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Create A New Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Nova, Mar 25, 2008.

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  1. Larxenelover2

    Larxenelover2 New Member

    Name: ??? (She doesn't remember, but she giggles when people say suzie so that is what they call her)

    Age:??? looks around 6-8

    looks: light blonde hair (like namine) with jet black streaks, rather skinny and only
    a black and white striped pajamas, always holding teady bear

    special ability:has phanominal control over both dark and light

    character they are most like: no one i guess, maybe namine but not really

    gender: female

    power lvl: astronomical

    short bio: She was born and seemed like a normal girl. Years later she was found by sora and the gang (luckily) sitting in one of the abandoned rooms in the castle that never was. When asked her story she became upset and suddenly sora and the gang became blinded by a bright light and consumed in darkness finding themselves at a loss. when they woke up she was in a very good mood and she was very curious and asked alot of questions, and then they asked where she came from and she said that she came from no where, apperently she was traped in the realm of nothingness for hundreds of years which altered her age and made her look the same forever. The realm changed her and gave her awsome power over both light and dark. She is very odd and curently queen mickey and daysie are taking care of her.

    darkness or light: both of them, at max.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I'll be putting some characters that me, Draco, & Aqua had created in the Create your own organization member thread, so I hope you like them. I'll start off with Even's heartless:

    Name: Scein (Heartless version.)
    (Nobody version: Vexen, The Chilly Academic)

    Appearance: (Nobody Version) [​IMG]

    (Heartless Version) [​IMG]

    Character Traits: Is more calm, but still loves to do his experiments. He loves to work secretly & tries to use others in his own plans. Because he's a heartless, he's more of having his subjects be in power. He's almost as crazy as his nobody side.

    Theme Song: YouTube - Vexen tribute: I am a scientist

    Abilities: Still has the powers like the nobody, Vexen, has. The element, ice, in order to command blizzards & storms, but with a darker, evil blue shield.

    Age: ???

    Bio: Information only shows that he's the heartless of Even, though why he didn't appear during the time when Xehanort's heartless was going around calling himself Ansem is unknown. He shares similar traits with the nobody, Vexen, but nothing else is known about him, except that he loves to do experiments.
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Xabrin
    Formerly Known As: Brian
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Side: Dark

    Roughly 6'3'' in height, with a mostly skin and bone physique. His skin tone is a haunting gray from lack of sunlight in his home world, and his teeth are slightly yellowed. He has shoulder length black hair that shines as though it were made out of a metallic material. On his head, he wears a baseball cap, which he turns slightly to his right, and tilts down over his right eye. Tattooed over his left eye is a dark purple crescent moon symbol. Upon his torso, he wears a black long sleeved T-Shirt, upon which the phrase "Solvo Mens", is written down he sleeve on the right side. His leg wear is a pair of black jeans, and he wears no shoes, and as such, his feet are weathered and beaten, to the point that little more damage can actually be done to them.

    Character Traits:
    Xabrin is best noted for his sociopath nature, specifically, his tendency to disregard the lives of those whom he views as inconsequential to his existence. He displays an extremely violent attitude towards nearly everyone he comes into contact with, and, as any nobody, lacks an understanding of basic human emotion.

    Two crescent shaped blades that Xabrin holds upon his back when not in battle. The blades are made of a material that is said to be composed partly of dragon scales, making them more durable than most other blades.

    Xabrin possess a control over the more obscure concept of thought, and the mind, as such, his powers are entirely based around the use of psionic abilities. The most standard of these psionic powers is his telekinesis, or the power of moving objects around him. Most often, this is used for attacking purposes, as he can not only move himself across a distance, but also move his blades without actually touching them. The power can also be used for defense, in the form of a telekinetic shield, created via a blanket outward flux of psionic energy that surrounds his body, pushing physical objects away.

