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Princesses Of Heart

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by x3pic, May 28, 2009.

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  1. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    actually, i concede the BBS overlook, but nomura hasn't stated why they aren't. possibly because of the time, and the door to darkness, etc
    however, the "ansem" (xeha) reports were done 9 yrs before KH1's events. read them again, and tell me i'm wrong. shadow heartless were around 9yrs before KH1's events and weren't created by xehanort. quote reports:

    It is my duty to expose what this darkness really is. I shall conduct the following experiments: Extract the darkness from a person's heart. Cultivate darkness in a pure heart. Both suppress and amplify the darkness within. The experiments caused the test subject's heart to collapse, including those of the most stalwart*. How fragile our hearts are! My treatment produced no signs of recovery. I confined those who had completely lost their hearts beneath the castle. Some time later, I went below and was greeted by the strangest sight. Creatures that seemed born of darkness... What are they? Are they truly sentient beings? Could they be the shadows of those who lost their hearts in my experiments?

    and again

    The shadows that crawl beneath the castle... Are they the people who lost their hearts, or incarnations of darkness? Or something entirely beyond my imagination? All my knowledge has provided no answer. One thing I am sure of is that they are entirely devoid of emotion. Perhaps further study will unlock the mysteries of the heart. Fortunately, there is no shortage of test samples. They are multiplying underground even as I write this report. They still need a name. Those who lack hearts... I will call them the Heartless.

    most stalwart. ie: strong hearted people.
    completely devoid of emotion ie: nobodies as well. ring any bells, xemnas?

    heartless were always there. Xehanort just observed a typical heart-loss from his experiments, and the end result.
  2. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    Thats a pretty valid point but Sora was asleep for one year which held the events of 358/2 days so alot can happen in a year is my point. because BBS is like 10 years before KH1 and the reports are 9 years old so yeh. Valid points.
  3. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    you don't have to tell me, to check, because im the reason you are reading these, i told you to check.

    First off good thing i said ANSEM THE WISE, created the first heartless, not XEHANORT.
    First off im going to show you a time line that is just my thought process, but with the research ur doing, im sure you would agree.:

    so your saying that the first heartless was made aroun 9 years before the first KH
    well BBS happened 10 years before the first KH

    so it adds up perfectly,
    a year after the events of BBS the first heartless was created, 9 years after that the events of KH1, and so on

    heartless still aren't around in bbs so proves nothing

    again 9 years before correct?, not 10 years, so no heartless in BBS that we know of

    weren't around in BBS that we know of, show me a heartless in BBS, because xehanort wasn't even in BBS, master xehanort was 2 different people

    so you can't say they are around in BBS,


    Interviewer: Are there new enemies you can confirm that are not shown in the screens?
    Nomura: The new enemy is not a Heartless, or a Nobody, because the story takes place before even they appear. I can only give out more information, little by little, as time passes: an example being like the Shadow enemies that are heartless, and the Dusk enemies that are nobodies.

  4. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    well, first of all:
    In BBS, heartless would be around during the time, just not in the game, remember, in the 9yrs of time after Xemnas is gathering hearts. Heartless and nobodies would have a behind scenes role for BBS, unless nomura decides to put them in, which he might for the shadow...
    however, I cannot show a heartless in BBS, but:
    Ansem conducted a few experiments, seeing what would happen when one lost ones heart. this, yes, creates a heartless, but Ansem did not originally create heartless, as the door to darkness makes clear. that was around since the beginning.

    what you're saying is that it was unbirths, and nobodies, but no heartless...which is contradicting your previous arguments. Can't rebut this, but i agree 35% of what you are saying. Heartless have most lkikely been given the behind the scenes role for KHBBS, like the nobody role in KH.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Thats right let them show you proof.

    Hehe but the PoH proved him wrong. That was in his early reports if i remember correctly.

    Well old man Ansem doesnt really know what Namine is. First he said she was created on DI, then she was created when sora released his heart and Kairi's, last he says Namine comes into existence via sora's body and soul.

    And their is no possible way that. A body and soul can be split. This is an assumption but since the body and soul cant be split. One of them consist of sora's body and soul and one is left with absolute nothing. Roxas(soras body and soul) Namine(Nothing)

    If that is so then sora is still not complete without namine. If they did share body and soul Diz would have turned Namine into data to put her back into sora.

    Seems like everyone is reading the reports now. Heartless were never there in the time of bbs. Nomura even says the unbirths are the starting point for the heartless. Once the unbirths went existent and MX,DS,TAV vanashed a man by the name of Xehanort who lost all of his memories created the first heartless.

    Xehanort created the first heartless.

    Unbirths are the starting point for the heartless. Heartless were never around back then. If they were then they been would have grown in population.

    Xehanort did and Heartless werent a natural process back then because they didnt exist.

    No heartless = No Nobodies because a heartless must be made for a nobody can.

