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Rate the Avatar

Discussion in 'Archive' started by XxXNeko_RikuXxX, Jul 3, 2007.

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    For you kichi, it's a 8.
  2. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    pretty cool. 9/10
  3. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    A 7/10... I'm over street fighter now...
    Try inverting the colours, makes it look like as if it glows o_O
  4. Your's is okay, maybe more to it, still, it's very nice; 7.5/10.
  5. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    9/10 he has a "I'm going to kill you now because I am a bad ass" look on his face.
  6. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    7/10 are those white gaps supposed to be there?
  7. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I've never watched Bleach, but looking at your avatar makes it more suspenseful til I watch it
    A 9/10 for you.
  8. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    8/10 looks nice, it blends in with the forum skin.
  9. Yours looks nice RoxasXRiku, but it looks like it was coloured with marker, sorry; 8.5/10.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  10. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    9/10 for you =)
  11. 10/10 for you <3
  12. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    9/10 for you
  13. Your avatar is cool; 6.5/10 :D
  14. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    9/10 for your Marluxia ;3
  15. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Umm... Who's that? :S
  16. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I think its a member from Dir-En-Grey.
    You sir, I give you an... 8. I was thinking 7 but I'm being nice today ;D
  17. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    8.5/10 for Rawr

    Guy in my avatar is Reita from the GazettE ^^
  18. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    8.5/10 pretty cool.
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    7/10 for you
  20. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    4/10 sorry
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