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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Thank you. That's what I was attempting to say earlier, but I am terrible with medical stuff and whatnot.

    Babies are NOT BLACKS! Er.... correction, abortion rights are not the slave/african american rights. Are you African American or something? And also, why so RUDE? "You idiot" - honestly?

    Yes. Overpopulating is scary.

    That's been happening for a while, kupo. The post thing, I mean.
  2. We are not in immediate danger of overpopulation. So stop using that as an excuse.

    Look I had an abortion and I realise now that I killed my baby. You can never understand it from my point of view. I love my baby now and I regret what I did. Does'nt that mean anything to you? Does'nt that show you that some people believe the baby is a baby from the moment of conception.

    Maybe this will help you understand. I wish that my right to choose an abortion was taken away from me. I wish that I was forced to have my baby. I don't want that right. I should not of had the right to have an abortion and neither should anyone else.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    WRONG!! Oh so wrong!! We are already way over the danger point. We should be expecting a die off in our race in the next 20 years. Thats not far if you think about it. In case you didn't know, here is definition of over population.

    Overpopulation is when an animal or plant's population gets over their enviornments ability to provide for it. When this happens, that critter will either drive out another critter or die off in huge amounts.

    We have destroyed a lot of our rainforest's, Ruined the great planes, chopped down a large amount of forest in our country, and driven a lot of animals into the threatened, endangered, and extinct lists. We have been over populated since the freaking baby boom.

    Let me ask you something, and i'm gonna come off as a jerk so bear with me but, How old were you when you found out you were pregnant. The first one. Because if i'm right, you were rather young back then. You had no way of providing for that child, and it would have ended up in a orphanage, or you would be in huge trouble financially. You would have had some major regrets. Now your despairing over the loss of a child that never truly existed. Yes a future was cut short, but yours would have been to. Look at it this way, can you guarantee that you would have been happier without the abortion? You might have lost the child in child birth or perhaps it turned out to be stuck in a bad family. You couldn't provide for it, and you may have forced a life that kid wouldn't have wanted. Its not for me to say, i can't see the future, but stop whining about losing a kid in abortion. Look forward in life, and don't look back. All you'll do is descend into darkness.
  4. Shut the hell up right now. I'm a murderer. My child did exist, a person can't love something that never exist. I was scared then but now I know what I did was wrong and I love my baby.

    I would gladly sacrifice my future and my life if I could just bring my baby back. Who are you to say when something exist or not. Who do you pro-choice people think you are? You have no right to say when a baby becomes human. You have no right to do that so stop acting like you can kill anything you deem less than human.

    When I do have kids one day, everytime I look in at them I will know that I killed their unborn brother or sister.

    If I was raped today and if I got pregnant then I would carry that baby and take of it. I would find the courage to do what I should have done 2 years ago. If I can be that brave then why can't every other woman be that brave?
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    . . . . . . . You love love, and yet it doesn't exist in a physical sense.

    Someone who has take biology, obviously. Not me though - doesn't interest me. So, are you vegetarian?

    You can't kill something if it is never born... It's the DEFINITION of born.

    Since you decided to abort the child, you have gained a guilt complex about it. If you hadn't abandoned the child, odds are you'd be in a pretty sticky situation right now, and probably wishing you had aborted. We are the products of our environment...
  6. What is your deal? Is your whole life based around science? When are you going to get it? Oh I give up on you. All your're doing is hurting my feelings but you don't care because you don't even have a heart yourself.
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Can't kill what never lived. Only 3rd trimester abortions are murder in my eyes. You are mistaking love for guilt. Guilt that you didn't go through with something and decided to run away. I see people like you every single day. They feel that they did something terrible, they run from difficult choices and wrap up that choice in a package of lies. In actuality they are just to weak to view the truth.

    I am a person that knows the inner workings of a heart. I have stared death straight in the face, and walked away. I had the choice to die or put up with the hell i must endure every day. Guess what i picked? You want to give up your life for your lost child? Doesn't that make the sacrifice null and void? You do not want to walk down this path. Only despair lie's down that path. Despair and death.

    You did not kill a person. You removed a fetus. It is just a body part. Besides you might have lost it in child birth or a miscarriage. It was predestined that you would run from that choice, so stop blaming yourself over it. When you do have kids, don't think about what was lost, but what was gained.

