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New KH games release dates

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kairi, Oct 1, 2007.

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  1. Kairi

    Kairi New Member

    Does anybody know a realease date for kingdom hearts BBS & 358/2 days?:confused:
  2. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Not that I'm aware of...

    I'm not even sure we even have much information on it...

  3. DjC

    DjC New Member

    nope not yet but as soon as i find out i will post it.........that is at my thread
    well theres not so much info but u should really check out my thread cause i update constantly:)

    and the reason i double post at that thread is so that people know that theres new info instead of just editing cause then no one looks inside:( so im sry for double posting
  4. Riku

    Riku New Member


    Nope, thought, rumors are set for 2008 in Japan. Becasuse as you see the scans, the game is playable.
  5. darksora145

    darksora145 New Member

    probably a 2008 since theres alot of things going to be added into the game
  6. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    There's going to be one for Mobile, but I'm not techinally sure the release date for it.
  7. DjC

    DjC New Member

    well the mobile game isnt for u.s./pal so that sucks...

    and japan will probably get the first game in early 2008 and we usually get the kh games like 3 months after words

    btw for those of u that havent read the interview i posted at my thread nomura said what order of the games will come out:

    1.kh 358/2 days
    2.kh coded
    3.kh birth by sleep
  8. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    What's awkward is that Kingdom Hearts is spreading through different types of Game Systems.

    KH - Playstation 2
    KH: CoM - Game Boy Advance
    KH2 - Playstation 2
    KH: 358/2 Days - DS
    KH: Coded - Moblie
    KH: Birth By Sleep - PSP.

    Last edited: Oct 5, 2007
  9. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

    Um... actually, to be more accurate-

    KH: 358/2 Days....DS
  10. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    Yeah, sorry. I was a little drunk last night lol. =P
  11. Kairi

    Kairi New Member

    Yeah I kinda guest some time in the next year or so.
  12. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    I'm hearing rumors of 2008 spring or summer but there just rumors.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well seeing as how we dont have any Strong bassed evidence its hard to even listen closely to rumors. people are just saying 08 becase its the closest to this year and there hasng been a KH game made since 2 and that was a while ago
  14. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    You too?

    Well what is birth by sleep anyway? KH 3 might come out in Japan in Winter 2008.
  15. DjC

    DjC New Member

    what makes u think kh3 is coming out in japan winter of 08
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Ya they havent even started Production on KH3 yet Nomura even said that he would start after the FFXIII project and thats not even done yet hell 13 wont be out until late 08 so you cant really say that its gonna be realased in japan on 08
  17. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    So does Squeenix plan on making another KH release for PS2, or are they just saying to hell with all of us poor people who can't afford to buy every system in existence?
  18. Luke

    Luke Member

    There is no definate release date, But it is said that three five eight over 2 days is going to be released before birth by sleep
  19. Luke

    Luke Member

    Nomura( if you dont know who that is, thats just sad) said that KHII was the last ps2 release.
  20. sora14

    sora14 New Member

    kh3 sould be on ps2 aswell not everyone can afford a ps3 it probly wont be on wii and there is a chance of the 360 (thats what i think not what nomura said)
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