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Create A New Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Nova, Mar 25, 2008.

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  1. Name: Maya
    Age: 19
    Looks: White Hair (Same style as Kiryns but longer and with two attenae like Larxene), Eyes that shift between green and blue depending on her feelings, 5ft7, has a slim build
    Special Abilities: Able to create a radius of control around herself in which she is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside. (Trafalgar Laws ability, yes i am currently in a One Piece Faze, sue me)
    Character they are most like: Sora, she believes in doing the right thing
    Gender: Female
    Short Bio: Maya is Kiryns older sister, she is currently trying to hunt down Kiryn for what happened to the planet that Kiryn and Gilgamesh battled on, as well as all the other inhumane things he did in his pursuit for immortality
    Power Level: Middle Tier
    Darkness or Light: Light
    Other: Even though she knows of the horrible things that her younger brother has done, she still loves him, and hopes that she can redeem him from his decent into insanity (being sane is overrated)

    SARIZON New Member

    Name: SARIZON
    Age: 16
    Looks: Black hair, in a Riku style but with spike shag on sides, brown eyes, but switch to red when in forms (yes he has forms like Sora), 5'6, slim to muscular
    Special Abilities: Can turn into Valor, wisdom, Master, Final, Anti-, and nobody form
    Character they're most like: Sora, has the heart to defeat all obstacles in his path
    Gender: Male
    Short Bio: He was on a mission to searched for his love, Akima, when he discovered The world that never was, about the time he got into the world, It was being destroyed because of Sora's good actions, he was lucky to escape by a magical portal that appeared. He was in darkness for a short period of time until he saw a light and fell into destiny islands just as Sora was reading the message sent by King Mickey.
    Power Level: Sora equality, but stronger by a hint
    Dakrness or Light: Light with a hint of darkness
    Other: Even though it has been months since she has been lost, Sarizon is determined to find Akima, even if it takes helping Sora, Riku, and Kairi to destroy the rest of the darkness that Malificent has, to find her. ( I'll post drawing descriptions of him if wanted)
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  3. Ansem's_Light

    Ansem's_Light Banned

    Name: Justin
    Age: 14
    Looks: Sora hair but white and a longer fringe (howeva spell it -_-) Black eyes (like Gambit on the new Wolverine and the X-men show on TV) and around 5'9
    Special Abilities: Can control sound and motion around him. When he touches somebody he can use their power for a short amount of time (like rogue) and can kill someone if they are within 5 metres of him rarely does tho.
    Character They Are Most Like: Riku, he loves the darkness..
    Gender: Male
    Short Bio: Justin found out he had powers when Saix visited him in the end of the world just after he lost a fight to Maleficent.
    Power Level: Around 87/100
    Darkness or Light: Darkness mainly but is attached to the element of Water.
    Other: Justin was a young boy when he met riku, riku offered power to justin and justin gave in to the darkness and became who he is.
  4. Synnsore

    Synnsore Banned

    another one XD, by the way im Ansem's_light

    Name: Gamma (Taylor)
    Age: 12
    Looks: Long brown hair, dark brown eyes, slightly tanned, 5'5.
    Speial abilities: Can make others feel the emotion that he feels also can control anything magic around him.
    Character They Are Most Like: Cloud (but no friends.)
    Gender: Male.
    Short Bio: Taylor was born of darkness and his heart was corrupted by sorrow, from then on he never felt happiness or joy.
    Power Level: 47/100(physical strength) 98/100(mental powers)
    Other: He had 3 true friends once, Rena, Wrenzo and Ariez, he soon lost them.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  5. smiffyboy13

    smiffyboy13 New Member

    Name: Massax (samas)

