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Redemption and Rebirth RP IC

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Haresuno, Mar 26, 2009.

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  1. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Sign Up & OOC

    Two large wooden doors were pulled open, allowing the newest group of first years to enter Edward Stien's Private School for the Advanced. Among the group of young arrivals was Vladimir Corbec who was dressed in casual street clothing that he had been wearing for the long flight he had come off of only a few hours ago. His right hand came up and raked through his black hair. He was nervous. What if they found out he wasn't Icarus? The invatation was for Icarus alone, but the registration didn't seem to have any problems letting him through when he said his name. His right hand slide back into his pockets as he followed the crowd in. His eyes scanned the entrance room and words to describe the sight he viewed wouldn't do it justice.
    Tall white plastor coloums held up a wide domed cieling that was painted scarlet with gold lightening streaking across in various directions. The floor was made up of large navy marble tiles that had silver specks in them. The walls were made up of stone painted a creamy white, and the carpet they stood on was also a scarlet color with gold trimmings. Who ever had paid for this place had not been greedy with his money.
    "Alright. Would all new arrivals please follow me. My name is Ms. Perlo and I'm a Counslor here at Edward Stien's Private School for the Advanced." Vladimir's head whipped around so he could see the face that belonged to a very sweet and reassuring voice, but when his eyes settled in the direction the voice came from he couldn't see the speaker. Too many heads were infront of him and blocking his view. Suddenly the group began to move again as they headed for another set of large wooden doors.
  2. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Michael moved among the crowd in his grey long-sleeve shirt and his black pants. He hung back a bit and spoke to a young man with black hair and street clothes on "Interesting school, no?" He said in a rich Roman accent as he surveyed the building. This was the first time since he left Rome and it's beautiful architecture, but this place had a nostalgic feel to it because he could identify a lot of Roman influences. "I think this place will be quite interesting."
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2009
  3. Smooth Move.

    "Oh wow, that's amazing
    "Your so funny
    "Can I have a piece of paper
    "Mmm, really nice."

    Leon Pastilli moved on with his clutched hand full of girl's numbers. Damn, again . . . that's just great. He moved on through the crowd to the dorms and stopped when he saw some kid being dragged into a basement like complex. Egh, none of my business, don't get involved.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Tom was lying down on his bed. He sighed as he looked at the clock. "Well... I guess it's time for the newcomers. I wonder why this school makes such a big deal about new students." He got up from his bed and picked up the book he was reading the previous night. "The Alchemist." He muttered to himself as he headed for the door.
  5. Leon continued to walk and entered the dorms. He accidentally bumped into a boy. He saw what the boy was reading. "Woah, I love that book guy. Yeah, I'm new but umm, name's Leon, Leon Pastilli." He held out his hand, not really expecting for him to shake his hand, he's an upper-classmen, he wouldn't.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Nice to meet you Leon." Tom said, shaking his hand. "I'm Tom. I'm guessing you're new here. You have that same look of being lost that I did when I first came here. And yeah, this book is great."
  7. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    The young man who had just walked up next to Vladimir seemed alright, and given his accent he was Roman, "Yes I suppose it is interesting. My name is Vladimir Corbec. Pleasure to meet you." Vlad smiled sincerly and stuck out his right hand in offering a hand shake as they continued to walk. The crowd seemed to be making a right.
  8. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Michael smiled as he took Vlad's hand "Nice to meet you Vladimir, I am Michael. If you wish you may call me Micah to shorten it up." He sighed as he kept following the crowd "This walking is very dull. What are we following her for anyway?"
  9. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    Christian walked silently at the end of the group. he hadn't said a word to anyone and he wasn't planing to. he wore his baggy green jacket, and his huge baggy green pants with an immense amount of pockets. he noticed-- with disgust-- that the kids ahead of him seemed to be all jittery and anxious.

    Sigh, why am i here?
  10. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    "Where else would you have us go? We don't know where anything is in this place and if we went into somewhere we aren't supposed to then we could be expelled." Vlad cautioned.
  11. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Michael nodded and sighed "I'm just patient with the useless walking...." He looked around trying to find any indication as to what they were heading towards. "Maybe they wish fill us in on some of the inner workings of the school."
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will had been walking and trying to find his room when he saw his friend Tom from last year. "Hey Tom, still reading?" He joked, stepping into the room and setting his guitar case down. He was a great guitarist and it was also his favorite hobby. He tapped his fingers on his pant leg as his other hand fiddled with a few guitar picks and a stone that was in his pocket.
  13. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    "Doubtfully," Vlad said half to himself and half to Micah, "They are probably just going to tour us around the school, and then give us the entire prep talk about being new and 'welcome' at this 'fine and prestige' school." He scoffed and shook his head. It was a fine and prestigous school, but something felt off to him about it.
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Hey, this is an awesome book." Tom said to Will. "Don't insult it." He looked at Leon. "Oh Will. This is a new guy. He's Leon."
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will held out his hand for a handshake saying. "Good luck here. I almost failed. Tom here helped me out." He said with a grin. He then turned to Tom. "Hey, you still want to be roomates this year?" He asked Tom, spinning a guitar pick between his fingers.
  16. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Currently all of the new arrivals were lead into the auditorium.
  17. "Egh, I don't really mind." It really wouldn't matter, but egh.
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