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Kingdom Neveah (OOC and SU)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, May 19, 2009.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *This RP is based on a story that I made on a different forum but we by no means have to follow the story that I made. I'm just posting the exposition scene from that story as the expositon for the RP. It was inspired by the Zelda series in case you couldn't tell.*

    It was a clear, beautiful night and most of the inhabitents of the forest were sleeping. But deep inside, hidden just around the tall green tree and behind the waterfall there lay a secret world of people and magic unknown to the mortal world. It was in this world that a mysterious man ran for his life, stumbling over tree roots and tripping through plant life that wraped itself about his anckles as if holding him back. "Going somewhere Warren!?" Cried an angry voice from the treetops. Suddenly a dark figure lept down right in front of the man. The man who'se name was Warren had to stop very suddenly so as not to run right into the dark figure. He had to stop so abruptly in fact that he fell over to the ground.
    "You have a debt to pay Warren." Said the dark man who stood above him. "You cant run away from what you've done to me!" he shouted angrily.
    Warren panted and tried to stand up "B... but how?" he said "How did you come back? I thought you..."
    The dark man kicked Warren hard in the ribs. Warren cried out in pain and fell back down. The other man answered with a cold chuckle "...You thought I was dead? You thought that a little poisen in my whine could kill the most powerful being in Neveah? You were blind and foolish!"
    Warren clutched at his chest, his face twisted with pain as he answered. "...You had to be stopped... y... I..."
    "Now let me explain something to you old man!" said the darker man menacingly as he pulled Warren up by his hair and threw him against the trunk of one of the trees. "I have been to hell and back again because of you and now you will pay." he said it in a harsh whisper that silenced even the chirping of the crickets.
    "P... please, Lucious. I have... I have a wife.. and A kingdom to take care of..."
    The man whose name was Lucious back handed Warren to the ground. Warren just knelt there, caughing. "You are right. To kill you would be more of a punishment to your family than to you." he said thoughtfully.
    Warren didn't like the tone in Lucious's voice. He wiped blood from the corner of his lip and waited for Lucious to say his deadly sentence.
    "Your wife. You love her dont you?"
    Warren growled and stood up "If you touch her I swear I'll make sure you stay dead this time." he threatened.
    Lucious smiled a vicious grin and ignored Warrens threats and just continued speaking "You and she have been married for what, three months now?"
    "Get to the point Lucious!"
    Lucious laughed "Your wife is pregnant Warren."
    Warren was taken aback. His heart skipped a beat. "She... she's what?"
    Lucious's dark grin spead even farther "Furure King of Neveah, Warren Tsukio, I bear a solom oath to you now. You have taken everything from me and sent me to hell but I have returned for your reckoning." Warren pulled out his sword and swung it at Lucious with a cry of fury but the blade only repelled off of some unseen force surrounding Lucious. A shock of pain wound its way from Warren's wrist all the way up to his sholder. He dropped the blade and cradled his injured hand against his chest.
    Lucious laughed and continued speaking, his eyes grew a suttle violet color. Warren knew what Lucious was doing. He was speaking a magical oath that no forest being could break. "NO!" he screamed but his voice would not overpower Lucius's oath which now echoed through the surrounding silvery moonlit trees.
    "Warren Mark this day as the beginning of a curse. I shall leave the forests of Neveah and not give you a second thought. But you shall see me around your sholder every day for the rest of your life. I will haunt every one of your deepest nightmares. But this is not the worst of my curse to you."
    Warren tried to run away but the plantlife had entangled itself in the young prince's ankles and he fell over.
    "One day I will return. And on that day I will take everything away from you just as you have done to me. I SHALL TAKE THE THING THAT MEANS MOST TO YOU!"
    With that, a bright golden light burst from Lucius's eyes and grew so bright that Warren had to cover his eyes for fear that if he didn't he would go blind.
    When he opened his eyes again, there was nobody with him but the churping crickets and hunting owls. But that voice still seemed to echo through the trees "I shall send you to hell just as you tried to do to me."
    Warren stood up, searching the area and the shadows for where his enemy could possibly have gone but he saw no one. He took two steps backward and then turned and ran.