    Age: 17

    Looks: like reno

    Specail Abilities: Can Bend any inanimate Object

    Character they are most like: Vincent valentine

    Gender: Male

    Power Level: Powerful but has his limits

    Darkness or Light: Darkness
  6. Synnsore

    Synnsore Banned

    another XD

    name: Zestara
    Age: 12
    Looks: Silver hair with deep blue eyes, wears a long white organization cloak.
    Special abilities: Super Speed.
    Character they are most like: Ansem
    Gender: Male
    Short Bio: Zestara was around the age of 4 when his nobody Gamma visited him and told him how he was created, Zestara was mad at the organization and trained as a master swordsman for the next 8 years and now he wants revenge.
    Power Level: 67/100
    Darkness or Light: Light with some Twilight.
    Other: When mad summons all keyblades and uses them like Xaldin uses his spears.
  7. Ven

    Ven New Member

    Name: Jake
    Looks: Blond/brown hair kind of like Leon's. Wears a long coat over a red t shirt and black pants.
    Special Abilities: Can warp short distances
    Character they are most like: Leon
    Gender: male
    Short bio: Born in Radiant garden. He grew up in a relatively peaceful life until a swarm of nobodys attacked. He joined the fight but in the end Raidint garden fell and he escaped on a ship. Now he hunts nobodys to prevent what happened to him to happen to others.
    Power Level:medium
    Darkness or Light: nether
    Other: He wields a pair of small gunblades with deadly accuracy
  8. PaintedDragon

    PaintedDragon New Member

    Name: Ryoko

    Age: 20

    Looks: Short black hair that spikes down, a little like Zack Fair's but not AS spiky. Blue eyes, a little shy of 6 feet tall.

    Special Abilities: He can make pure ebony spears appear in his hands, two in each hand, to throw at enemies, and he's VERY fast.

    Character they are most like: Tifa, mostly a friendly person but is sure serious in a fight. Occasionaly he can get broody like Cloud but it doesn't last long.

    Gender: Male

    Short bio: Ryoko's home world was destroyed, so he stayed in Traverse Town (of course.) His main goal is to find the family he lost while their world was swallowed by darkness, and just wanders around looking for clues as to where they could be. Yeah, like Sora did. : D

    Power Level: Strong

    Darkness or Light: Light, but he wears all black so you wouldn't think so at first.

    Other: Loves ramen. He can always be found eating ramen in his free time...
  9. k..kid..h

    k..kid..h New Member

    Name: Xas (xamedesra)

    Age: 14

    Looks: He always wheres a hooded cape to hide his face his hair is covering his right eyes and his hair is pointy from top like a mountain and spikey from bottom with a red eye with a pluse(+) sign (that's his left eyes)

    Specail Abilities: He never fights he summones the most powerfull nobodys and heartless to fight for him, he covers his right eye cause it has all the power of darkness (strongest eye in the whole galaxy) he never uses his eye only in case he will nearley die

    Character they are most like: Xemnas, Donald duck (cause he sometimes get mad in a stupid way)

    Gender: Male

    Short bio: He's the second son of the god of darkness, after the organization was destroyed he decided to create a group of dead people who've been revived by him containing of 16 member called...I forgot

    Power Level: Uknown

    Darkness or Light: Darkness of course

  10. Unbirth


    Name: Coy
    Age: 18

    Looks: Short brown hair, Dirty jeans, brown and orange hodie, carries a medium sized rune sword.

    Special Abilities: Power of illusion.

    Character they are most like: Riku/Leon , Coy shows up rarley like riku and is a strong willing friend to help like Leon.

    Gender: Male

    Short bio: Coy's world was actually not destroyed but he and many of his people on his planet new of the worlds around being destroyed.

    Power Level: Strong

    Darkness or Light: Light

  11. sora riku mickey

    sora riku mickey New Member

    name: amnea

    age: 14

    looks:like cloud only has a sacr from his chin to the bottom of left eye

    Special Abilities:can make any hartless dance

    Character they are most like:riku with micky


    short bio:wanders in darkness because his world was torn apart like sora's only he has no friends just him and the darkness

    power level:as strong as sora and micky combined

    darkness or light:he hasnt made a his choise yet

    other: he has a sword like clouds only much less thick and he trys to find a way to bring back his world only he doesnt no how
  12. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....


