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Kingdom Neveah

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, May 23, 2009.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Kingdom Neveah

    ...what truly is one's greatest treasure anyway?

    "Aleta!... Aleta!... Princess come here at once." Aleta ignored the fussy hand maid for as long as she possibly could, laying on her back across the grass near the palace gates letting the sun warm her skin and her face. She didn't want to bother with her father today or any of his senators. The handmaid, Maev just wouldn't get off her case though. Aleta rolled her eyes beneith her closed eyelids as she heard Maev run over to her "Come on child! Is this kingdom really doomed to such a lazy future queen!"
    Aleta opened her eyes, the old woman's face was hidden from the light of the sun behind her. Aleta raised her arm to shield her eyes from the sunlight, her crimson red hair sprawled out through the grass to her right and in all directions. "What is it Maev?" she asked.
    Maev reached down and pulled Aletia to her feet with strength supprising for her old and fragile appearence. "Your father has been asking for you for hours. Come now follow me." Aleta nodded and shook the stray pieces of grass from her skirt and her hair. Then she followed Maev into the castle.
  2. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    *I suppose I can help play as Aleta's dearest mumzy and popsycle. I dont see the point in posting their profiles though because they aren't that important.*

    King Warren sat next to his wife's bed, holding her hand. "Helen... I'm so sorry." he whispered to her. "I promise I can fix this. Everythings going to be fine. You'll see."
    Queen Helen shook her head weakly, her face was pale and damp with fever. She ignored his comment, her voice was barely hearable she was so weak "Warren... please take care of Aleta."
    Warren kissed his beloved wife's hand and then stood up "I will but I wont do it alone. You're going to get better ok. Now get some rest darling. You need it." He then turned and left the room, wondering where on earth his daughter could have gone. Just then he saw Maev come briskly down the hall, followed by Aleta. He smiled warily "Aleta, where have you been?" he asked as the two women got close enough for them to hear him.

    Menwhile far into the shadows of Neveah, Lucious watched his enemies from above "Your end comes soon, Warren." he said darkly. He did not yet know of the heros that Akerika was about to create to stop him. *lol none of the heros have posted yet!*
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta stopped before her father and raised her hand in a graceful and difficult looking wavelike pattern that was costomary as a sign of respect and greetings. "I appologise father. I was out..." she had to think of a good enough excuse as to where she was that wouldn't get her into trouble "...was out at the garden." she finally said after hesitation. "How is mother?" she asked quickly, partly out of genuine concern and partly out of a reason to change the subject.

    *Seeing as Warren is currently a minor character I dont mind if anyone posts as him.*
    Warren shook his head "Shes... well she's better than last night." he said though he didn't seem as confident as he would have hoped. "But thats not what I sent for you about."

    The tone in her father's voice told her that she was in trouble. She glared and braced herself for chastizement.

    "I've been told by a reliable sorce that you were seen out in the training grounds again." he said.

    Aleta wasn't suprised, some of the guards out there were were such snitches sometimes. She rolled her eyes "Which one was it this time?" she asked, annoyed "Jim or Nick?"

    The king glared "Not the point Aleta." he said irritably "What were you doing out there? You know it's not safe."

    Aleta growled "How come it's safe for the soldiers and not for me. You know I'm just as capable of defending myself out there as any soldier."

    Warren was getting impatient "Well none of those soldiers are my daughter now are they! You are a target out there Aleta!"

    Aleta shook her head "A target to whom father? A real person or just your own paranoya!?"

    "Enough!" Warren shouted, Aleta was suprised by her father's sudden anger and she flinched at the sudden force in his voice. He continued speaking as if he hadn't noticed the reaction "What were you doing out there? You went to see Lutennant Joey again didn't you."

    Aleta sighed and nodded "Yes. I went to see Joey." she said reluctantly.

    Warren became a little more calm "Didn't he tell you his new assignment when you spoke to him?"

