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The Long Awaited Return. . .

Discussion in 'Archive' started by The Graceful Assassin, Mar 1, 2009.

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  1. Well, I've been gone for about a month. In the time I was gone, I was studying on my work, things of the like. Then, today, as I'm writing my English I assignment, I thought to myself Hey, I need to go post my retrun now, I don't want to put it off. I still have problems though. The RP thread I'm apart of I already know has gone on without me.

    But, as one the main characters, I hope I didn't ruin it. I also owe Kichigai a poem, and I'll get that done by the end of the week. But, enough of that, I'm just happy to be back with all of you!

  2. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    Yayy, welcome back, I've missed you! *hug* Poem for me..? Aww, sweet ;3 nice to see you here again. ^^
  3. You're welcome, thing is it's not done yet. But yeah *hugs back* thank you.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey welcome back! It's ok no worries about your school work and stuff, just glad to see your back.
  5. Thank you, good to see you too Kairi Star.
  6. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    welcome back. Its nice to see you again.
  7. YAY, ninja-vengeance, who are you? By the way, thank you, it's very nice to see you too!
  8. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    who am i?! oh the insult XD jks
    I'm the world famous legendary Krish *doesn't ring a bell*
    i'll stop bragging now XD

    im a hyper maniac, tis all you need to know ;]
  9. I'm sorry, I meant to say how are you, lawlz!
  10. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Dang, I forgot to say: WELCOME BACK MAN!
    ;) Good to have you back bro. I was thinking where you have gone to O_O XD
  11. Yeah, nice to see you too.
    LivingDeath likes this.
  12. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Hey! Welcome back pal!
  13. Oh *pats you on the back* my boyo! How are you?
  14. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Hiyaz, welcome back! :D Great to see you again, I've missed you. ^^
  15. I missed you too Kyuuketsuki!
  16. *waves*

    Ello, wondered where you buggered off ta' ;P

    But I guess it was an acceptable excuse for not being on here :) I've been gone the last 3 weeks too.

    OH! You must go check out the board about Hope, if you haven't already. She.. went into a coma :S I didn't find out till about 3 days ago, but she was awake by then (Thank god!) so I didn't worry as much as the others ^_^
  17. Oh my Gawd are freaking serious?
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