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Discussion in 'Audio and Visual' started by Griever, Jun 12, 2007.

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  1. Griever

    Griever New Member

    What are your main sourcews of inspiration, what inspires you? what do you like stylewise an what don't you like.

    Post your opinions and sites you like.
  2. Rakka

    Rakka New Member


    Im serous, i have a book next to my bed and when i dream i get these ideas and i write them down.

    Also i take my camera everywhere i go. If i like the look of something i'll take a picture.
  3. Griever

    Griever New Member

    i do teh same with my camera, everwhere i o im snapping photographs. from shadows to trees, to sculptures to thwe way someone is sitting. all sorts really. Other sources of inspiration i use are CSS and design sites, things like cssmania and cssremx for webdesign. Jek2k, going to be working with them and GNVparters when im a bit older as theyve offered me a job. Other sources are fashion sites such as D and G, levi, Abercrombie and Fitch, obiestudio, animal. Some smaller resources such as apendix squared, although i dont use that anymore as the textures are all too similar, adn they only cover one sort of style. Typographic sites are great. I also have many reference books on logo design, fashion design, stock images and photography. Altering pictures, stock photograph books i bought when i started college.

    Othersources of inspiration areadvertisents ive seen on the tv, movies, such as the title screens and chapter display menus. My real main source is usually magazines of all sorts, my mums furniture mags, to my dads car ones, and my gaming and fashion ones. Photoshop magazines are full of inspiration.

    I like to make my own textures, stocks, typographic backgrounds, and mess arpound with all my own resources really. Theres far too many sources to go throug, offlien based and online based. My resources bookmark folder on Firefox webbrowser has at least 100 links, an then theres about 5 more folders with resource sites, tutorials, fashion sites, all sorts really.

    You tend to find alot of inspiration by going on one design or fashio site, then opening uy tons of external links in tabs to other sites.

    Anyway, ive rambled andthis post is probably full of spelling mistakes, worded appaulingly, but theres my thoughts anyway. :)
  4. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    I'll keep it simple for you guys, but the main inspiration for me is really to just keep close to top end designers work and research and base the research pages i don on what it is im looking at, such as Why Not associates, TRBDESIGN, a french group of guys who are truely amazing, if you have £40 spare i advice you purchase the monthly issue of design&designer as that is purely design and no article! Magazines such as Digit, ComputerArts etc help also just to know whats hot and "whats not" lmao, along with keeping ahead and on par with the current trends.

    You will never keep current in terms of graphic design fashions making sigs and avatars, which is why i never take people who only do that seriously as a graphic designer, using photoshop just for that isnt inspiring in the slightest. I'll have to show you gusy some mor eo fmy recent work, college really expands real design skills weekly, well my college does anyway :p
  5. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    What inspired me most is other members. My first forum I've joined was back 3 and a half years ago, Megaman Network Ace. (which I later became Gmod of ;]) By then, I was looking for decent hacks on Invision, and saw people with sick things in the bottom of their posts (signatures). Starting from there, I realized, maybe I should use paint. I started taking Paint and making affiliates, graphs, etc. I then realized the art of brushing, which was a year after. I downloaded Paint Shop Pro. I made some decent things with it, at that time. If I compared to it now, I say that was crap. But then later on I went on PS, which started helping me with the brushes, smudging, etc. After that, went on to GIMP.
  6. Griever

    Griever New Member

    haha design and designer, i subscribe to that lmao. Fantastic. so much stuff in there, its full up every month. not sure how long its been going. Definetly true about keeping up with design nowadays. otherwise youll never really progress at the fast enough rate.
  7. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    great mag, focuses on a group or a designer each issue just full of ideas for you to use, not steal! n00bs say that, all designers use ideas and interpret in your own way, thats how people overcome each own barrier you set yourselves. and that in the end is what "inspiration" means in design imo.
  8. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Anything inspires me. Whether it be a forum skin, the look of a computer, or possibly the feel of the hardwood floor.

    And unlike most people, I feel I can be inspired by anything. Tags usually inspire me, and sometimes the attitude of a member on a forum. That's usually why when I make a tag for someone, I make the tag resemble their style.

    And usually, I don't even have inspiration. I just make stuff. lol
  9. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    "hardwood floor"

    I thought i was the only one...lol! Though i do quite like how carrots inspire me also lmao!
  10. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    lol XD

    Yeah. It's usually the small textures on the floor that inspire me... or the smoothness. Which inspires me to make a smooth looking tag, you know?

    Maybe not, oh well.
  11. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    I getcha' DW. A carrot though? Uh.....the only thing I do with it is eat it. I'm sure I don't come up with any idea while it's full of saliva as I'm chewing it so hah.

    I'd say colors would make me try out a sig. Like if I saw a blue chair, I'll slowly come up with a render like that in my head. The rest is done on the Computer lawlz.
  12. Flare

    Flare New Member

    any anime that I'm watching...
  13. Griever

    Griever New Member

    not really what i meant by this thread, i meant work really that inspires you, post up artwork, magazine scans, interesting design articles etc. not a hardwood floor or a blue chair or a carrot lol, that aint design lmao
  14. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    the carrot was sarcasm btw.

    i stated my inspiration :) but really its endless, anything, the best inspiration is something you never think to look for, it just "clicks" in your head and you get an idea.
  15. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Btw, anything that has to do with spikey hair, inspires me.
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