    Aleta frowned, confused "New assignment? What are you talking about?"

    Maev spoke from the corner of the room for the first time "Princess, are you aware that annother town in Neveah dissapeared last week? The village Ordon(lol) was attacked by the shadows... as far as we know there were no survivors. Most of the buildings and trees are flat to the ground and it's like a ghost town. Nobody has been found alive yet."

    Aleta wasn't suprised. That was the third city taken from Neveah because of the darkness in two months. "What does this have to do with..."

    Her father interrupted her "One of the legions was sent to investigate the tragety and see if they can find some clue as to what is happening out there. Your friend has been sent as the second in command to that investigation team."

    Aleta's eyes were wide with shock "Joey! You're sending Joey all the way to the Ordon ruins? When do they leave?"

    Warren sighed "Within the midday hours."

    "Today!?" Aleta said.

    Maev nodded and Warren said "He's the most level headed when it comes to dealing with situations like this."

    Aleta shook her head "He's too young. He isn't ready. Did you chose him because of me? I promise I'll stop going out to the training grounds. Just dont send my friend out to his death." she said, looking worried.

    Warren shook his head "It wasn't up to me. General Mollgarrd chose him for the assignment and Joey accepted. It's out of my hands, Aleta."

    Aleta shook her head, looking impatient and angry. "Not that you would have tried very hard to have him stay anyway. In your eyes nothing matters but your popularity and your kingdom." she said coldy before she turned and ran back out of the room and down the halls. She ran outside, ignoring the strange looks she recieved from the various servants and other cortiers of the castle as she ran out the front gates toward the training grounds hoping that her friend would still be there.

    Warren made no move to stop his daughter from leaving, her words had struck him right in the heart. He looked to Maev who only shrugged and also walked out of the room leaving Warren alone to his thoughts.
  4. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Akeraka watched from her home above all of Neveah. She saw Princess Aleta's argument with her father and then watched the princess run out to the training grounds to find her friend before his departure. "She obviously cares very much for her friends..." she thought to herself as she turned her attention away from Aleta to Joey seeing him get ready for a long hard journey across Neveah "...And he, for his homeland..." She closed her eyes and her vision changed to a town far into Nevhea's forests where a boy stood, (i'm not sure what Legendseeker's character is doing right now), She could tell even by looking at him that he was also one of those that she was looking for "...His heart may be the strongest in Neveah." And finally her vision changed again to see a mysterious man alone in the dark (Again, I'm not sure what DW's character is doing right now because he hasn't posted yet), "Despite a rough exterior, I sence a strong sence if justice within him. Those four are the most likely to save Neveah."
  5. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Joey was giving he squadron a pep talk before they go to the Ordon ruins. "you soldiers have volunteered for a deadly mission. The chances of you making it back are very slim. We don't know what were even going up againest other than it's evil and dark. But who ever they are we won't go silently into the night for them without giving them HELL! I'm I right!?!"

    "Sir yes sir, Bark bark!!!"

    "Sorry I thought I just heard a bunch of women and a pudole let me try that again. I'm I right!?!"


    " Now move out!" Joey knelt down next to Arek and said, "I'm sorry buddy......but I can't take you. Don't give me that look, I can't already bare leaving you. the Princess already said she would watch you, even though she doesn't know that I ment for ever. I've got to go." Joey got up and started heading for the gates of Nevaeh when Arek started following him. "Arek stay." joey then continued to the gate with Arek staying there.

    "(whimper whimper) BARK, BARK, BARK (Whine whimper) BARK, BARK!!!"

    A some tears escaped Joey's eye as he continued to walk away from Arek.
  6. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob sat on the cliffs edge, overlooking his hometown. With his sword hanging at his belt, he swung his legs over the edge, letting them hang in mid-air. Try as he might, Jacob could not feel happy for the news that was given to him. He and his friend were heading to Ordon *he doesn't know that Ordon had been destroyed*. But despite the news, Jacob couldn't help but dread the trip.

