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What Would Your Keyblade Look Like, And What Would It's Name Be?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Spikey, Aug 15, 2009.

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  1. Spikey

    Spikey New Member

    uhmmmmm...ever since i saw the Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep trailer i've been wondering, since there are that many different keyblades in the trailer, what would mine or anyone else's keyblade look like?

    Please explain it in detail, try not to be confusing about it...thx :) I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with, and please, dont post spoilers.
  2. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Well since I would my keyblade to represent my heart I would need awhile to actualy decide what my keyblade would be like. I'll get back to you on that.
  3. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    I guess my keyblade would be like my soul. Its white on one side and black on the other. Its keychain would be the yin yang symbol and and I guess it would be called the Twilight Keyblade.
  4. Josh Homme

    Josh Homme New Member

    My heart pumps blood, so maybe somthing red? I would call it the Red Rage.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Whoa. Um... I have to draw out my keyblade & scan it here so all of you know what the keyblade represents of me. It based on me being a summoner, me being a christian, & me having a lot of care & love for people.
  6. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    That sounds cool Brandon. Can I make another one based on my heart?
  7. Hatokblade

    Hatokblade New Member

    Rather than have a keyblade that's all meaningful, I'd rather have a really cool looking one that has a sharp edge on both sides, so when I hit an enemy with the 'blunt' end it does more damage than it would. Maybe a less evil looking Oblivsion or something... Vens Keyblade meets Oblivion perhaps?
    And it's ability would be Auto-dual wield because it's just better that way.
  8. kirairiato

    kirairiato New Member

    i would make a sick black silver keyblade, with spike near the handle and one straight steel with design of a heart and mweaning of the wordXD like a black knights sword but modified in a way cooler way.
  9. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    Well, I would want a primarily black one for sure. Throw in some silver and dark green and it would look legit color wise.

    As for the rest, one with the power of darkness. I guess it would look like a dark version of the Ultima Weapon.

    EDIT: Forgot to name it =/. Probably something such as Dark Destiny
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If I had a keyblade, it would probably be like a Darth Maul kind of thing. It would be two keyblades merged at the hilt. And their designs would be complete opposites. One end would represent my calm, easy going side, and the other my angry, over emotional side.
  11. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    It's huge, ridiculously huge, significantly bigger than Metal Chocobo huge.
    Key chain is a cookie with a bite taken out of it. Precisely, it is a themeless, huge, amazingly easy to swing, wide, sharp Sword Looking Keyblade with no name.
    Colours unknown, looking at a darkish red trimmed with a black so black that it appears blue. Or maybe the opposite of what I said...
    It also shoots miracle beams <Pew Pew Pew!> (isn't that standard with all Keyblades?)
    Really, I have no information on it, I randomly drew it.
  12. Spikey

    Spikey New Member

    Primary Keyblade Looks Like:

    Hilt - Black crystal, with silver bandages wrapped around it
    Guard - Crimson-red, instead of covering both sides of keyblade, only covers one.
    Blade - Black, long like Sephiroth's sword(being meant for speed and offense), three Crimson-red spikes coming out of top on blunt side of blade, silver bandages wrapped around bottom of blade.

    Keychain - An angel wing
    Name - Inner Darkness
    Ability - Synch Blade: The ability to weild 2 keyblades.
    Power Level - 76

    Secondary Keyblade Looks Like:

    Hilt - White, with gold bandages wrapped around it.
    Guard - Midnight-blue, instead of being on both sides only on one, the opposite side as Inner Darkness' guard.
    Blade - White, Wide like Cloud's sword(being meant for defense), 5 Midnight-blue spikes coming out at the top of sharp side of blade, golden bandages wrapped around bottom of blade.

    Keychain - A devil wing.
    Name - Overwhelming Light
    Ability - Ultima Form: My Custom Form :) (check my form out on my profile page)
    Defense Level - 76

    I'm drawing them soon :) when i finish i will re-post this reply with the pictures.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  13. Icarus

    Icarus skinwalker

    Lol, my Keyblade would be complicated little thing. Prepare for my awful fast pace details.

    A Keyblade is a reflection of one's heart and/or inner-self. I find myself to be a turmoil at many points in the day so it would be a mix. It would probably change colors from pure white to the darkest of black. Mostly it would stay at a middle ground of a Twilight sort. The tip would probably like that of Oblivion; sharp and dangerous referring to my ability of being quick and, yes, sharp. While the area were you hold it would probably be a simple block like of the Kingdom Key. A mirror of the way I am simple to handle? (Lol, pun)

    Name: Inbetwixt & Inbetween

    Power Level: OVER 9000!

    Ability: Ummm the one... Were you like... keep 1 HP even after a critical hit. Forgot what it was called ;-;
  14. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    My second keyblade:

    Hilt: white

    Guard: black and red

    Blade: White with a Cross as the teeth

    Name: Heaven's light

    Keychain: a cloud

    Ability: Healing spells, Blizzard spells
  15. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    Wow. I really like this thread…it’s so cool to read about the designs and meanings that people have come up with. (I am stalling from doing my course work...X_X)

    While I would rarely (if ever) use a Keyblade—my favorite weapons are tessen (fighting fans), kunai, and chakram, respectfully—I still wanted to share my Keyblade idea. :D
    I can’t draw very well, sorry :’(

    The Hilt/Guard: Onyx black in color, and a little elaborate with small strands of the metal semi-circling around my hand. The small strands would change color constantly—it would be like a rainbow, only the colors would be iridescent. The color change would be like the flow of water; very fluid and peaceful rather than chaotic. Design sort of similar to the ultimate weapon in KH 1.

