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Be Yourself- The RP SU of you Being You

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest


    This is just a SU for a new RP. In this RP you'll be yourself, you can come here and it'll be like your own little escape, almost like a dream world. You can state your problems and everyone else here can solve it. Now the point of this RP is, it's your dream, and all of our dreams are connected, basically this is a place to escape.

    So simple enough, it has no true story, just a place to escape...

    Sign Ups are open all the time; this will work like an OOC. Once a template is made your in just post. The link is below the template.

    Template- this is just for your history and your appearance and personality and stuff. Also try to keep your history updated, almost like a journal.

    Name- your real name or something really close prefer, or your site nick name

    Age (will change over time if it must) - must be your actual age

    Personality- make it like your real personality

    appearance- anime, real life, or your actual picture

    History- put only what you feel comfortable with

    Theme Song(s)-

    Now this RP is sort of a life give away of yourself, but give only some stuff, you can give all, but don't. Oh and it's for anyone, RP'er or not. It can be for kichi and kyuu who can't post and keep up a lot, but those two can interact with each other. Oh and here's the fun part, you can if you want post (sometimes) in your natural (or second, I see Spanish coming from me) language.

    This RP is dedicated to a dear, dear friend of mine in which this day is his very last. Maybe for those of you like (SB) who need to get over depression, or like kichi who needs to get over the lost of their love one (loco), or hope who needs a safe place to recover from her injury, or other’s with personal problems I don't know about to come here and escape.

    In Dedication to A Great Friend, staff memeber, and memeber of the memebers, you will be Missed and defnately not Forgotten~ To Locogabitron

    http://kh-3.net/forums/original-idealist-roleplays/4159-yourself-rp-rp-escape-please-make-temp-first.html#post133354- RP

    Also this song is sort of like the theme song...
    YouTube - Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Summer air (music)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009
    Kyuu and Kichigai like this.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name- Nicole
    Age- 15
    Personality- Kind, nice, can be quite, can be talkative, B average grade smart, wise (with somethings), can be bossy at times, friendly, natural born leader, a natural born debator (my mom told me that I should be a lawyer with this, no thanks though)
    appearence-(this may change to a real life picture of myself, if I get a good one)
    History- Born to a normal family. Grew up fine. Then at the age of 3, Nicole's parent's broke up. Life was normal growing up. She has gone through many dificult things, unable to make clear of them, until she found something that helped her, a single quote... Life has it's up and downs, but life is an overall great ride. That has pushed her on to helping otehr people with their problems. However, now and then she can't follow her own advise she gives. She gives great advise though.
    Theme Song(s)- Like Whoa- Aly and AJ... YouTube - Aly & AJ - LIke Whoa Official Video
  3. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    *Thanks.. Kairi Star*
    Name- Locogabitron

    Age: 16

    Personality- I am a good friend. I am more of a bit crazy person ya know XD. I am shy and at the same time out going person. I always want to make people happy and well..

    appearence- [​IMG]
    I look way better now.. that was 1 year ago .. or more XD

    History- Born in Florida, Orlando. I came here to PR when I was 5 months old or a litle bit less. I study in Cupeyville School and such. We are 4 in a family and we are about to move in to our new house lolz ^_^XD

    Theme Song(s)- Your Guardian Angel- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus YouTube - Your Guardian Angel Lyrics - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  4. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Name: Gotcha
    DOB: 27 April 1991
    Personality: Perhaps one of the most happiest people you'll ever meet, easily distracted, still "growing up"
    History: Born in Indonesia, moving to Australia at 2. A half brother, lives with a "Step-Step" dad and real mother. The weird kid though some say unique XD
    Likes to help others out, Part ninja, Friends are my first Priority, open to new ideas and things. Did Once suffer depression (not sure why) but its all good now =D
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Once a template is made you can move on to the RP. You can make the opener if you like.
  6. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Name: Rilo
    DOB: 14 May 1994
    Personality: I'm kind of people who like to "happy go around", i love to joking people, and always patient in real life. A kind of lazy guy :p
    Appearance: (still finding a good one)
    History: Born in Indonesia, live with not-too-happy life. I always closing it with my personality. Have good scores in subjects, but lazy to work some assignment in house. I could be help some people but depending on my mood is...

    Theme Song: YouTube - Linkin Park - Given Up
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Cool Idea Kairi Star. *LOKO II MISS YOU TERRIBLY! :(*

    Name- Hope Joy Simmons

    Age- 17

    Personality- Stubborn, Kind, Cares What People Think too much sometimes, A little shy, Responsible... for the most part, rocker chick who gets into trouble for curiosity from time to time :eek:

    appearance- (Looking)

    History- Third of five kids, Happy family parents not devorced but mom travels a lot for work and most of the sibs hang with her. I and my little broher sttay home with my dad and I someties spend weekends at my favorite cousin Amy's house who lives about an hour and a half away from me. She lives in the closest city i grew up in a small town. Loves sports, friends, writing, reading, music. Hates malls, fake blondes, and white chocolate.

