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Ultima Fantasy Rp

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    Nikkei sat down finding herself doozing off to sleep a couple of time. "I wonder where they are."
    I should've followed Nook.I'm getting pretty worried. She then got up and looked deep path where she last saw Nook.
    "Worried Sis."
    "Come on get over the whole shock thing. Follow me." Leon stepped from behind her and walked away towards the town. "Fine," Nikkei grumbled. "Wait up." Every second she found herself getting further from the camp.
  2. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Nook cast a shadow over his eyes...he was exhausted but...he wouldn't let that stop him.
    He stopped and closed his eyes for a moment. He thought to himself (Nikkei, i'm sorry i'm taking longer than expected...but i'll be back. please watch aeria for a little longer...). Nook hatched an idea, he was starting to think suicidally. "draco go! watch over aeria! i should've expected this..it's my fault. besides...i...i can see it in your eyes...theres more than just friendship there.

    Nook rushed off to the temple leaving draco in the dust. Arriving in the throne room Nook gazed around.
    Smears of blood covered the walls as three or for bodies layed sluched over on the floor. He could have sworn aquos's voice came from inside. He started talking hoping aquos would give him good reason for betraying them. "Aquos! I don't remember much about myself...i hardly even know who i am...but, i do know this! you cannot keep this up! eventually the darkness will consume you!...and another...draco did come alone, i followed him his honor should not faulter on my mistake!." Nook received no answer from aquos. Voices came from outside gasps.

    Nook ran outside to find a group of guards examining the bodies. A strange old lady pointed at Nook in horror, his wolf ears were showing. (Nook's wolf ears only show during combat they are grey as well but he usually keeps the down and it blends in with his hair. the ears are located on top of his head.)
    The old lady shouted "Him he probably did this! it was that-that thing!".
    Huskys hair cast yet another shadow over his eyes, as he was being ordered not to resist arrest. he could stand the oppression against him for being a half-breed. his eyes lit up red as a malicous aura blew the guards away. huskys eyes returned to normal and he disappeared in a whirlwind of air.
  3. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    Nikkei found herself not that further away from the camp sight. She could see her created dazzling fire. "What do you want,Leon." She questioned. "Be quick about it too." Leon sat down whistling. "I've decided to get out the darkness."
    "Finally." Nikkei cheered wraping her arms around him. "Will you join the light-."
    "No. I'm not doing light or Darkness. I have plans on what i want to do."
    "Whats that." Nikkei asked him while backing up. Leon just smiled. "You'll know-trust me." Leon got up with his hands in his hair. "This is way to troublesome. I'll see you later-oh yea i want you to know that the darkness is way stronger than your ego knows. So watch out-One of the protectors of light." A shadow portal apperead. Leon gave the peace sign and stepped inside.
  4. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Slowly Walked Back To The Camp Site..As The Bugs Twittered In His Ear, Draco Thought To Himself..."Why Did Nook Say It Was All His Fault....I Wonder How The Rest Of Them Are Doing..." Draco Quickened His Pace As He Thought..."Somethings Wrong...." Draco Was Running Towards The Camp Now. He Reached The Camp And Saw Nothing Was Astir...Draco Walked Slowly Into the tent And Saw Aeria Asleep And Nikkei, No Where To Be Found...Draco Decided That She Could Take Care Of Her Self...He Stayed Awake Guarding The Tent...........
  5. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Nook teleports to a clearing near the woods wuite a ways away from the others.
    He can hear two people talking in the distance. Sadly they are too far away to make anything out
    the only thing clear is it's a boy and girl. The starlit sky hangs over this small patch of grass ovelooking a cliff that descends into a lush forest. Nook clears his head now knowing he's wanted for multiple counts of murder.

    Three Guards rush into camp looking around one of them looks at draco and shoves a paper in his face.
    It is a very crappy drawing of Nook. That says "Wanted Dangerous Half-Breed serial Killer, 50,000 Gp reward."