    More frightening, is his powers of telepathy. He doesn't necessarily read or penetrate the minds of others, but rather, he can trace the electrochemical signals that are synonymous with thought. As such, he can read a person's actions by tracking these signals. Through the use of electric pulses, drawn from his own electrochemical signals, he can disrupt the signals of an opponents brain for a window of roughly five seconds, leaving them briefly incapacitated.

    The height of Xabrin's powers exist in his ability to concentrate psionic energy into raw energy, which can take on various forms, based on the manner in which he externalizes said energy. The most basic form is that of the psionic wave, a stream of energy that resembles lightning in its appearance. The psionic wave is primarily for individuals, or small groups of targets. The more practical form of this energy for large numbers of foes is in the form of psionic fires, a massive inferno of black flames that can regardless of whether or not the physical requirements for fire exist within the environment, and appear to be composed entirely of Xabrin's own thought. The fire itself can be spawned into shields as well as in large blanket attacks.

    Power Level Analysis:
    While physically, Xabrin is stands at roughly a 4 out of 10, is ability to spawn shields makes up for this defect. His psionics give him the edge in most battles, and overall, he should be considered to be at a power level of 9 out of 10.

    I'm working out this part at the moment.

    Character Theme:
    YouTube - Liquid Tension Experiment - Universal Mind
  4. Spikey

    Spikey New Member

    Name: Spyk (pronounced spike)

    Age: 16

    Looks: Long-ish straight black hair, 5'8, white, One bright blue eye and one crimson red eye, scar on left cheek, Black angel wing on left side of body.

    Specail Abilities: Able to move through solid objects by manipulating the power of darkness, can instantaneously heal his cuts during battle using the power of light, but is still hurt from attacks.

    Character they are most like: Sephiroth, and Roxas put together.

    Gender: Boy

    Short bio: Forgot what world he came from, only thing he remembers is that there was a savage heartless attack on his world, he was told by whomever found him that, apparently, he fell from the sky into Radiant Garden (hollow bastion), and when he woke up he had a wing.

    Power Level: on a scale of 1-10, i would say ------ 9.2, that is without his form being active, which brings out his true form, since he is a nobody, and a little spoiler about him, he is a former SOLDIER 1st Class.

    Darkness or Light: Both. Primary Keyblade: Inner Darkness - Secondary Keyblade: Overwhelming Light (check the keyblades descriptions and soon a pic too on the "what would your keyblade look like?" thread)

    Objective: to get back to his world, And find out why he exists as a nobody.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  5. Name: Reonax

    Age: 15


    Special Abilities: The ability to generate mystical blades of black and/or white that impale enemies.

    Character He Is Most Like: N/A (he's meant to be an independent creation

    Gender: Male

    Short Bio: After having his original heart taken away. Reonax search for his true self, due to the fact that his original self got his heart back. Driven by the rage given to him for understanding he wasn't real, he found his original self and attempted to kill him. He failed to do this and his original self barely escaped with his life. Now he wanders searching for the one who "made" him.

    Power Level: 10/10

    Darkness or Light: Darkness

    Other: He wields four weapons: two white katanas and to sheathed black katanas.
  6. TakashiTheTrainer

    TakashiTheTrainer New Member

    Hmmmm... Lets see... I think I'll start off with the character I’m named after

    Name: Takashi
    Age: 22
    Looks: A young man with long brown hair, tied to a ponytail and a goatee on his chin. He wears a black vest, with a red T-Shirt, blue jeans and black boots.
    Special Abilities: Although not experienced with magic, Takashi has a great knowledge with swords, knowing almost every sword skill that Sora knows
    Character they are most like: Phil, Jack Sparrow, Sora.
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: Takashi is a man who has skill with all types of swords. As a child, Takashi was told many stories of Keybladers and dreamt to one day wield the Keyblade. Now he just wants to train a person who has one, just to get near it. Takashi is not too powerful, but his courage makes him a worthy adversary. Although he gave up the wish to wield a keyblade, there is a bit of hope in his heart that he will eventually.
    Power Level: 50
    Darkness or Light: Light
    Other: His best friend/Blood brother is a 14 year old boy named Taro (I'll do that bio eventually.)
  7. ikaru

    ikaru New Member


    Name:Cid Alenger
    Age:His birthday is tomorrow (17)
    Keyblade:Any keyblade in his genes he carries the ability to hold any keyblade( But,does not care to use one)
    Powers: The hidden demons from a gargoyle clan who fought along mickey's mouse old family tree.
    Appearance:He has his own video YouTube - Kingdom hearts Inverted Hearts Episode one trailer
  8. Yash, The Fierce Knuckle Bracer

