like 8 years old anyway lol. I mean, I've had good luck with PCs except once, but I've never had a laptop before, only desktops >.<; I guess that's part of the reason why I'm still confused...
  7. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    I got a PC. My friend has a mac and she says it's pretty hard because not all software/games etc work on mac. Therefor I'd say take a PC =]
  8. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    PC..don't believe the MAC commercial!!!
  9. Acolyte

    Acolyte New Member

    MACs are a million times better. I hate this PC I'm on. MACs actually work and run smoothly and quickly, and Windows chugs along boringly. Also, MACs can now run Windows, so there is no point in getting a bad computer like Windows.
  10. Maria

    Maria New Member

    Yeah, the fact that it runs Windows is a great thing lol.

    A friend was like "Wait... why get a Mac then if you're going to run Windows?" to which I answered that there's a difference in hardware for the same price... which is weird because usually Apples are more expensive.

    13" WideScreen Display
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz processor
    1 gigabyte RAM
    120 gigabyte hard drive, 5400 RPM
    AirPort Extreme wireless
    Mac OS X


    14.1" Wide Screen WXGA
    Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz processor
    1 gigabyte RAM
    60 gigabyte hard drive, 5400 RPM
    Intel 3945 802.11a/g wireless
    8X DVD+/_RW optical drive
    Microsoft Vista Ultimate


    How long ago did you have a mac though? And... can you guys go into more detail about why not the Mac? I mean... do any of you have one and if so... do they crash often or is it just the fact that software is harder to find? I kinda know the PC argument after having them for as long as I can remember, and its nice to know the OS but I'm not entirely new to Mac OS X either... I have a Dell right now that's been around since 2003 and it goes stupid every so often, but it works decently still. That PC in question is a Dell, btw. Dell D630 I think it is...
  11. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    Macs are like almost virus free. But they also cost more. The interface is really nice, but if you used windows before, you wouldn't get used to it.

    Windows have been getting bad with Vista. There are many glitches and factors that need to be changed. If your getting a PC, stick with Ubuntu, Mac, or Windows Vista Ultimate. Those would probably fit best. And if your PC is for windows, get XPS, Alienware, or some good junk cuz' nowadays, you can't live without a decent gaming comp.
  12. Maria

    Maria New Member

    Well, I don't have many choices. It's those two because those are the only two laptops within my price range that my school offers. They are both the same price of $1400, which is surprising because I know Macs are usually more expensive.

    Windows Vista Ultimate? That's great cause that's what the Windows laptop comes with... I'm a little unsure of Vista because it just came out but I guess the Ultimate would be a little better. Gaming isn't something I do much of and those laptops are way too expensive for me at this point anyway, lol.
  13. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2007
  14. Maria

    Maria New Member

    HPs are good but it's not one of my choices. They only offer Dell and Apple laptops... the reason I would rather buy from my school is that they're somewhat cheaper, cover accidental damage, and I can fix my laptops on campus instead of having to find another place to fix it or even have to send it in for repairs.

    What do you mean by decent RAM? I mean... in what range? 1 GB or more than that? I always thought 1 GB RAM was decent considering I lived with 512 MB for quite a while without lagging problems while running multiple programs at once... my current computer is so old though, haha.
  15. Destiny Angel

    Destiny Angel New Member

    PC, because simply i've grown up using PC. Mac does look very neat...but i've used it, never liked it. I dont care how much protection from viruses Mac gives, as long as i feed my PC properly with Firewalls and Anti Viruses thingos i'm happy.
  16. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    Hmm, i use PC at home and MAC at college. I can say i prefer PC's as they seem overall better to use, yes more viruses but no one really targets Macs like they do PC's for there to be a Virus anyway.

    For design work, macs work very well using photoshop and illustrator etc seems so much nicer on a mac. PC's however feel far superior for general usage, gaming and internet usage....imo.
  17. Griever

    Griever New Member

    me and my friend are used to Pc's had them for ages now, so its sort of a default for us haha, he bought a mac, but so many things went wrong for him, incompatibility issues etc, software breakdown, his cpu bust somehow. and that was after a day of gettingit and hooking it up. We figured it was probly bad luck, but put us of getting one. He took it back 2 days after and bought a xbox 360 lol...
  18. Maria

    Maria New Member

    Yeah... I guess a PC would be better because I've already had them, but I think I might end up with the Mac... a friend of mine got the same model Dell as my other choice and they have nothing good to say about it - for one, the screen backlight died after a week and the keys are falling off after a year... The Mac might be worse but I'll see... Macs get mixed reviews: either you love them or hate them, I guess. I'll probably only have this computer for three or four years anyway so if it's that bad I'll just get a Windows computer again after.

    I'll tell you guys how it went anyway @@;; Thanks for your help, everyone ^^

    Oh, question, if any of you know. Nitro mentioned about Photoshop and Illustrator being nicer on Mac... a lot of graphic designers use Macs over PCs... is there any reason for this? Is it because the programs they use are better on Macs or are Macs' screens are usually better for that kind of work? Just wondering cause graphic design is a hobby of mine : D
  19. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    Probably quality and interface. That's why they tend to use it more. You get a better "feel" of it. And, I don't know about your friend or anything, but I've had a Dell for more than I year now, and I haven't really found ANY problem that effects my computer. No button problems, screenlight works perfectly. It's called taking care of it >_>
  20. Rakka

    Rakka New Member

    I am a PC fan. But good luck with dell, i have had awful experiences with them!
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