    The Keychain: I’d want to have 2. The chain would be silver and it would have a mini chakram like Axel’s at the end of it as well as a white cross.

    Blade: It would be pure white, like snow, with occasional brush strokes of emerald green. The design would be really simple here—straight without any embellishment with the exception of an engraving, Jesus is Lord.

    The blade end of the Keyblade would be somewhat heart shaped. It’s not really easy to picture, but the main slashing side would have an open fan with razor-sharp metal spikes—lots of them. The fan would be similar to white gold in color, with a small touch of emerald green flowing from part of the blade (would look like a brush stroke from the blade to the fan, again very fluid). The creases of the fan would be silver. The spikes on the fan would be crimson/garnet red.

    The “dull end” of the blade would not be dull anymore. I hate blunt weapons. Slashing weapons are the only way to go, in my opinion. If I had weaponry, I would only have slashing weapons. And they would most likely all be intended for throwing—like shuriken, chakram, kunai, and tessen. Anyway, I would want a row of 4 kunai on the “dull made sharp” end. The kunai would be sapphire blue with a single white strip in the center. The tips of the kunai would be crimson.

    Ability: This isn’t a KH legitimate ability, but the ability to disable anyone else’s Keyblade usage/steal their Keyblade so they can’t use it. Not that having a Keyblade and being able to use it would save them if I was actually after them…

    Name: Beloved
  16. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Critical Half??

    My Keyblade.

    Name: Kingdom Heaven

    Blade: The blade will be a very long Light blue bar with a thin edge of white aura around it. The teeth will be very sharp (Like Ultima); a Crown like figure, but a little straighter than outwards. The top of it will be a little sharp edge to it.

    Guard: A little indent colored gold

    Hilt: A full circular shape around the handle made out of Golden Crowns (Like Ultima)

    Handle: A thin and firm black bar (like the kingdom key's handle) with padded bumbs for gripping.

    KeyChain: A chain of Silver crowns leading to the main emblem as a Kingdom Heart

    Ability: Light Within~ Enhances Attack, Magic, and Defense in Critical moments and Prevents damage of a Finisher in a combo
  17. Apocalypse735

    Apocalypse735 New Member

    I love everyone's descriptions. <3

    Mine would probably be based on the light in my heart, my care for life and the planet (corny I know, but I still have a backbone).

    Name: River of Souls

    Body: Several bright, glowing green spirals resembling the lifestream (the flowy green souls/energy of the planet). The spirals curl/coil together and connect at the ends when they reach the blade.

    The top that locks/unlocks stuff: Um...like a regular key, except it's the color of the sky, and...it's sparkly.

    Handle: A sturdy clear tube/bar, filled with the green energy which probably assists with the keyblade's power. Like a mini mako chamber, Rawr. =o

    Hilt: Two white wings spread but the tops connect.

    Keychain: Silver chain with a white wing attached to the end.

    Ability: Greatly boosts the effects of healing items, and prevents healing from being cancelled out when attacked. I feel like the ability should be more powerful, but this will probably change later.

    Power Level: May depend on how strong my courage is since it feeds off of my energy. However since the handle has its own source of power, I imagine the level is quite high in the ranks.
  18. Arnheln

    Arnheln New Member

    Name: Climhazard

    Keychain: Hellhounds Claw

    Colouring: Like many of the Keyblades that appear in the trailer for Birth By Sleep, my keyblade has an aged look about it. It is fairly long and has twin blades that meet at the top, one blade forming the key blade head and the other forming a simple spike. It has a long sturdy chain that can be wrapped around my arm and held tight with one hand whilst holding the keyblade handle with the wrapped arm, this enables me to perform a double power strike but at the cost of speed.

    It is named Climhazzard due to its unique limit break, it flies from my hand and hacks away at the foe multiple times, every time it strikes, a powerful explosion hits the foe causing double damage. Whilst the limit break is being performed, I can use the time to heal myself or cast offensive magic towards the foe.​

  19. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Mine would be heartless-like colouring, a very long blade (kinda like sephiroth's), and a shadow heartless' head at the end.
    Name: Shadow's Requiem
  20. Skeletor303

    Skeletor303 New Member

    Name: Abyss
    Its the sister key of oblivion. instead of the swing being balck and purple, its black and red and the key part is more like spikes.
    Hilt: Red that fades into black as it goes down. Grip is made of wyvern skin. :D
    Chain: Heartless symbol
    Shaft: chain that is in the center with two bars that rotate around it. Every other link in the chain is blood red and the rest are black.
    Description: Born from anti-sora, this key is tainted with darkness and as such drains the health from the weilder, unless the weilder happens to be a heartless but we all know thats impossible(???)
    Abilities: Drive form boost++ (secret ability: Antiform selection)
    Thats my current one.

    The first one i ever made was called the rune key and it was axe shaped with the kingdom crown cut out of the center of the axehead. Very cool
    Colors: black and navy blue and hints of purple.
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