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Bleach RP: A mist of hope... RP

Discussion in 'Archive' started by merlinosheep, May 16, 2009.

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  1. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Aer nodded and turned away, "My company will join yours in the burial ceramony." He strided away without so much as a good-bye. He turned his own thoughts to his squad who, like squad eleven, had taken a few casulities. Toriyamu -his fourth seat- had died, and his wife would need compinsation, but the others -his seventh seat and eighteenth seat- had no one. He would pray for them tonight after their burials along with those of the other squads.
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "I got to go set up for the ceremony. Later guys." Rivel turned and walked off. He signaled his men over. "Okay, someone needs to get some food and sake. Everyone else will get the bodies of our fallen lads and set up tables and such." Everyone nodded, and went off to their duties. That night they would feast and be merry for their fallen comrades. Its what they would have wanted.
  3. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    "Bankai." Megumi softly whispers as she decends from the heavens above. Playing her beutiful harp melody, she began with a soft tune. Playing and stringing the strings, her tune began to get faster and faster. This was Megumi first strike against the squad. Her Captain's Robe began to dangle in the air as her pace on her harp increase. The music now sound almost sinister. Her fingers began dancing on the strings. This was her Bankai, Music Melody Meltdown.

    Former 2nd Squad Captian, Megumi Shikami, a once power warrior. Her strength and aglity almost match does of a Captain-Commander. Abadoning her post, as a Captain, she still wear her coat. Her melody began to get louder and louder. Then it just exploded. Her harp was playing a screeching noise. The noise so powerful, defeated the hollows around her. Sending a massive sound wave, it crush any hollow around its radius.

    She wasn't focus on the fighting below, but more on her harp. The 13 Protection Squad, was a joke.
  4. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Talon opened the door to his fathers remedy shop and entered, "I'm back~!" He hollered into the vacant store. Sighing he let the door swing closed as he made his way to the back of the store. Withi his left hand he pushed a small red cloth that dangled from a rope out of his face, "Da' you here?" He asked. The televison buzzed with stactic and Talon set his jaw. Damn the old man, he probably got drunk or into his own herbs.
    Talon stepped forward and a massive pressure suddenly hit his shoulders. It was as if the gravity around him had just increased and was trying to squash him beneath its might, but, at the same time, he could have sworn that he saw his own sweat fly upwards rather than down. Quickly his mind raced for an answer and the same one came up. This was similar to the first time he had fought against one of those masked beasts. Almost instantly anger flared. If they had harmed his father they would suffer a slow death. The pressure seemed to leave as soon as his anger had taken hold. Now with nothing holding him in place he ran through the house seeking his father only to find nothing.
    "Dammit!" He exclaimed and his fist thumped a plain white plastered wall. Movement outside the window caught his attention and when his eyes flashed to the windows there was a slender black cat with golden eyes staring at him. "What the hell?" The cat tilted its head to one side as if studying Talon. Talon's eyes grew wide as he witnessed a masked beast materialize behind the cat.
    Without thinking Talon rushed towards the cat wit his shoulders low and his head tucked near his chest. The window shattered and he hoisted the cat up into his arms as he continued through the air and eventually knocked into the beast. It roared in defiance until it was knocked into a wall. Cursing Talon rolled as soon as he was able to and burst into a run away from the beast.
    "You know that one killed your father." A rough manly voice spoke from seemingly no where. Talon's head swivled left and right but he saw no one. "Down here!" The voice exclaimed and Talon looked at the cat.
    "No way... A cat doesn't talk!"
    "Brilliant deduction, but right now you mind focusing at the matter at hand? That thing following us is called a Hollow."
    "Okay, and that helps me how?"
    "Well I just thought you should know what its called. Also, jump."
    Without questioning, Talon pushed off of the ground and landed on the walls thin, flat, top. The sound of earth shattering behind him only gave him more reason to run faster, "Thanks." He muttered to the cat and it nodded, "I'm going to set you down. I can't keep running."
    "Very well. Just don't die. I need your help with something." The cat replied and Talon halted. He set the cat down and jumped from the wall landing back on the street. He waited until the Hollow was in view before he bull rushed it and cried out in anger.
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  5. Jeshii returned to his captain room and sat down with Momo for tea, "Ya know, the other captains don't trust me. With good reason though, I can't blame them for not trusting me. It still hurts though. At every captain's meeting I am looked at like an outcast." A tear streamed down Jeshii's feet. Momo felt an urge and hugged Jeshii, "I trust you, captain." She whispered as tears streamed down her face. Jeshii smiled and pet her head, "I know, Momo."
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Rivel was sitting in his squads head quarters now. People were rushing to get everthing in place, when he heard a horrifyingly familiar melody. "Oh god, i know this song." He stepped out side, and looked at the sky. "Megumi Shikami. Why here? No, why is she in bandkai?" Suddenly the music became unbearable. Around him his squad fell while he himself went down on his knee. "DAMN YOU!!!" He roared in defiance. He pulled out his Zanpaktou, calling, "BLAST HER TO BITS, BANDKAI!" Both blades in hand, he shot into the sky. "FIRST SHOT!" He called, swinging his blade at her. The explosion was fueled with all his anger and rage, so it was really big.
  7. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Using her harp, she played a vicious melody, creating a sound barrier blocking the attack. "This does not concern you Rivel. I want to see the Captain-Commander. I am trying to get his attention. If you do not back off, then I have no choice but to fight you. As Former 2nd Squad Captain, you may not be a match for me."