    "Jacob!" someone cried out. He turned his head to find his best friend Abby running up behind him. She sat down next to him and watched the sunset.

    "I hear you and Garian are leaving tomorrow for Ordon." she commented.

    Jacob nodded. "Yup. We're going to get supplies for everyone."

    Abby was silent for a while, then she hugged Jacob. "Be careful." she whispered in his ear. Jacob hugged her back.

    "I will." Then they stood up and walked back to town.


    "AHH!!" Jacob screamed out in the middle of the night. He sat up quickly in his bed, sweating. What was I just dreaming about? he thought. Jacob knew it had something to do with Neveah and the darkness that seemed to be spreading, but he just couldn't remember it.
    I'll worry about it tomorrow. Jacob thought as he laid back down and fell into a fitful sleep.
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    From a distant view, people could see a lone horse running across the open land. The horse was coming from the general location of Ordon. As the horse ran across the plains, storm clouds followed it. The horse had a figure riding it. The horse and the rider stopped at a small bar.

    The rider got off the horse and went into the bar. He sat down, not even bothering to take off his hood. Another man sat next to him and spoke. "How were your travels Gerik?"

    "Not good." The hooded man answered. "Ordon has been destroyed. In all my years, I've never seen anything like it."

    "Remind me again. How many years is that?"

    "Too many." Gerik answered.

    The other man pulled out a knife and was about to stab Gerik. "I'm sorry old friend. But you are in the way." He thrust the knife to stab Gerik.

    Gerik caught his hand and twisted it, breaking the man's wrist. "So... You are willing to betray anything and anyone? Just to spare your own pathetic life?"

    The man bit his lip from the pain. "It's more than that. Even you cannot stop the storm that is upon us. It is better that you leave us forever."

    "I cannot allow that." Gerik threw the man towards a wall. Gerik threw him with so much force that the man broke through the wall and landed outside. Gerik walked towards the man. He reached behind him, as if he was grabbing something. A light appeared, and in Gerik's hand was a giant sword.

    "Make it quick then." The man said, coughing up blood.

    Gerik didn't say anything. He swung down, and then it was all over. "I'm sorry it had to end this way. I wish you stayed on the proper side." Gerik walked over to his horse and continued riding towards the kingdom. As he left the small bar, the storm clouds covered it, showing nothing.
  8. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Lucious walked over to the stained glass table in the middle of the throne room. It's intricate designs were, if you look close enough, a copy of a full map of Neveah made of glass. In the middle of that table lay one simple object, a white gold ring with a black gemstone carved expertly by magic to resemble a rose. Lucious's eyes lingered for only a second on the peculiar object but didn't bother to pick it up as he looked to the door "Resen." he called usuing both telepathy and his real voice.
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    (Sorry, forgot to suscribe to this one)

    Liera, her body hidden under a cloak as her face was under a hood, strode through the town overlooked by the capital with weary feet, but a small smile crept upon her face.

    "Finally... After a month of traveling, I'm at the capital...." She cheerfully sighed. "Two robbing attempts, three thunderstorms, and a river later, I'm finally here.... Now I must hurry to get audience with the king!"

    With that, her pace picked up immensely as she willed herself to the castle.
  10. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    (anything in italics are Reson's thoughts btw...thought that could be important)

