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Favorite Final Fantasy Villain

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Betty Boop, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    From Garland in FFI to Vayne in FFXII, the villains of Final Fantasy have been interesting to watch and tough to defeat.
    My favorite villain is Kefka from VI. Kefka was insane. He succeded in his first goal of becomig a god and ruling the world. Then he wanted to destroy the world because he didn't see the purpose in anything.
    And when he was destroyed all the magic in the World of Ruin ceased to exist. Now that is power!

    :braces for the hordes of Sephiroth fangirls:

    Ok, I'm ready now. Who's your favorite?
  2. Riku

    Riku New Member


    For me, the one and only, Seymour and Sephiroth, as you know, the two of them look alike very much.
  3. Talon

    Talon New Member

    i cant choose between Seymour and Sephiroth. -tugs at hair- Seymour was so.....and Sephy is so....AH! i give up!
  4. lagatcy

    lagatcy New Member

    Edea was amazing, design and all. Seifer put on the role of 'Death Knight' very well, aswell. But, the best has to be Demon Wall.
  5. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    I liked Kefka as lunatic madman in FF VI
  6. lant

    lant New Member

    Kefka is hilarious. I laugh every time he laughs.
  7. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Death Knight? Isn't that a Necromancer or Dark Knight? Sometimes the FF class systems are amuck. Somedays I wish they kept it to the simple White Mage, Black Mage, Fighter,etc.
    Demon Wall sounds like one of those 'minor' villains that go down in gaming hisotry because they are tough to beat. It's great, that's why Garland is considered the best villain in FFI.
  8. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Sephiroth. His sword says it all. Plus i like the Dark look. :D
  9. R-BLADE

    R-BLADE New Member

    Well as Betty Boop said, Kefka because he actually did take over the world. but it was a shame he was made to be comic relief so often. I also liked Edea/Ultimecia, both of them were pretty cool, especially since they're the only major female villains that come to mind (Although if I'm mistaken, doesn't FFII have a female antagonist?). Jenova (oh there we go, this is another female villain) is also up there, mostly because she was utterly silent, yet was the the mastermind behind the whole plot of FFVII
  10. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    No, FFII is umm, that viking kind of warrior, that tajes cecil's place as red wing commander. Forgot his name >.<
  11. artisticpsyco

    artisticpsyco New Member

    Haha, even though I liked Edea and Kuja alot, I'm going to have to say Seymore was my favorite. He's so psycotic, gives a good challenge and he just never dies!!! Haha...and I can never get over his hair-sythes of doom. xD
  12. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ I hated seymour. He was weird and perverted.
  13. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member


    dun dun duuuuuun

    lol, that was the point :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2010
  14. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Yeh, I couldnt stand seymour... gave me the creeps...

    Kuja was pretty cool in my opinion...
  15. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    The main antagonist of FFII is The Emperor. (FFII is a bit of a side-step backwards in terms of RPG gaming.)

    For female antagonists, here are some. The first major female antagonist is the element master of Air in V whose name escapes me now. There is that Magic Trio in FFIV who were bodyguards to Golbez. Celes Chere worked for the Empire in FFVI before joining the Returners.
  16. Flare

    Flare New Member

    you're my kinda guy ;)
  17. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Imo Sephiroth is Over used... Hes in everything. I havnt even seen another FF Villian out of there game other than Sephy
  18. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Ditto. Though what scares me the most is the Sephiroth fangirls. It's like a religion to them. It is stupid to idolize a fictional character to that extant. Especially when we all know that sword is compensating for something.
  19. R-BLADE

    R-BLADE New Member

    Nope, that was FFIV (FFIV was released stateside as FFII), but in any case his name was Golbez, he was pretty cool too.
  20. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    It is a good guess though.
    Spoilers for FIV below:

    Golbez and Cecil are actually twins. They are the sons of a Lunarian female and a Human male. Golbez was telepathically manipulated by Zemus. After Zemus dies, his Hatred still remains in the form of Zeromus.

    And that is why I call FIV the Star Wars of the Final Fantasy series!

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