    Reverting her harp back to its sword form, she pointed at Rivel. Back then, when she was still Captain, her and Rivel where best friends. Hanging out most of the time, drinking sake in the mornings, playing chess, and even have squad sleep overs, but now things are different. Every one knew of her past, even Rivel and they still didn't tell her the truth.

    "I don't want to hurt you."
  8. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver


    Avalon flash jumped on one of the roofs, battle stanced. "RIVEL! Do you know this Ryoka?!"
    Raven came running up, drawing his zanpaku-tô. "WOW! What's going on in here?!" he said. "AAH! What is that noise?!.
    Concentrate, Raven!" Avalon shouted.
    "Don't let it distract you, or you'll be killed soon enough!"
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Megumi, you have gone this low? I will not hold back. Stay back you two." Rivel Pulled his arms back. "SECOND SHOT!" He swung both blades at once, firing another explosion. He ran after the blast, slamming his blades down on Megumi's sword, making another blast.
  10. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    "General Commander!" A underling from the twelveth division ran up to Shigekuni Yamamoto Genryusai's desk panting heavily. Yamamoto looked up at the young shinigami whose eyes were a delicate green and her smooth face was framed by violet hair that fell to her shoulders, "Sir! I have an urgent message from fifth, eleventh, and ninth companies!"
    "Continue." Yamamoto boomed and the girl nodded. Her eyes hardened and her face became an unreadible mask. Despite her attempt to appear relaxed though, Yamamoto recognized signs of uneasiness.
    "It would appear that after the wave of Hollows breached the Seireitei and were defeated, former Captain of the Second division -- Lady Shikami -- has entered the and is now engaged in a fight with Captain Rivel of the Eleventh Company. It would appear that the former Captain has unleashed her Bankai already, and Captain Rivel has done the same." There was a long silence before Yamamoto rose from his seat and boomed,
    "Such insolence! Not only has the Captain of Eleventh Division acted on his own, but he has drawn his zanpakuto and released his Bankai without permission!" Anger whirled deep in Yamamoto. These children today were too hot headed. Always acting on their own as if they were some hero from a manga. They would all have to take extra lessons now to insure they understood that there are rules that must be followed.
    If not for his centuries of self-controll he could spit on their disobedience. Their love for the Seireitei was admirable, but the law was the law!
    "Notify Captain Retsu, Hitsugaya, Ukitaki, and Kyoraku. Have them all head for Captain Rivel's location. Captain Rivel is to report back to me as soon as possible. This threat must be taken care of!" The member of squad twelve bowed her head and broke away once he gave her permission. Yamamoto tucked his chin to his chest and sighed softly.
  11. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "RIVEL! What are you doing?!" Avalon shouted while swiftly drawing his immense spear. "You can't just unleash bankai again?!"
    "Bro.... i mean... Captain!" Raven called with unease in his voice. "That power! Can Rivel handle it? Or should we call for backup? Maybe from the...."
    "Hush, Raven" Avalon interrupted. "Everything will fall right in their own righteous place..."
  12. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Feeling the power of his bankai, Megumi smiled. "I see you have grown since we last met." Megumi was in awe. Last time, he couldn't even pass his first shot. Slapping her blade, she created a sound wave that target Rivel.
  13. Jeshii sensed a dark presence, "No...." Jeshii used flash step to get to the desert where he saw a man that most thought was dead. There come closer was Ulquiorra, the 4th espada. Jeshii pulled out his zanpakuto and prepared for battle.
  14. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    Reson had been asleep, but that state of sleep had been shattered when he sensed the spiritual pressure of a hollow nearby. It wasn't just the hollow though...no there was someone else. Perhaps a human caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whatever it was he knew it was trouble, so he took off at full speed to reach the hollow...he had about three blocks to get there, but wasn't sure what situation he might be getting into.

