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Favorite Character

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy VII' started by Kitty, Jan 30, 2008.

Fave character?

  1. Cloud

  2. Barret

    0 vote(s)
  3. Tifa

  4. Aerith

  5. Red XIII

  6. Cait Sith

  7. Yuffie

  8. Vincent

  9. Sephiroth

  10. Other

  1. Heinxytex

    Heinxytex New Member

    I vote for Vincent. Love his weapons. ^__^
  2. One~Destiny

    One~Destiny New Member

    Cloud and Tifa ^^ They totally kick a$$!
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    cloud, zack, and genesis were my faves
  4. ...................I already said Sephiroth but Tifa's nice too...........ehehehehhehehe.
  5. flare2k9

    flare2k9 New Member

    gotta be vncent 4 me love the way he fights and the way he sees things
  6. But still, Tifa, come on man.
  7. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    cloud becuase he's hot. Or vincent.
    Sephy for his power ^^
  8. One~Destiny

    One~Destiny New Member

    Ok I change my mind
    Vinny is my new fav character =3
  9. hooded unknown

    hooded unknown New Member

    Cloud. Who doesn't love Cloud? :3
    And Tifa too because I'm a little like her.
  10. PaintedDragon

    PaintedDragon New Member

    Cloud, I love his personality and story. Vincent's a close second, though.
  11. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Vincents my favorite one of all time, though Cloud is a very close second.
  12. finalblackmage

    finalblackmage New Member

    Probably Aerith, though I never used her in my party.
  13. Metallicat180

    Metallicat180 New Member

    I always loved Red XIII. No idea why, I just thought he was an awesome character.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Well, this thread has been stickied so no need to worry about bumping I hope. Anyways, I choose Cait Sith. He is my strongest defensive player and with his limit breaks, I can do so much damage or hlep my party in a funny way. I like Aerith but Aerith is dead dead so Cait Sith is more like my replacement for her. <.> Cloud and Sephiroth are so overrated.
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    I didn't think anyone willingly chose Cait Sith as a party member. o_O

    Sometimes, I look back on these old threads I'd voted in and wonder wtf I was thinking back then. In this case, though, I still gotta give props to Aerith and Cid. Two great characters- I can't choose between them because I like them for totally different reasons. The supporting cast is much better than the lead hero and villain.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    So you expect me to have Cloud in the party all the time? EEEW! I can never get rid of him and the only time when I don't have Cloud as the party's leaders are:

    1. Aerith when Tifa and Cloud stayed behind at Shinra's headquarters
    2. Tifa when Cloud betrays the team (FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!) by giving Sephiroth the Black Materia
    3. Barret when escaping from Junon City.
    4. Tifa again.
    5. Cid when Tifa stays behind to take care of Cloud.

    I really like Cait Sith so much. To me, I think that he's the second strongest character. Hid dice limit break is powerful and there are no flaws in it at all. PLUS, HE HAS A LOT OF HEALTH! He's more of the backbone of the gorup than Barret. I rarely use Barret. Cait Sith brings some more comedy in the gorup sometimes along with Yuffie in my opinion even though he's a spy toy. (I LOVE TOYS!!)

    I just gave up on Aerith. What's the point on keeping her weapons. SELL THEM AND MORE SOME DOUGH! Sorry but we don't want to carry some heavy weight. Sure, her limit breaks are great but once she's gone, you will end up having to find another character to make as the main party's white healer; Caith Sith, Tifa or Yuffie are capable of doing that.

    Cid is ok; not as well-rounded as Cloud.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Don't you know? The team to have is Cloud, Red XIII, and Vincent. Cloud is the strongest, especially when it comes to Limit Breaks. Red XIII is just a great character to have. And with Vincent you can one hit kill anything as long as you know how to do it.
  18. Raven

    Raven New Member

    I laughed when I saw this. That's exactly what I thought to myself when I found myself outside of midgar and I wanted to take Cloud off the team since he was the highest level and everyone else could of used training. I was like "What? The F*CK?! Why am I stuck with blonde loser?!" I was majorly pissed...

    Anyways I like Vincent. Yuffie's my second, but Vincent's past interests me because it's never fully explained what happens to him, even in his own game, and that kind of mysterious interests me.

    With Yuffie, her abundant energy is cute and addictive, and while you know she's the cute character she develops character nicely through the sidequests in the game. Not to mention her magic and agility stats are great.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I don't care if cloud is the strongest, his personality is annoying and I want to get rid of him sometimes, which is why I use yellow materias to turn certain enemies into sources so that I can boost up some of my character's strength and outdo Cloud. I don't mind Vincent because to me, he has his limit and is not all overrated. Not all Mary-Sue either.
  20. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Not that there's a choice in the matter. Still, he's probably the most well-rounded and useful party member you can have, even if he is sort of mopey and lacking in personality.

    I always gave the job to Yuffie- she has a limit break that heals, just as Aerith did, and she's better at dealing damage, in my opinion. Cait Sith's limits are practically useless- the dice limit does nowhere near the kind of damage as Cloud, Barrett, or Cid's limits do, and the slot limit is too hit-or-miss. And Tifa is neither very powerful, nor very likeable to me. Except for the annoyance of the materia-thieving sidequest, I actually rather like Yuffie as a character. She's that typical perky girl character in the same vein as Selphie, Rikku, and Penelo, but she's not as irritating about it. She also has a very handy ultimate weapon.

    I disagree, I find Vincent very overrated. I felt like the character designers (eh, I guess that'd be Nomura, eh?) tried too hard to make him cool, and it backfired for me. And I found his limit breaks useless- I don't approve of losing control of my characters.

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