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Obama Economy? Good or Bad?

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Pheeny, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. Pheeny

    Pheeny New Member

    So yeh, I'm kind of new here, but nothing else is exactly striking my attention yet on the site. So before I go post anywhere else, I figured I'd get comfortable here first.

    So, I was wondering what your views on the moves Obama's making and how it's effecting the US Economy are.

    Anyone willing to share?
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I think it's not working. And I think that the government should realize it's not working and try a different approach.
  3. Pheeny

    Pheeny New Member

    I have the same views.

    I don't see how pouring billions of dollars into an already failing economy is going to help us get out of a depression.

    We're spending money we already don't have, which to tell the truth is just going to throw us even deeper into a decline.
  4. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    not necessarily, spending money can create jobs, which will stabilize the economy and the government can obtain money to pay off debts via taxes etc.

    It will just take so much longer than anyone will expect, no one is patient enough and want immediate change which (I don't think) is possible.
  5. Mike

    Mike Member

    I think my problem with the whole situation is that the recession will naturally turn itself around eventually...and then Obama'll take credit...even though no one should operate on a deficit. It'll wind up throwing you off the prize.

    It's all part of the economic cycle.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  6. Lithium

    Lithium New Member

    It's no doubt that it's a cycle, though, it's more so the people that will give him the utmost credit for the economic reprieve (the ignorant bunch I mean). If you look back at his campaigning in 08, everyone seemed to think that he was some god like figure who would change the country, and to a lesser extent the world with the flick of a wrist. But we all know that change occurs slowly, and radical changes can have negative effects on us and on the planet.

    So if the economy makes a turn around I'm sure a good number of people will praise him while the analysts who actually research these things will be shunned for credibility. Not like it's some sort of contest but you see what I mean.

    tl;dr: Obama is doing a decent job at helping fix the issue, but it's not all him who's doing the work. Give credit where credit is due.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  7. soraluvr581911

    soraluvr581911 New Member

    idk it just the first year.
  8. Mike

    Mike Member

    Exactly my point. Eloquently stated.
  9. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Well my opinion is this.
    When it comes to assessing the implications of John McCain's and Barack Obama's tax plans, the vast majority seem to side with Bank Credit Analyst managing editor Martin Barnes: "There are attempts to make the Obama-McCain difference big; but they are not that big, really."

    Barron's Jim McTague begs to differ. "The vast majority is wrong."

    Obama would have the top 1% of income-tax payers handing over an average of $93,700 more - to $652,900. McCain would reduce the group's taxes by $48,860 to $510,320. While appealing, it fails to address the impact such a blow to the super-rich's disposable income could have: --->

    These folks tend to plow a lot of their money into businesses -- from family operations to blue-chip stocks -- to say nothing of shopping trips and travel. In other words, cutting their after-tax income could deal another blow to an already-hobbled economy.

    Investment strategist Michael Aronstein notes a similar plan, implemented by Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression, sucked "much-needed investment capital out of the markets and into the hands of bureaucrats, delaying the turnaround." Looking ahead ten years, the difference between the two is far from insignificant. Obama would siphon about $800B out of corporate coffers, while McCain's plan would reduce the government's take by $600B.

    Analysis by independent economist Allen Sinai measured the impact of the Bush administration's tax cuts: Without them, GDP would have been 0.7% less each year from 2001-2006, and unemployment would have been 1.2% higher.

    Wachovia chief economist John Silvia notes corporate and capital-gains tax hikes would impede foreign investment once the world gets wind that it's more expensive to do business in the U.S. xD

    All this is not to say that an Obama win spells sure disaster:
    Obama could get lucky... Oil prices could fall to $50 a barrel, or a Tom Edison might turn crab grass into jet fuel. Better yet, Obama, who's no dummy, might think twice about raising taxes during the worst financial crisis in 78 years.

  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I'm neutral for this one. Why? I'll give him 8 years. People need to let things takes it's course & let Obama have all the time he needs to make America good. That's all I have to say.
  11. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    You can't say you'll give him eight years. You don't know he'll have eight years. The standard Presidential time in office is four years and then if the people want to keep him in office they will. But his approval rating doesn't seem to be looking good from what I hear.
  12. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    you have to think though. Obama has alot on his plate. He's not a superhero, he's not God. He's just a human.
  13. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Lol not according to some people. According to things I've heard, people are saying:

    1) He's more famous than Jesus

    2) He's more humble/pure than the Pope

    And other things like that. I can't stop laughing at things these people come up with.
  14. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Atleast he's actually going to the countries USA's having trouble with and actually TALK to them, unlike Bush. Obama's got commonsense and he cares about the people's concerns. People don't care if he's black, people care about how he talks to people and reasons with them.
  15. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Foreign relations is always a good thing. But I doubt it's going to help much. Look at North Korea. And I wouldn't say that exactly. If you take a look at his health care reform, he leaves health care gaps for infants and the elderly.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- I'm real offended by that first comment about Jesus Hare. Anyways, it's based on Obama's action that'll decide how America will turn out to be. If he succeeds, then he'll be known as a great president. His color don't really matter anyways...
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about #1, but #2 is deffinantly wrong. I'm pretty sure #1 is wrong too, but I don't know for sure.

    And you guys say his color doesn't matter, but it does more than you think. Even though the popular vote doesn't elect the president, think about how much of the popular vote was about him being black, and not even about his views.

    Here's my example. One day in history class, my teacher was talking about this one thing. This guy had asked a bunch of people how they thought of Obama (I'll put it as how I can best remember it).

    Q: So you guys like Obama?

    A: Yeah.

    Q: You guys like his views?

    A: Yeah.

    Q: And you guys like his pick of Sarah Palin for his running mate?

    A: Yeah.

    Point being, those people weren't informed. And I'm sure that a vast majority of the people who voted for him were the same way.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    But we say that his color doesn't matter because we want to see if he can be a good president to get America out of a poor economy & not because of his skin Desert.
  19. Pheeny

    Pheeny New Member

    I also found it interesting when they had analysts go through the 2000 page Reform Bill, and find the limitations that Obama is promising the opposite of.

    Creating a standard Health Care system, losing your choice on who your private/primary physician is, and other things is not the way to go.
  20. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Brandon: When did I state anything about his color? I didn't once bring that up. And yes his color does matter to those white supremacists we have here in America. Also, you may not like those comments much like I didn't, but those were some things I heard about radical Obama supporters. Offfended or not, I'm simply stating what I hear.

    Pheeny: That's agreed. Although the over all sounds good, when you look at the finer details, it's not so glorious.

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