    Reson had been just awakening from sleep when he heard his master Lucious call to him. He quickly dressed grabbed his sword and rushed out of his room. If Lucious calls me it must be another task. Reson hurried down the hall at a quick pace to where he knew he could find Lucious. He entered the room fairly inconspicuously and quickly walked to his master's side. "What is it master Lucious? Perhaps another task for me?" Reson noticed the ring in the center of the room, maybe he just hadn't payed attention, but he couldn't remember seeing it before. It was a marvelous thing, white gold with a black stone carved so perfectly into the shape of a rose. Enough with the ring...focus on the task at hand.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta ran from the castle gates and to the training grounds. She saw one of the soldiers walking by her and she stopped him "Where's Joey?" she asked him urgently. The man just stared at her, shocked and then knelt on the ground. Aleta was confused at first and then annoyed "Rise. We dont have time for this." she said as he stood up "Where is Joey?" she repeated. The soldier answered "Well I thought you will have known already your highness. He was sent to the Ordon Ruins."
    Aleta's hope of finding him before he left was getting weaker "You mean they have already left?"
    The soldier shrugged ""I dont know but word has it they were leaving pretty soon."
    Aleta nodded and didn't take the time to thank him with more than a grateful nod before she ran off again. She heard barking and whimpering and knew that it could only be one thing, Arek, Joey's dog. She quickly ran to the direction of the sound to find Arek sitting at the exit to the training grounds and the capitol of Neveah.
    As Aleta got closer Arek turned to her and whined again looking out in the direction his master and their army had gone. "Arek..." the dog whined agan as Aleta stopped next to him. Aleta sighed, knowing that she had missed them. "D**** him." she whispered irritably, ignoring the suprised glances she got from nearby people about the harsh language comming from the princess. He could have at least let me know before instead of letting it come a suprise like that. she thought as she whistled to Arek for him to follow her. She remembered Joey asking her to take care of him, she just hadn't realized that he meant so he could go on a suicide mission. Her eyes stung with conceled tears for her friend as she and Arek walked back to the castle. She turned and looked back at the front gates, But Am I upset because I'm worried about him... or because I cant go insted of him? she thougt to herself. She shook her head, pushing the thought aside before she turned again and continued home.
  12. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob awoke the next morning, feeling fresh and revived. He jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. Just as he tied his sword to his waist, a voice could be heard coming from outside his window.
    "JACOB! Hurry up!" someone shouted. Jacob stuck his head out the window to see his friend and mentor, Garian, standing with two horses.
    "Give me a second old man!" he shouted back. Jacob jumped down the stairs and burst through the door. Garian shook his head.
    "Now really boy. Is that neccessary?"
    Jacob shrugged and mounted his horse. "Well, you did say to hurry."
    "Well, I don't mean to hurry to where you get yourself killed." Garian commented back, mounting on top his horse. "Now, foolishness aside. I heard news that Ordon has recently been destroyed."
    Jacob was shocked. "Ordon, destroyed? Come on now, what could destroy Ordon?"
    Garian pointed at the dark clouds in the sky. "THAT could destroy Ordon. Now, our mission is not one of get supplies and come back. We will assist the Royal Army in finding any survivors."
    Jacob nodded. "Sounds more exciting to me."
    Garian shook his head. "You have much to learn Jacob. Your father would..."
    "Don't mention Father." Jacob cut in. "Let's just go and see if we can help anyone." Without waiting for an answer, Jacob took off towards Ordon. Garian looked at the young boy.
    "I fear that this young lad will soon find that life is more deadlier than it seems." he whispered to himself, then took off after Jacob.
  13. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Joey and the troops arrvied at the dawn of sunset, the place was really a site to see. houses flatted, vegatation blacken to a crisp, and the cold evil breeze that blew through the town. "Alright bravo team, crossbows at the ready, hand on the hilt of your sword and eyes searching for movement now look for survivers in this desalten wasteland!"

    "understood sir!"

    Joey continued after he was cut off by the Bravo team, "Alpha you set up camp on the high ground, while Omega team sets up the defenses. Charle team your on scouting and watch patrol and no drinking on the job is that understood!?!"

    "Sir yes sir!"