    Well according to Kairi's grandmother story. Everyone before bbs had no darkness in their heart so you think back then their were heartless.
  6. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    You can stop with the heartless being around all the time, i just showed you proof, that the creator of this game, said they are NO HEARTLESS AROUND
    and no what i said is there are no heartless in BBS, i did not mention nobodies atl all so shut that up and i showed you an interview where it said there are no heartless nor nobodies, so shut tht up please, the only enemies in BBS are unbirths and master xheanort i guess.

    wouldnt have to if they actually made an effort to find more about the game

    =D already said this

    ansem is slow like sora =D


    DiZ didn't even know she was Kairi's nobody, He didn't know what Namine was, all he knew is she as a nobody, so he probbly wouldn't have done that, thats an assumption that can easily be proven incorrect.

    Now we both know, that Namine was born when sora release kairi's heart.

    So to be resonable. Kairi in no way could have made namine on her own. I don't care what you say, we both know thats a fact

    so who's darkness did she use?

    Yea Sora's, so she did infact use Sora's darkness, to make namine, no doubting it.

    So namine is somewhat a part of sora
    you can not say Sora didn't help make Namine, thats why she has the power to control his memories,

    but i do agree with you on he may not be complete,

    =) I know after i told them to, of course

    Ha i already showed them the proof on this one to buddy
    jeeze ur late

    Hmm *thinks* i could have sworn ansem did,

    but i agree,


    Finally, someone with sense, plus a nobody isn't made everytime a heartless is

    Its a fairy tale, so i can't really go by that
  7. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    well, it sorta does prove my hypothesis that unbirths were sorta primordial heartless and design templates for artificial heartless. Idk about them never being there, heartless are in the door to darkness which has always been around...
    but what you've said makes sense
  8. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    yet they aren't heartless at all,
  9. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    god, didn't you see the "sorta" before that?

    look, just call a truce, this argument has and is going nowhere.
  10. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    i don't care, because it doesn't prove nothing, not trying to argue, your just not accepting the facts, they aren't heartless

    while i agree that they can be what lead to heartless, they aren't them exactly,
    so it doesn't even sorta prove your point.
  11. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    but you have to agree with the fact that unbirth + artificial heartless designs are similar, so Xemnas/Xehanort must have had some contact with unbirths. and i'm fairly sure it was an argument...glad its over.
  12. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    im pretty sure it wasn't, because if you would have accepted the facts, then it would be easier.

    yes but you do gotta remember, that Nomura draws everything, so they maybe similar because of his art style,
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    You cant split a soul in half thats for sure.

    He pretty much knew Namine was Kairi's Nobody he knew Namine was special because of her somebody.
    Nothings impossible but I agree.
    Does it matter whose darkness it is. Darkness is darkness.
    He help make her but because of this she can control his memories.

    Ya im sure hes complete without Namine because she has nothing belonging to sora.

    Man im slow on these posts.
    Everyone tells me Xehanort become he wrote the Ansem Reports under the false name Ansem.

    I love when people say that Nomura says their is a degree of overlapping so it has some meaning to it.

    Remember Heartless use corridors of darkness to get around so they could of just use those to get into the dark realm.
  14. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    :D to lazy to even take it apart, but
    Yes i know what nomura said,

    The xehanort thing is semi correct Xehanort Non Heartless took Ansem's name
    True about Sora being complete

    Yes, but Kairi used Soras Darkness, so it actually does matter, because if she would have used anothers person's darkness, she would have the power to control his memories, actually.

    Actually its quite impossible for a PoH to have any darkness :p

    I doubt Ansem knew that, that is a debatable thing,
  15. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    cool thread
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator


    A non heartless you mean a free roaming heart and Xehanort did write the report and his heartless(heart)
    Details details details.
    Im not so sure about a nobody.

    What him knowing Namine is Kairi's nobody even though he didnt know what she was. He says Namine was created when a young girl lost her heart. Then he changes his mind that she consist of sora's body and soul. Im pretty sure he knows.

    Oh ya Axels true name is funny.
  17. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd


    Is it Lea?
    Since i heard that from the game :eek:

    Don't tell me that his somebody is a "she" XD
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  18. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    i know haha sorry :/

    Ha yes thats exactly what i meaan, ha, but in one of the reports he said that he lost his heart but he didn't take on the transformation of a heartless. so if anything im guessing both of them help right the ansem reports in kh1

    ha details are the most important part

    Well nobodies are made from the left overs after a heartless is made, those left overs would be sora's because its the left overs of the body and soul. Kairi didn't use those left overs because she didn't use her body nor soul to create namine, just her heart, the rest came from Sora's. =)

    I stand corrected, because i forgot he said that =D

    is it really lea?

  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    *bust a gut*
    Ya it is.
    Its pronounced Lee but im going to pronounce it Leya from now on.

    In the Secret Ansem Report I think Diz says that he only wrote Report 0 or was it 1.

    Even though if im not mistaken even Kairi's body and soul fade into darkness but stayed in the realm of light.
    Wait wait wait x3pic is wrong. I never thought to see the day. JK.

    Yep yep yep.
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I thought Axel's name was Ela?

    *Snicker* Ansem=Mansex - why else is the Org. composed of almost all guys?
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