    Looks:jet black spiky hair , long robe like the orginizations,and a deep gash on his face

    speacial abilty: kills heartless by looking at them

    charecter they are most like:axel

    gender: male

    power level : as strong as sora kiari and riku combined

    darkness or light : in the middle because he is the only organization member left

    other : has no personality fire sword like axel but in a sword form
  13. the dark within

    the dark within New Member



    looks: his height is average,fair skin, and wear long robe like org. but its color is dark grey, his hear is somewhat like riku's.

    special ability:can control heartless and nobody, fly, and gravity. Could control five keyblades(2 in hand, 3 floating)

    character they are most like: sora, but more cool

    gender: male

    power lvl: stronger than riku

    short bio: he get saved by sora and gang. when he was attacked by heartless, it's when he hasn't realized his power. And then joined sora and the other in order to protect the world.
    And he was given keyblades by sora.his keyblades are: oblivion, oathkeeper, bond of flame, sleeping lion, guardian soul.

    darkness or light: both of them, at max.
  14. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    Name : Drave


    looks: his height is average,fair skin, and wear long robe like org. but its color is dark grey, his hear is somewhat like riku's.

    special ability:can control heartless and nobody, fly, and gravity. Could control five keyblades(2 in hand, 3 floating)

    character they are most like: sora, but more cool

    gender: male

    power lvl: stronger than riku

    short bio: he get saved by sora and gang. when he was attacked by heartless, it's when he hasn't realized his power. And then joined sora and the other in order to protect the world.
    And he was given keyblades by sora.his keyblades are: oblivion, oathkeeper, bond of flame, sleeping lion, guardian soul.

    darkness or light: both of them, at max.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  15. OneSky_OneDestiny

    OneSky_OneDestiny New Member

    Name: Aricka

    Age: 17

    Looks: Dark blood red hair (medium length) and blue eyes, about 5'9", mostly wears a white ribbon around her neck yied like a bow, a strapless black dress that extends to her knees, a white belt around her waist, dark gray gloves that reach a little bit above her elbow with silver zippers spiraling around it, and dark red boots that zip up on the side. She also has a bandage around her right eye.

    Specail Abilities: Mind Reading, that's why she loves to toy with people.

    Character they are most like: Both Larxene and Namine, 'cuz she loves to bring people down and be mean and everything but she's always silent and lonely.

    Gender: Female

    Short bio: Her parents didn't want her, so gave her to an orphanage when she was 13. She had no friends because whenever a kid made her mad or if she was just bored, she'd toy with the mind's of other children or she'd beat them. She'd been plotting to get out but couldn't because the orphanage was overly protected and she'd easily get caught. But one day, just like at Destiny Islands, the darkness came and swollowed her up and carried her to a different world. The reason why she has a bandage around her right eye, though, is because her father punched her really hard in the eye on accident and it caused her to lose her sight when she was 7. Because of that and her being in an orphanage brought her to think that her parents hated her, but they didn't want her because they were'nt great parents and hoped she would gain parents that would give her the love and attention she needed. It's because they didn't tell her this on why she's so dark.

    Power Level: If it were 1 - 10, it'd be 8.

    Darkness or Light: Darkness.

    Other: She tends to toy with emotions more than actually beating people.

    Weapon: Her weapon is two huge kunais that can extend into spears buy pulling it. (lol)

    I might put a pic of her image and weapon though...
  16. Oozaru

    Oozaru New Member

    Name: Desoto

    Age: 18

    Appearance: He is a tan fellow with a lean built and big eyes. He is physically and mentally tough. His hair, he has none it gets in his way of sight. He always wears a black bandanna around hi head and a pair of sleek sunglasses on his eyes. He has a few piercings only on his ear though, he wishes to keep it simple.

