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secret bosses

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Riku486, Jun 18, 2007.

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  1. Riku486

    Riku486 New Member

    have heard that there are some secret bosses besides seporoth but i dont know were they are?:confused: I know there hard but im Ready.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  2. Mon-sieur Bome

    Mon-sieur Bome New Member

    In kh2 don´t exist secret bosses you know were you heard that ???
  3. Riku486

    Riku486 New Member

    Yes i know where i heard that iv seen screenshots
  4. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Are you sure you have the correct game? Because FFVI Advanced has came with more bosses. Do the names Gilgamesh & Leviathan ring a bell?
  5. Riku486

    Riku486 New Member

    i JUST FIGURED OUT I think its in finalmix
  6. Mon-sieur Bome

    Mon-sieur Bome New Member

    ^^ right!!!
  7. Leg@leom

    Leg@leom New Member

    Secret bosses are only in kingdom hearts 2 final mix+ (chasers)
  8. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    Yes. In Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ are extra battles, knowingly:
    Mushroom challange
    Organisation fights
    Organisation Arena fights (even harder)
    The Chaser.

    In Kingdom Hearts there's only Sephiroth as extra.;)
  9. Zook

    Zook New Member

    yeah there are not any other secret bosses. There were some in KH1 but none in KH2 that we know of.
  10. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    what he said
  11. Vexen

    Vexen New Member

    the serects in 1 are Kurt Zisa,Phantom,Sepiroth,and Ice Titan
  12. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    the only secret boss in kh2 is sephiroth
  13. Vexen

    Vexen New Member

    i havent play past the land of the dragons in number 2,and i dont even own the game
  14. in KH1 there was the phantom at the clocktower and kurt zisa in the desert..but none in KH2
  15. crazykh

    crazykh New Member

    secret boss

    that thing that your talking about is in the final mix dude your just plain stupid
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