    Reson rounded the corner at full speed and saw the hollow facing some human and his cat. This can't be good that guy will be slaughtered. "Run you fool...you're no match for that thing, it'll demolish you." Dammit looks like I'll have to do some work today. Reson drew his zanpaku-to as he ran on an angle to intercept the hollow. One quick slash sent a shockwave that cut the hollow off as it reached towards the human. A quick flash step put Reson in between them. "So...what's your name, human?" Reson blocked an awkward but powerful attack from the hollow as he asked the question.
  15. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Talon watched in awe as a man with rich black hair stopped the Hollow's attack as if it were nothing. What surprised Talon even more was how quickly the Hollow was healing itself. Large globes of some sort of white mixture repeatedly burst from its wound to seal off the bleeding. When the creature was pushed back by the fellows defense Talon replied weakly, but steadily, "The name is Talon. Talon Rice. And if you don't mind I was in the middle of exacting some revenge." With an awkward twist of his head, Talon's neck cracked and he readied to launch himself at the Hollow once again.

    "It probably would be best if we let the Shinigami take care of this." The cat spoke up suddenly.

    "To Hell with that! This thing killed my Da'! I ain't letting it off the hook for that!" Talon hollered.
  16. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    "Talon huh? Well Talon do yourself a favor and run while you have the chance. This thing is more dangerous than you might think...I never thought I say this line, but listen to the cat." Reson knew he didn't need to release his bankai but he figured it would make this go faster and allow him to return to his nap. "Look kid I understand you not wanting to run from this thing because you want revenge or whatever, but if you are going to stay...stay out of my way at least." Reson turned back towards the hollow and decided it was time he ended this quickly seeing as how this hollow could heal. "Bankai" Reson had achieved bankai a while ago and been pestered to become a captain but he much preferred his vice-captain seat under Aer.
    With Bankai Reson's zanpaku-to became much smaller and faster than his shikai, but most importantly instead of such a long wait time between shockwaves he could send one out with each slash if he wished. Reson flash stepped forward and took five slashes in mid flash step. Five slashes that each released a devastating shockwave. Each slash demolished another part of the hollow without destroying the masked head...after all he might as well let the kid get some "revenge" for what it was worth. "Well Talon, you can exact whatever revenge you like now...the hollow should be essentially harmless, but when you're done just make sure to destroy the head and finish it off." Reson turned to walk away and he got a good hundred feet away, but he heard the sizzling of the hollow healing and turned sharply to see the thing nearly regenerated. This isn't going to be as easy as I thought...I may actually have to work at it, but I do so love a good challenge. "Hey kid it turns out you might be able to help after all...I had thought this would be a simple task, but it seems this hollow dies hard...so what do ya say? wanna help me out or run like the cat said?"
  17. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Anger flared deep inside Talon. Without knowing it his reitsu began to flux at different intervals. A low growling sound began in his throat as he stared down the Hollow. The Hollow only looked back at him and gave one of its disgusting roars. As if replying, Talon let out his own howl and charged at the thing. He balled his hands into fists and began to draw his right fist back behind his head, "How about a game of tag-team, Shinigami!?" He leaped into the air. The Hollow stared up at him and if Talon didn't know different he could say it was smiling.
  18. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver


    Now we all need to keep the bankai low a bit, for almost everyone has already used it...


    "That's it!" Raven shouted. "I'm going to help him!" He said while jumped towards Megumi.
    At the moment he was going to strike, Avalon grabbed him out of the noisy air and threw him onto a roof, and fiercely blocked an attack which was targeted on Raven.
    "What where you thinking!?" He shouted as he swiftly flashed back on the ground. "Didn't you hear Rivel?
    His honour's on the line here! You don't just bump in there!"
    "But i..." "NO EXCUSES!" Avalon interrupted.
    "But i'm a assistant-captain! I want to fight!" Raven shouted. "I don't even know my zanpaku-tô's real form! And i abselutly wear the ability of bankai! So tell me!" He kept on going. "HOW DID I FOR PETE'S SAKE, BECOME LUITENANT!?!"
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Rivel jumped over the shot. Not only could he make things explode, but his speed was increased as well. "I'm not the only who has improved Megumi. But i far surpass you. Eat my latest technique!" He brought both his blades together, flipped twice, and unleashed a giant barrage of explosions. This was his ultimate attack. He was honoring her by using it on her.
  20. Ulquiorra pulled out his blade and charged at Jeshii. Jeshii blocked and counter attacked but Ulquiorra dodged and slashed Jeshii's chest. Jeshii gritted his teeth and jumped back. Ulquiorra looked at Jeshii and said, "So you are the new captain of squad 5?" Jeshii nodded and said, "Yes I am." Ulquiorra sighed and said, "Lord Aizen will certainly want you to be elimenated. Prepare for death." The two were ready for round 2.
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