    BACK TO NOOK.....
    Nook gets up brushing the dirt off of his already worn jeans and begins walking back towards camp,
    He soon finds himself running for no reason not even looking where he is going. He didn't even know if he was in the right direction.
    Nook suddenly hits something and falls over. "Oww......? Nikkei?....i thought i told you to stay at the campsite....".
  6. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Stares At The Paper Then Said, "Ya I Saw This Guy...He Was At The Temple Earlier...." The Leader Of The Guards Spoke To him, "That's The Scene OF His Crime..." Draco Replies, "Really? What Was He Accused of..?"
    "The Half-Breed, Nook, Is Accused Of Committing Three, Or More Acts Of Murder."
    "You Sure?" Draco Said Now Realizing What Had Happened...
    "Yes! We Are Never Wrong! " Draco Turns Around And Says, "We Don't Know Where This Nook Is But, Last We Saw Him Was At The Temple. We Don't Know Anything Else...So Leave Now..." Draco Draws His Blade. "...Or Suffer THe Concequences...." The Guards Quickly Run Off Into The Woods....Draco Goes Back To Guarding The Tent...
  7. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    A strange man starts capping behind a tree. "well, well....your reputation precedes you...
    Brother." The man walks out from behind a tree he has one bat wing coming out of his right shoulder, it's wingspan at least four feet. The man has black hair, red eyes and a scar coming down from his left eye. He wears a black cloak with a collar that hides the lower haf of his face.

    "come now don't you remember me? it's scar...I told you you couldn't kill me...heh,heh,heh..."
    the man fades away just as silently as he arrived.
  8. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    "Nook-Oh yea but i saw something strange,ha ha." Nikkei lied. "Lets get back to the camp site." She then start walking to back to the tent. "Oh, what happened when you took off." She asked him. "You was gone for a good while."
    Thanks goodness Leon left before Nook came. I wonder what other path Leon is going to take. Whats is a path that Light and Darkness can't rule over. A path that neither Light or Darkness wouldn't matter...
  9. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Nook sighed and grabbed nikkeis arm stopping nikkei.
    "hold on...i-i can't go back with you...Nikkei..at the temple, aquos he...attacked draco. i assisted but we were only fighting a clone....a couple guards found the elders bodies and.."
    Nook showed his wolf ears to Nikkei. I'm a half-breed apparently so they assumed i did it. Nook ran away from Nikkei and jumped off the cliff where he was sitting he vanished into the wind once again retreating from whence he came.
  10. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Turn Toward The Direction Of The Temple. He Sensed Two People Walking Towards The Camp. Draco Unsheathe His sword And The Sheathed It Again When He Realized It Was Nook And Nikkei.... He Shouted To Them, "Hey Guys Is That You? Nikkei!? Nook!?" Draco Then Walked Towards The edge of The Camp.....
  11. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    "No its just me," Nikkei shouted back to draco. "Nook just left........" She sat down next the fire she made and threw some sticks in. "Did..Aquos and you fight........" She asked slowly.
    That just reminds-Nook is halfbreed. Maybe i should bring that up..never mind. if he told Aeria and Draco then there is no need to bring it up.
  12. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    A gust of wind brushes past the camp and its seemingly rings with a familiar presence but there is nothing nearby. Nook stares down at draco watching him from the shadows, knowing he's a wanted boy.
  13. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    "Yes.....We did. He Came To Me on My Patrol...And Told Me To Meet Him at The Temple. He Said He Would Answer Any question I Had. i Went Because I Wanted to Know Why. He Said He Wanted Power...That's The Reason He Join The Darkness...But Now I Think It's Because He Didn't Get Chosen Like Us. Remember At The temple When He Ran Out. That's Probably When He Was Told That He Was Not One Of Us. The problem Is That. Who Is That Forth Member That Was Suppose To Be With Us In The Temple Beside Aquos. I'm Sure It's Not Nook But, Someone....else..... What Do You Think nikkei?" Draco Looked At Her With A Confused Face....
  14. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    "I don't know..." Nikkei said with her eye's close. "But i do think your right with Aquos joining the dark because he wasn't chosen." She opened up her eyes and looked at him. "But my question is why wasn't he chosen. Was it just because he fell in the dark once." Nikkei stood up. "That mirror.." She started walking in the direction of the Temple. "I wonder if it's broken of not."
  15. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    A new city lies just beyond the woods. Nook travels through town his face shrouded in a black cloak.The cloaks sleeves are cut off and nook is wearing black sneakers.
    he bumbs into a strange women and quickly apologizes moving on into the crowd.
    Street noise slows down and everything begins to slow. Nook can see shadows everywere.
    The same song plays in his head he can't get the music out...