    It's been seventeen years since that frightfull night in Neveah. Warren grew up and became King of Neveah and he and his wife had a daughter. Warren nearly forgot all about Lucious and the terrible promise he made. Things seem so perfect in Neveah... but things are beginning to change. Darkness is spreading through their beloved kingdom. Entire cities are dissapearing and being completely destroyed. Lucious has finally returned and true to his word, he is taking revenge on all of Neveah for what Warren has done.
    Finally Amikera, the goddess of Neveah decided that Lucious must be stopped. She chose three heros to save Neveah from the evil that now grips it.

    The first hero she chose was Warren's daughter, the princess of Neveah.
    The Second hero she chose was an honor guard of the royal court and one of the princess's closest friends.
    Her Third and probably most suprising choice was a regular boy.
    Her Fourth Choice was a mysterious swordsman and a rumored outlaw.
    These four are destined to save us all. It is up to them now to save Neveah from complete darkness. And if they fail, or refuse their destiny, then all hope is lost.

    Characters Needed

    Princess(Hero 1)- KeyofHope777
    Honor Guard(Hero 2)- Honor Guard
    Normal Boy(Hero 3)- Legendseeker
    Mysterious Swordsman(Hero 4)-
    Lucious(Bad Guy)- OathkeeperXIII
    Arekira(Goddess)- OathkeeperXIII
    Reson Etry- Dreich

    Other Characters-

    Powers: (Dont get crazy please. With every power comes its drawback to prevent godplaying)
    Bio: *Optional*
    Other: *Optional*
  2. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Name: Jacob
    Role: Normal Boy
    Age: 17
    Weapon: one-handed sword handed down from his father
    Powers: can see evil in its true form, but slowly loses myself to darkness everytime I do
    Personality: independent, sarcastic, easily gives into emotions
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  3. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    this sounds really pretty cool so I'll kinda use this to announce that if I decide to be less lazy within the next couple of minutes or so I'll put up a bio lol

    Name:Reson Etry

    Role:Lucious bodygaurd/assassin


    Weapon:included in appearance

    Powers: can move at insanely high rates of speed for short amounts of time ( the move is so fast he can't be seen for that instant...essentially flash step from bleach, but with differences) the drawback to this of course is timing when to stop so he doesn't overshoot his target and that it can't be used constantly for more than 5 seconds before he has to stop and take at least a minute break before doing it again

    Bio: (I'm assuming history...if so it will be revealed in the RP for the most part)

    Personality:secluded, fairly modest, self-interested, self-confident in his swordsmanship (for a very good reason)
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Aleta

    Role: Princess

    Age: 17

    Appearence: Red hair and clear green eyes.
    Form 1: [​IMG]
    Form 2: (I couldn't have her dressed in a ball gown to fight evil ;) [​IMG]

    Weapon: Sword seen in pic. It use to belong to her father.

    Powers: She has the power of truth sight. She knows when someone is lying to her or around her. She also has fire bending powers. She has annother power as well but I'll leave it as a suprise until later in the RP.

    Bio: Aleta is the princess of Neveah. Through her whole life she's gotten everything she's wanted and some things she didnt. But she gets bored with the responsibilities of princess life and she finds every excuse possible to leave home and explore Neveah. It's always been a dream of hers to explore every inch of Neveah.
    Recently, when all the darkness began to spread through Neveah, it seemed to effect her mother as well. The queen of Neveah is dying slowly with everything else in her homeland.
    And last time she tried to venture away from home she was attacked by horrible creatures in the woods. She knows that dark days are comming to Neveah and it scares her a lot. She has a feeling her father knows whats going on but he wont tell her.
    Personality: Beautiful, Not very Patient, Secretive, strong willed, she has some trouble with jumping into action before thinking first.
  5. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Name: Joey de Angelis

    Role: Honor Guard

    Age: 30

    Appearence: Hylian soldier standard armor, but triforce lgo on helmet

    Weapon: Double Helix sword

    Powers: teportation, but the futher I teport the less energy I have

    Bio: parents died at the age of 7, inlisted into the Honor guard acadamy at 18 and was the youngest person ever accpeted into the Honor Guard battialon. his motto is "mess with the best, die like the rest"

    Personality: very nice and generous person, always thinking of others. but mess with him die like the rest.

