• Square Elite
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Tales of Deception ~ Aeval's Awakening

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Overdose, Feb 27, 2009.

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  1. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    At Square:

    Zazamk reached Rionaeo and Aren and upon hearing them, he drew his sword.

    "Where?" Looking around his eyes full of a sudden rage. He scouted. NOthing was there.

    So still slightly focused, he drew back his sword, sure that there was nothing...

    "Patience, if there truly is such a presence, we shall wait"
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  2. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Aren looked at Zazamak.

    "We don't know. i just got here a few minutes ago, Rionaeo thinks it was just his imagination." Aren said looking back at Rionaeo.

    He went up to the carriage and sat down on the ground against it. Looking up at the sky, he wondered when Sapphire and Zin were.
  3. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    Zazamak turned to Aren and suddenly appeared completely gone from a trance.

    "Sorry." he said, "My past has caught up with me...."

    Retaining his normallity he walked with Aren, and joined him
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  4. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "Look! the people are growing more and more impatient!
    Do you think something happened?
    They have to arrive soon... "

    Rionaeo notices Aren looking at the mountains, and starts looking for his own to what might all be out there...
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  5. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    Zazamak immediately turned and send calmly said "No. Patience do not rush. Time is infintie and only when our fates are chaged do we intervene." After finishing this riddle zazamak simply stayed sat and waited patiently through his meditation.

    A member of the audience came towards zazamak and whispered in his ears a message from the castle.

    "I hear they are caught up with some issues. Royalty, i believe you know how they are."
  6. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Aer hovered above the carriage that was to drive the Princess to her parents graves. It was unfortunate that the late king and queen were dead. They had been so kind to him. Aer giggled at the knights who looked near panic, and quickly his giggling died into solemn sigh. All their talk of the Princess being in trouble ruined their jesting. Turning mid-air, he set out to find her. Aer pondered where the others were.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2009
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik had snuck into the castle... Again. "Hmm... I still got time." He thought to himself as he wandered through the halls. If there were any guards, Gerik hid from them. So nobody knew was in the castle. "Princess Saphire's room is near here. She is rather beautiful. But she's too busy to talk to a stranger like me."
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Keelen was sitting in a tree on the castle grounds. The ancient oak tree had been there as far as Keelen could remember. "Perhaps," he said idly to himself, "this tree has been here since that great disaster all those years ago. Perhaps it even saw the creation of this castle. I wonder what it would be like, to be a tree. Looking on the history of this world. Ah, but now I'm starting to sound like an old hermit." He chuckled, then was brought down to earth as one of his elite guards made his report. "The castle is secure." Keelen sighed. It can sure be boring here. He thought to himself. "Very well, thank you for your report." The guard saluted by putting his right hand across his chest. He turned and left. Keelen continued to sit in his tree, and turned to watch a few birds. Soon he would be back to his duties, but for now he could sit like he would with his children, and contemplate the future. He sighed, then he jumped down and began his walk back to the guard house.
  9. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Amitrael was riding a horse to entered the castle. He was one of the bravest knight in Espara. He was looking for Aren, But he can't find him. He asked some guards, "Where's Aren?" One of the guard said, "He might in Square."

    Then Amitrael went out from the castle and found Aren with Rionaeo and Zazanak. "What you guys are doing here?" asked Amitrael
  10. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    at the square:

    "Hey Amitreal! we were almost sure you wouldn't come! Great to see you!

    And we are here to make sure no accidents take place till the princessess arrive...
    Which is taking rather long... I do not hope something might have happened.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  11. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    "Hm.. I see. Well, it's my job too. Anyway, why do you always call me Amitrael? I have short name: Rael." said Amitrael, he worn his helmet and he patrolling the city. He found nothing bad happened and returned to them.

    "Well, nothing happened until now." said Amitrael when he worn off his helmet. "Hope that something doesn't happen badly." thought Amitrael
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  12. Kingbradley6

    Kingbradley6 New Member

    Shou Yang slammed the door of his hut and set off towards the square, with his trusty walking stick firmly grasped in his right hand.

    Although Shou Yang never ventured out much, this was an occassion that he did not want to miss. He himself had been alive when the old King and Queen ruled the lands of Espara and as such felt it was his duty as a citizen of Espara to attend the anniversairy.

    Shou Yang followed the Eastern path to the Square where he joined the crowd awaiting for the Royal party to arrive.

    As he found a space to stand within the crowd he noticed, what he deemed to be, a worrying sense of anxiety from the knights and guards across the square from him.

    Perhaps this was not going to be quite the ordinary day he had imagined?
  13. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Got you" Suzume said grabbing the male who had been wondering the castle,

    Suzume grabbed the man's arm and pinned it against his back he then pushed his knees into the back of his captives forcing him to kneel, Suzume then pressed his free hand to the man's temple, He began to send magic into him mind and pull out the information that Suzume wanted.

    "Gerik, what are you doing in the palace?" Suzume said now using his weight to pin him to the floor so that he couldn't escape.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  14. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    “Zin, I believe Cassandra is still in the castle.” Sapphire said, she had just overheard it from a guard who was patrolling the courtyards.

    “Should one of us go get her? Or do you think she will make her own way to the carriage. We mustn’t keep the ceremonial audience waiting.” Sapphire sometimes despised her royal duties. She did not think to great of it, no one ever seemed to talk to her because of it. She was only approached to by the guards with an overprotecting manner, or a fellow citizen who seemed to dumbstruck to be talking to royalty. She was 23 years old and a coming age to be the Queen of Espara, yet there were no proposers, only those who were overly snooty from other lands. She wanted to know what the feeling of love was like. On the subject of this she was on the brink of asking this question to her sister, but refrained herself. Perhaps another time, she thought.
  15. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Rionaeo: There i can see them!
    They are outside the castle doors! but... why are they stopping?
    The Ceremony is waiting! And...
    Where is Princess Cassandra? This is getting out of hand...
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  16. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Amitrael also appeared near Rionaeo. He kneel to the majesty and said, "We are ready to follow every orders you want and ready to die because of it." He felt different than when he was not a knight. He felt that he ready to die at any condition. Maybe because of his past incarnation personality........
  17. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "Sister you should go find the other two, I will calm down the audience."

    She walked forward ignoring the knight who was senselessly rambling.

    She arrived at the carriage and was angered by the site. This was about there parent's and these naive's where annoyed for them being minute's late.

    "Your truly selfish people. This day is hard on me and my sister and you grow impatient waiting for us? We do not pay you to whine! We pay you to protect. So stand in single file lining behind the carriage and wait for the arrival of my sister's. And if i hear a word of chatter you will loose your jobs!"
  18. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Amitrael realized that he was being ignored. But he can't mad, and keep shows that nothing expression. "Well, at least i loved Espera." thought Amitrael in his mind. He risen up and turned his face to Rionaeo. "Well, i want to patrolling again. Keep look over them." said Amitrael. He began to leave the place and started to patrol again.
  19. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Princess Zin!
    Is everything alright, your mayesty?
    Please excuse us for not properly keeping the people in order...
    I saw Princess Sapphire going back, is she goin to get the other two?
  20. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    "We are sorry, your majesty. We're trying our best to keep everything in order."

    Aren looked at all the people, listening to all the talking in the crowd.

    "This is going to be a long day.." He thought.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
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