    OOC:(draco's gonna be pissed at this).

    Nook keeps hearing those words..."Over and over..." he whips out his blade and kills the shadows but everything just gets slower and slower...until time almost seems to stop.
    Nook can't understand anything thats going on. he sheathes his blade and suddenly everything is normal again. Nook hides in an alley and then jumps off of the brick buildings
    working his way up to the roof. once on the roof he stares at the forest waiting for draco
    to move out of the forest towards his next destination
  16. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    Nikkei walked in the broken temple. Everything looked destroyed. She walked down the stairs watching her step. But she then slip and fell down from the stairs. Her hands reached out for anything she could get her hands on.
    Woah,that was a close one. She had grabbed a stuck out brick on the side. I better hurry up before this brick gives in. Nikkei pulled herself up. "Ok better keep going."
    She finally reached where the mirrors. Everything else was trashed but the mirrors that stood on the wall. "I guess the person couldn't break them." Nikkei touched on of the mirrors. Shadows surrounded her. "Just when i started to relax," She sighed. Her hands made giant fire balls bigger than her old ones. Impressed she made a fire circle then released it. All the Shadows were defeated.
  17. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Clapping could be heard. "Very nice. Then again, they were merely grunts." Aquos walked down the steps his hand on a sword. "Now Nikkei, what would bring you back here? Wondering about the mirrors? If that tablet said anything else? Which it did, before I smashed it." Aquos snapped his fingers and multiple shadows appeared out of nowhere. "Coming here was a mistake Nikkei."
  18. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    "Heh,me coming here is a mistake more like you falling in the Darkness is a mistake." Nikkei said calmly. "The Tablet must had something you didn't like,right." She then had produced a fire circle around her. She lashed it out on the shadows.
    " i want you to know that the darkness is way stronger than your ego knows."
    I won't underestimate it but i will always believe the Light is the way-Wow thats corny.
    Nikkei laughed to herself. I'm so funny. Oh yea Aquos......almost forgot about him.
    "Anyway explain the Tablet." Nikkei said breaking out on her thought.
  19. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    A thought snapped in Nooks head when he looked over to the horizen. His head suddenly filled with worry. He thought to himself...(Am i sensing...trouble?....or is it something else..) He focused on the thought and found himself being brought back to the temple in an alcove above the mirror room.

    He was watching nikkei take on aquos. he tried to move tried to say something tried to fight. but he was only a shadow...next thing he knew nikkei was struck down by aquos's hand. Nooks heart filled with rage towards the former twilighter.

    Nook snapped out of his dream and began rushing towards the temple his thoughts
    controlling his very actions. He rushed past draco gaining more speed until he arrived at the temple he began running when three guards stopped him. "Y-you your wanted! Do not resist!". Nooks black head slipped down as he revealed his blade and struck down the guards in a blood filled rage. he rushed into the temple making his way to the stairs.
  20. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Give me a reason I should. The extra knowledge written on it would unlock the true power of the light you were given. Now please, give me a reason why I should make my enemies stronger?" Aquos tapped his foot on the ground for a moment. Not enough moisture. I'm gonna have to play defensive. If I had access to my power I would easily outclass her. Water beats fire, but not when there's no water to fight with.

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