    This man longs to find the meaning of his existence. He is an enigma, therefore he is s a pariah. He wants friendship but is constantly interrupted by challenges that cross his path. He is the chosen one who will open the door. He is a very skilled runner which helps him in battle. His battle continues as he looks for his meaning and friendship.
  17. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Name: Keiko... Translated into English means roughly "blessing"
    Age: 17
    Looks: Keiko has super long straight purple hair that reaches just to the end of her torso. She has ocean blue eyes that sparkle when she's in the light. She fair skin and wears sunscreen at all times to prevent burns from happening. She's also very lean and has barely any muscles. Daily, she wears ordinary jeans that have rips in the knees and wears a plain t-shirt.
    Specail Abilities: None
    Character they are most like: Kairi
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: Keiko is a sweet innnocent girl who likes to go on adventures with friends. She concentrates very hard on her school work and never likes getting into trouble with the teachers or other students. Some would even say that she's a bit of a teachers pet. She likes to study a lot, but hanging around with her friends is her top priority. She has two lovely parents who love her a lot and praise her all the time for her excellent achievements, so sometimes she does have a little to much pride in herself but it never gets the best of her.
    Power Level: Hmm well since she's going to use magic I'd give her a 5 on 10
    Darkness or Light: Light
  18. riku234

    riku234 New Member



    Looks:Long silver hair, black coat with a sword that looks like riku's but is made of a angle wing and has a bat wing coming off it, black jeans and and silver shoes

    Special abilities:can open light and dark doorways

    Light or dark: he lingers in both light and dark

    Power level:9 out of 10

    Bio:Rinku was the brother of riku and when the heartless attacked the islands he was transported to the beitwix and between. He linger there for a while facing countless nobodys but then Siax found him.He taut him and lead him in to organization 13 he was the first non nobody but he betrayed them and left with Roxas to find Riku. When Roxas fought Riku Rinku was being attacked by dusks his only resort was to transport to the alternate twilight town. then he escaped.Weak and brused he wondered to the one place he could be safe.Disney castle there he rested for days to let his wounds heal and now that they are he is on a endless mission to find his brother and friends
  19. riku234

    riku234 New Member

    nice charecter
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Zhyriad

    Age: Unknown. He has been traveling between dimensions for sometime, and it is estimated that he is some thousand years old.

    What Zhyriad rightfully looks like is unknown. His build appears to be that of the average male human adult, but that it as far as anyone can get into an actual appearance. He prefers to clad himself in a loosely fitting black cloak, keeping the hood up, with a veil of darkness cladding all of his face but his eyes, which glow a violent red color that pierces through the souls of those who stare into them for too long.

    Special Abilities:
    While the depths of Zhyriads abilities go unknown, it is known that he possess a powerful rhetoric, as well as the power to ensnare others into his will for extend periods of time. Speculations, based on his ensnarement abilities suggest that he is being that wields powers centered around the sourcing of demonic forces, and energies. Among his demonic powers is the channeling of a trans-dimensional astral energy, which is fed to him through small dimensional tears that lead to his own plane of existence. Along with the power to ensnare others, he has been known, in other realms, to have possessed necromantic powers as well, harnessing, and utilizing the souls of the fallen.

    Character they are most like: He is most akin to the Organization in their earlier appearance. Much of what he says is geared towards tampering with people heads, and his goals are unknown at present moment.

    Gender: Judging on the basis of his voice, and his build, Zhyriad is presumably a male.

    Short bio:
    What little is known of Zhyriad has been compiled in a short essay by the heroes of the Realm of Light. He is known to be a being foreign to the Realm of Light, and his realm of origin is, as of yet, unknown to anyone. What is clear is that he has been traveling from realm to realm, spreading his influence over a wide range of races, and species. It is theorized that he intends to amass an army for himself, with which he will make his bid for power.

    Power Level:
    His level of strength is still unknown, as he has merely been acting through others. But given the level of power possessed by his minions, it is safe to assume that his own power is not such to be trifled with lightly. Odds are, he is physically at a low to middle average level, but his power in terms magical powers is well above the average level.

    Darkness or Light: Darkness

    For anyone that may wonder, this character is the inspiration for my username. The character existed in my head before I came here.
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