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Just Like The Fruit Drink. ;D

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Snapple, Mar 20, 2009.

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  1. Snapple

    Snapple New Member

    Hello there. My name is Snapple, like the candylicious fruit drink/iced tea/whatever. ;D I'm new here, and I hope to be an active member. Feel free to call me Snap, Snappie, Snaps, or even my real name, Grace. ("Hey you," works fine, too.)

    A little about myself in case you want to know:
    I enjoy writing; but alas, I've never once finished a story since I lose interest halfway through. xDDD
    /pathetic Snapple is pathetic

    I enjoy gaming. Like, loads. My favorite series is Final Fantasy -with Kingdom Hearts in a close second- and my favorite video game ever would either be Final Fantasy VI or Chrono Cross.

    Just in case there is ever any confusion, I'm female. xD

    Aaaaaand that concludes the segment, "Two Minutes With Snapple." ;D
    Goldfish and LivingDeath like this.
  2. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Cool name!
    Welcome to the site! Please enjoy yourself in here and posting. There are some cool writing thread and arcade to kill your time.

    You can call me Trump :)
  3. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Heyy welcome to the site ^^

    Hope you enjoy yourself :D
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sweet, hey snapple, welcome to the site. I'm Kairi Star. Nice to meet you. Check out the rules and guide, and finally I hope to see you very active, too.

    Oh and you like writing you should try RP'ing, I created a new RP designed for new people, just click my sig, thought I throw it out there. Hope to see you aorund. :)
  5. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Ey, welcome to the site :D
    I'm Merlin (real name), Merlinosheep, Merlino whatever.
    I enjoy writing as well, and have tried to finish a few story's but failed cause KH2 and stuff came out xD.
    Anyway... Enjoy your whole stay at the forum, read the rules... blablabala...

    And if you like writing: 1. check out the RP section (roleplaying)
    2 Band of the Crimson Blade:http://kh-3.net/forums/clan-applicat...tml#post130009 (an RP group which does (some private) RP's and write like writing a real story) i'm in it to.

  6. DawnBlade

    DawnBlade New Member

    Loving the name (and the sexy signature)! You can call me Sophie (real name), soph, or Dawn. See you around!
  7. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Hi there, Snapple! I like your nick. ^^ You can call me Kyuu, I hope you'll enjoy your stay. This is awesome site. ;) Just remember to follow the rules and you'll be fine. Stick around and have fun. :)
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I love the name Grace. ELLO! My name is summonerbrandon, the only summoner living in this community. U LUV TO WRITE?! Read my story, KH: Relive the fantasies & tell me how it is. A GIRL WHO LOVES TO PWAY GAMES?!! YAAAY!! ANOTHER FEMALE WHO LUVES TO PWAY GAMES!!!
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well hello there Snapple. You sure are the energetic one. well im glad to have you aboard the forums. Welcome to KH planet
  10. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Hi snap, welcome! There are many good people and kh-3 is a great community. We'd love to read your stories and perhaps we can help you finish the plot. Also, roleplaying is very fun and it's great to make stories with other people. I hope you stay active and if you need any help, I'd be happy to assist. Your name reminds me of leaving, a girl, that I loved. She lives in England and I live in Canada. We both liked each other.....
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  11. Snapple

    Snapple New Member

    Woo, thanks for all the warm welcomes! I feel at home already. :'D

    Aww, I'm sorry. It's always hard to leave the one you love. ;__;
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Glad to see that you feel at home here. if you ever have any questions or just want to chat just PM me and i'd be more than happy to assist you
  13. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Aww, 2 minutes only, I wanted a lifetime XD
    But hey, welcome to the site. Great introductory and I love the word snapple! Chemistry Joke at school; Sn= Tin, Apple, Sn+Apple= Snapple-> Tin Apple =D
    Anyway, I can take any name but Rawr will do, Well I do hope to see you active and see you in the forums more! Have Fun Snap-Snappie-Snaps ("Tripple S" nice ring to it =D)
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    welcome to the site snapple! mmmmmmmmm snapple sounds good right about now......... Anyway, make yourself right at home and be sure to look at the Roleplays section!!
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Hello Snapple I can already tell you and I will be great friends :) If you have any quesstsions please ddont hesittate to ask me i would be glad to ansswer any questions you have. Jusut remember that 'Hope is alwayss right' and you should do fine here ;)

    I'm Hope by the way. Follow the rules and have fun.
  16. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    Hi, Snapple, and welcome. Old friends are leaving, but great to see some new ones coming.. I'm Kichi, I'm sure you'll have fun. ;3
  17. Snapple

    Snapple New Member

    Once again, I thank you all so much for the warm welcomes. :'D

    I just had an apple flavored Snapple, actually. <3
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