    Theme Song(s)- Say It's Possible- Terra Naomi * Because I'm Awesome- The Dollyrots
  8. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    Ok, i'm trying my best.. (never RP'ed before.. ^^')

    Name- Netta

    Age- 15 (DoB Jan 21th -94)

    Personality- Kind and caring, sometimes crazy and very random and outgoing person. Loves her friends more than anything. Sociable, likes to make new friends. Usually tries to be friendly to everyone, make compromises etc. Some people love her personality, the other ones hate. Usually easy to get along with.

    appearance- Click here

    History- Born in Finland, to a normal family, has three big brothers, mom and dad. Lives in a town with a little below 40,000 people. Average at school, some problems with maths and physics. Lived quite a normal life but at age 12-13 something bad happened (that she doesn't want to talk about) and she was depressed for a while. But thanks to her friends, her life got back to normal. Now she's just a normal teen-age girl who loves to hand out and party with her friends.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  9. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Name- Assi

    Age- 14, born in April 19th 1994

    Personality- She might seem to be shy and quiet person, but when you get to know her, she is fun and sometimes loud girl who likes to help her friends. She tries to accept eveyone as they are.

    appearance- >> I'll post a pic later <<

    History- She was born in northern Finland, has a big brother and a little sister. Her parents, especially dad, work a lot and her mom is quite strict. Her life's been mainly happy, of course there's always some ups and downs. She's good at school and she has been into swimming about 5-6 years. She goes to competitions sometimes and she loves her swimming team, her best friends are from there.

    Theme Song(s)- >> not sure, I try to find some <<

    This is awesome idea, Star. I'll try to post as much as possible :D (though I can't be on everyday, but this is great)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey just one minor thing the rp posts are in your dreams, at the end of your post you wake up the next post your in your dream again, so on. Also I'll be developing a plot soon.
  11. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Name Chris
    Age 16
    Personality: Likes to help people out, kind, polite (saying yes sir and opening doors for people), sometimes puts himself down but manages to keep a positive attitude towards life saying that the day is only as good as you see it. Scared of war and destruction.
    Appearance: Overweight, usually (but not now) short spiky brown hair, brown eyes, red rosey cheeks, doesn't like to wear jeans so he doesn't wear them often. Straight teeth.
    History: I was born in Buckinghamshire, England and I lived there for 15 years. During Year 2, I had to move away to Northamptonshire and I was very sad and lonely, during the rest of the year because at that time, I was unconfident in myself to get to know anyone but one day, in Year 3, the teacher read a story to my class about someone being lonely and I cried because that was how I felt. The class felt sorry and soon enough, I had loads of friends around primary school. When Year 6 ended, I moved upto secondary school, which had children from the age of 11 to 18 year olds. I remember being barged out of the way by Year 11s. It wasn't very nice. There was one day, when my class, Ash 7 went to Art class and we had to wait outside the door. It was a calm spring morning and the blossoms were springing up from the trees. They always looked beautiful, at this time of the year but another thing that Spring started was that love was in the air and a small beautiful girl, I haven't spoken to before came upto me and smiled. Her name was Grace and she asked me out. I thought that it was a joke and indeed at that time it was but as the years passed, Grace realised that she actually liked me for my personality and since that time, Grace asked me out, I have fancied her too. She was so beautiful, graceful and kind and in Year 9, my feelings for her got out to the entire year. I remember the day of when this got out and I remember History class with Miss Kirby. We were finding out about World War Two and the origins of how it happened and there were people, trying to convince me to ask her. They kept telling me to do it but I felt I was not ready for a girlfriend. But as History finished, it was lunch and I decided I should ask her but I was still unsure. I was doing this because of peer pressure. So, I go to the form room (Room especially for my class) and I see Grace, talking to her friends. I touched the door handle and everybody's heads turned to me. I could see that they were because there was a window on the door. My heart started to pump in a quickening pace and I entered inside. I felt incredibly nervous and I walked upto Grace, who was smiling at me. I felt like turning away but I couldn't because I felt like I needed to do it. So I began to ask her out but then panic started to take hold of me and I started to run away. I couldn't do it. People blocked the door but I pushed them out of the way and walked out of the room. I was stupid but I needed to chill out. I sat down on a bench outside and thought over about everything that happened. Grace didn't come outside but she probably couldn't find me or she was too nervous to do so. I had to go back to the form room, a few minutes later because of the afternoon registration and I sat down on my seat, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Grace's friends asked me to ask her out, a few months later but I said no because I wasn't ready. In Year 10, I was going to leave. I was going to leave to immigrate to Canada. Grace only had 3 days notice because she was on holiday and she just returned but on the last day, we didn't say goodbye...it makes me sad. People said we would make a great couple and girls said it was fairy tale sort of story. They also said that we would make a good duet. I used to be a wonderful singer and I used to sing these songs (the first three on theme songs) to the class and as I sung the songs, I thought of Grace. Now I've lived in Canada for a year and I still miss her. I want to see Grace again and I might be able to see her in 2010.

    Theme Songs

    You're Beautful- James Blunt
    You Give Me Something- James Morrison
    Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol
    Little Wonders- Rob Thomas
    She's The One- Robbie Williams
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Let's see what I can do....

    Name- Tom

    Age- 16 (Almost 17)

    Personality- Kind. Likes to try to joke and smile, even though I am depressed. Kind of hate myself. And I can act like a complete jerk at times (Part of why I hate myself).

    Appearance- Blue eyes. Brownish hair (Kinda long for now). Almost 6 feet tall. Wears blue jeans and some tee shirt. And a jacket.

    History- Grew up in a small mountain community. Parents got divorced when I was in second grade (Give or take... I don't quite remember). Mom got married a few years afterwards. Dad got married two years ago. Parents live close to eachother, so I switch between their houses every few days. Never really had a girlfriend. Oh yeah... Was gonna ask a girl to prom, but her sister told me she was gonna say no, so I didn't.

    Theme Song(s)-
    The Change (Garth Brooks)
    I'm Tryin' (Trace Adkins)
    (Will come up with more if I can think of more)
  13. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    Updated the appearance, I'll try think of theme songs.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ok cool guys, and come on people post.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    What exactly do we post? Are we supposed to just post something and not expect another person to reply to that?:confused:
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    You going to bed then in your dream world you can run into me since I'm the only one in the dream world so far. Plus I have a plot, I'll post it tomorow.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Whoa. I never did expected this. Um, ok. I'll do this rp once I come back.

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