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Spell Check

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey guys I have a question I don't know if you'll be able to answer it or not.

    For posts there's an option to spell check everything and I use spell check all the time on microsoft word mainly because my spelling is so bad. well I noticed a while back the spell check button here for different posts. Well for a long time I've been unsure if I should download it or not. If anyone has downloaded it, is it helpful? Does it work? Is like Microsoft word where it makes the red scribble line underneith or do you need to hit the button for it to work? The main thing, will it harm my computer?

    Due to that worm that's suposively will be set lose soon I'm skepticul and worried about my computer's safety and my private stuff. My computer contains so much private info I need to really watch, as is right now I'm installing all the latest spy ware, anti virus, fire walls, protection programs on the market taht I can get. So if someone can fill me in if it's safe.

    For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm talking about this little button...
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I use Mozilla Firefox. It happens to have its own spell checker. Download the appropriate one (US version for you I assume) and it automatically does the red underline thing for spelling mistakes for the region you downloaded for. You have to change words manually or right click each misspelt word to get a list of correct words like Microsoft Word.
    Some words you will spell correctly and the software will still read it as wrong. Add ons may fix the problem with Firefox (it has many add ons, or perhaps this was the add on) or perhaps whenever they update the software for you to upgrade. So far no problems apart from the occasional mistakes it has which only you can pick up.

    I reinstalled Firefox (To find out if I was correct or not) to find that the spell check/red scribble underline thing wasn't working anymore. I found the add on, it was some sort of dictionary for English (Australian). So Firefox also needs an add on for spell check to work.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  3. Lol, it'll be fine ^^

    Downloaded it on other computer, was fine... unless they've invented viruses that make your computer catch fire now! :OO

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