    Other: german shepard dog called Arek
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    All profiles accepted.
    Great profile Honor Guard. Is this the first Roleplay you've ever done?
  7. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    well the first one I've joined, also your second form looks hot. you should call her damn, because she looks so damn fine
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    lol how old did you say you were again?
  9. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    14 going on 15, but in this thread I'm 25 baby
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    lol thats funny. :cool:
    We have all of our required good guys taken all we need is for someone to join as Lucious (How come nobody ever wants to join as the bad guy around here -_-')
  11. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    bad guys are awesome!!!! just like darth maul. maybe if you put pictures of how the bad guy would look people would want to be him
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I use to know like three different members who liked playing bad guys. They all left though T_T.
    Amy might do it...
  13. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    who's that? or maybe the princess would like too?
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Amy is my cousin. Her username is OathkeeperXIII.
  15. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    well I had to think of some royal thing to call her my Queen
  16. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Hope and I talked over the phone. She says hi everyone :D
    I'll be the bad guy but I'm making a different character as well. My second charrie wont be as active because she isn't as vital of a role but I figured that I can be her when needed.

    The Dark King Lucious

    Name: Lucious

    Role: Bad guy

    Age: Immortal (hundrereds of years old. Appears to be 18)

    Appearence: [​IMG]

    Weapon: [​IMG]

    Powers: Control over shadows and dreams. Lucious knows dark magics that even some of the bravest of sorcerers would not dare to use. And he has gotten stronger yet since King Warren last saw him. He controls the shadow and evil that threatens to overtake Neveah. He claims that the devil himself fears the power he posesses and few would argue with him.

    Bio: Was once Prince Warrens best friend when they were growing up. Lucious was a carefree child and teen and Warren and Lucious even shared a birth day. But Lucious gained interest in dark arts, his own family was killed by his experiments with black magics and then Lucious's mind was clouded over by the power he was studying and it became his obsession. He began killing others and stealing their power for his own. His hunger for power never ceased!
    Warren knew something must be done so he betrayed Lucious's trust one night and tried to kill his best friend for the sake of Neveah. Lucious fell at Warrens hand but Warren's eighteenth birthday, the day that Warren was to be crowned king of Neveah, Lucious returned, seeking revenge on Warren. He claimed that he had gone to hell itself but returned once again to 'see his old friend.'
    Warren was married at that time and so he ran from his home in attempt to lead Lucious away from his wife. Lucious found him and placed a deadly curse on Warren and everything that he held dear. He also placed a curse on Neveah itself saying that may it one day know the hell that he had faced at the hand of his so called friend. The final curse was that may Warren watch helplessly as Lucious took from him his greatest and most valuable treasure just as Lucious had watched as Warren took his life. He then vanished again for nearly sixteen years but he is now neither living nor dead and is immortal the same age he was when he was killed by Warren. He is an empty shell of the prince's best friend and there is nothing left of him but the memories of his past. He is evil and his heart blackened by rage and power lust.

    Personality: Cold hearted, enjoys seeing the pain of others, wants above all power, powerful, deadly, patient.

    Goddess Akerika

    Name: Akerika

    Role: Goddess of Neveah

    Age: Timeless

    Appearence: [​IMG]

    Weapon: Divine powers. but due to her role as goddess she is unable to fight on either side. She can only grant her power to mortals for them to use.

    Powers: She is everywhere and sees all things in Neveah. She is the creator of the land and all of the creatures in it. She therefore can see into the future and the past of Neveah.
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Dang... All the hero positions are taken. I'll have another character.

    Name: Gerik
    Role: A traveler of sorts
    Age: ???
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Awesome sword in appearance
    Powers: Can shoot magic energy at enemy. Needs magic to do so. Can activate invincibility. Doesn't last too long, and can't be used too often.
    Bio: *Optional*
    Personality: Kind to those he meets. Merciless to his enemies.
    Other: *Optional*
  18. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Hope I think you should cosider adding annother hero role. Three seems kinda cliche to me.

    Also I updated my profile and made Akerika I hope thats alright.
  19. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    nice roles my princess, love the Firce Deity alot
  20. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    Hey I just thought I'd let you know I made some changes to my character bio...well one change...the appearance
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