    Joey said to himself, more thinking it then saying it aloud, "May we survive the night to see the light the sun brings the next day."
  14. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Lucious nodded without taking his eyes off of the maplike table. "You are correct. I do have a task for you." he said simply as he reached out and took the ring from the table. he held it in his hand as he spoke "I have a feeling Akerika is planning to save her little world. I have had a vision and in it I saw four people that may pose a threat to us if they have the chance to come together."
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "Alpha you set up camp on the high ground, while Omega team sets up the defenses. Charle team your on scouting and watch patrol and no drinking on the job is that understood!?!"

    Aleta adjusted the hood of her cloak over her face and kept to the back so she wouldn't be recognized. "At least not until we get a little farther away from home... that way they cant send me back." she thought to herself. Arek saw Joey and almost barked excitedly at the sight of him but Aleta knelt down next to him and stopped him. "Shhh... you're going to get us both in a lot of trouble if he recognizes you boy." she whispered.

    She remembered that morning, she knew she was one of the fastest runners in Neveah and that she could catch up easily enough. She remembered how angry she had been with her father for refusing to let her go anywhere. And lastly, she remembered her idea of taking Arek to track down the scent of Joey's teams, discuising herself, and leaving the castle to find them. She remembered thinking just before she left home If I'm supposed to one day rule this place, then I should see it. And if there is trouble out there I want to help fight it.
  16. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "Shhh..." Garian said, holding his finger up to his lips. Jacob knelt down and looked through the bushes at the army that had set up camp. Jacob saw a man stand up and start ordering man around.
    "Are they with the Royal family?" Jacob asked. Garian nodded. "So what do we do?"
    "We wait here. The Royal army can sometimes be a little... uncertain with people they don't know." he sat down and looked up at the sky. Jacob continued looking out of the bushes.
    "Did they destroy Ordon?"
    Garian shook his head. "I doubt it. But they might be heading there."
    Jacob said, "Then why don't we join with them?" a snap was heard. Jacob quickly drew his sword and jumped up. But he couldn't see anyone. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a cloaked figure running past them.
    "Did you see that?" Jacob whispered.
    "Yes. Hold still." he got up and walked forward slowly. Just as he went into the bushes, someone jumped out behind Jacob and drug him back. He looked up to see a Royal guard dragging him. Jacob struggled to break free, but he couldn't break free.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta was caught off guard when Arek suddenly growled and ran toward some bushes to the right. "Arek!" she whispered and ran after him. She caught up just in time to see the dog tackle a boy and a guard. "Uh-oh..." she whispered as she ran over to them and tried to pull the massive dog off of the two. "What's gotten into you!?" she whispered, not bothering to disquise her voice. As she managed to pull Arek off, the guard pulled something out of his belt that Aleta recognized: it was a type of bell used to call for help. "Oh great." she said sarcasticly. She looked back at the boy, realizing that her hood had fallen off. She pulled it back up, covering her face with darkness and she and Arek ran back toward the camp.
  18. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "BARK!!" Jacob looked up to see a dog come jumping forward and tackled the guard down. Jacob wrestled himself out of the guards hands and rolled forward.
    "Arek!" he heard someone say. Jacob looked up to see a young woman running over to the dog. She bent down and whispered in his ear, then looked over at him. She realized that her hood was down and she pulled it back up. They took off into the woods.
    "Wait!" Jacob shouted. He jumped up and took off after her. But he soon lost her. Sitting down by a tree, Jacob thought back to what happened.
    "Where is he?" someone said. It took Jacob a second to realize that the guards were looking for him. He jumped up and ran through the woods, away from the Royal army. He hoped to find Garian before too long.
  19. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Akerika watched the selected individuals... as soon as they all meet then it would be time for her to step in explain why Neveah needed them. She just hoped that that time would be before it was too late.
  20. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Joey waited in the tree for the intruder to pass by,"The honor guards are smarter than average soldiers." Joey had said to himself. Joey had known that the intruder and his older friend have been watching them the whole time. The intruder soon came running by, "Sorry mate, but mess with the best die like the rest." The intruder heard the voice just as Joey jumped down on him.

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