    Foolish. How would you explain that to a kid? That their dad was a sex predator. Don't judge others based on something you haven't done either. To believe you are that strong is to tell another lie, because your own weakness and fear are before me. I can see that you are just an average person who is spiralling into darkness. Who am I? I'm a person that pays attention to the workings of this world. I pay attention to the workings of the heart. I am a person, but more than that, I am me. I'm proud of my decisions, and i look to the future. A brighter future.

    HOW DARE YOU! How dare you say that someone has no heart? He has his own life, his own feelings, and his own dreams. Do not presume to talk of something that you don't understand.
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  8. Well, the thing is is that you did it. Nothing will change, nothing you do can bring it back. Also, we've never said that we know when a baby is considered human, so that's just irrelevant. As soon as we (all people) get actual files, stats and crap like that when they're considered human, then the arguments will change. But really, you just sound very hypocritical right now because you obviously made the choice to get the operation, now you regret. All the usual points that Pro-Choice arguers bring directly applies to you.
  9. Maybe you don't consider it a person but I do. I believe I killed a person, I believe I killed my baby. When a person does something wrong they must be punished for it, I have to be punished for what I did.

    Don't you have any sense of justice. When does it end? What's next? Are people going to start killing born babies because they are not as smart as a young child? What is wrong with you people?
  10. Then you might as well just kill yourself then if that's your argument.
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Wrong! You do not need to be punished for this choice. It is time for your choice. The choice that all people deserve. Here they are.

    You can look into your heart. Look all the way, and strip away all the lies you have told yourself till now. You can decide that you have served what you call "punishment" for the despair you have been in your whole life. You can take the one step that you have been waiting to take up to this point. The step to move on.

    Or, you can continue this charade. Blaming others for their views will not save you. If you don't help yourself, were will this end? If you keep this up i can almost guarantee that you will decide to follow your unborn child soon. The impulse will take you, and you will leave everyone else behind.

    Stop being selfish. Your pain is hurting others. Those others are your friends. Do you think they want to see you like this? You have so much ahead of you, so much in store. This is but the first hurdle in life, but a happy life could be yours. All you have to do is make the one choice you have been running away from. Think about it for a day, because once you pick there is no going back.

    Now.... Choose.
  12. She'll still be stuck inside her past and never being able to let go. There's always someone to blame for things like this. Since she's so religious, why don't you blame God next? Maybe he'll help you out!
  13. Why should I live the life that my baby should have had? I took my baby's life away and so why should I deserve one?

    And don't say my baby is less than human because it was my baby.
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Silence Graceful Assassin. Do not give a troubled heart more to deal with. She needs to make this choice, and your interference will be just like pulling the trigger. She will die if I allow this to continue. So enough is enough, let her pick.

    Oh? So you pick to fall into an eternal darkness without giving it much thought? Don't cast away your life so soon, because you will only hurt others. I ask that you sleep on it, or find a quiet place to make peace with yourself. Only then can you make such a big decision.
  15. JUST end your life cause' I'm really getting sick of it. Yes, I know I'll never feel your pain because I'm not a woman, but for Christ's sake, stop it! Nothing, I repeat nothing will make up for it. You need accept that you made a choice and move on.
  16. My baby never had a choice so why should I have a choice?
  17. If that's the way you want to constantly rant on about it, then leave life to go with your child, damn.
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer


    Key, everyone gets a choice. YOU served your punishment. You are just running away, now stop. Turn around, and stand tall. Look to the future. You will never move forward if you stay this way. Life has stopped, and you will never become happy if you keep this up. You do not, i repeat, do NOT want to do this. I have been there, i have done that. I may not have aborted because i am a boy, but i have been at this very cross roads that you now stand. I picked my life. I asked for help. This is not something you can do alone. You can not live with such a burden alone. The fact that you speak of it tells me your heart cries for safety. Listen to your heart for once. Graceful assassin, if you want to become a killer, go somewhere else.
  19. I don't have a heart. I'm evil and evil does'nt deserve happiness. My heart died with my baby.
  20. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    With that statement i can see i've reached something. You can't run for ever. Sooner or later, you will have to make this choice. I will be there to help you anytime you need it, but you must make this decision first.

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