    Name: Yashiro (Yash for short)
    Age: 15
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Specail Abilities: Ability to go into "Orochi Form" making him go above his original peak human strength, speed, and endurance. However, the effect of this are cause his body to "lock-down" making him vulnerable to severe attack.
    Character they are most like: N/A
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: Yash is the third descendant of the Orochi of Taijustu (Martial-Arts), meaning he has total mastery of all martial-arts even known. Yet, he has never fought an enemy that was stronger than him. When the Heartless came and demolished his world, he fled to Radient Garden in search of help. He is currently part of the Hollow Bastion Restoration Commitee.
    Power Level: 10/10 (10+/10+ when in Orochi Mode, 0/10 when Orochi Mode wears off)
    Darkness or Light: Light
    Other: His rival Sherumai is his "sister."
  9. Sephiroth666

    Sephiroth666 New Member


    His great rivals are Sora and Riku. He doesnt mind Goofy and Donald. :(
  10. Sephiroth666

    Sephiroth666 New Member

    New character for KH3

    Hey guys ive created another one :cool:

    Name: Sanmex Mesna ( read this way <- and you know some more )
    Age: 27
    Looks: Ansems hair ( KH ) in black, yellowbrown eyes, Xemnas skin colour, no shirt, Kingdom hearts tattoo on his body, Silver pants, white boots, carryes Riku's sword in keyblade form.
    Special Abilities: controls heartless and nobodies, can create Twilight Thorn and Giant Heartless, controls fire, blizzard, thunder, cure, and gravity. Has ability to fly.
    Characters they are most like: A mix of Ansem ( KH ) and Xemnas.
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: When Sora defeated Ansem and Xemnas, the darkness of them both reunited and from that darkness Sanmex Mesna was created. With his memory scattered around, he only knew 1 thing: he had to destroy the Keyblade.
    Power level: The power of Xemnas and Ansem together.
    Darkness or Light: 90% darkness and 10% light
    Other: He appeared on Destiny Islands, and followed Sora and his friends on his "Falcon Terminator"
  11. Sephiroth666

    Sephiroth666 New Member

    Another one!!!

    LOL, ive made up another one:

    Name: The Unknown
    Age: ???
    Looks: Wearing an Organization XIII outfit, only without accesoires. Has a large voice, and does never show his face.
    Abilities: controls Darkness, uses psychic powers, and has the ability to freeze everything, heaten things up, or create an electric field. He can also scare people by saying '' Darkness is the Unknown. Unknown is Darkness. Where will you end, if the Darkness conquers the worlds? ''
    Characters they are most like: Every boss in the whole game. ( except heartless or animals / beasts )
    Gender: Probably male, but like his name says: Unknown.
    Short Bio: He appeared in Disney Castle, and headed to the Cornerstone of Light. But King Mickey tryed to stop him. Mickey failed, and The Unknown took over the cornerstone of light. The whole Disney castle was turned into darkness, and from now on it was the castle of The Unknown. From now one, everyone served him. Even the King.
    Power level: Stronger than Xemnas and Sephiroth together. Will the Keyblade slay him?
    Darkness or Light: 99% darkness, 1% light.
    Other: he calls himself The Core of Darkness. :confused:
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  12. Sephiroth666

    Sephiroth666 New Member

    Sorry guys i didnt introduce myself at beginning :eek::eek:
    Anyway, im Sephiroth666, ( yes i know what 666 means XD )
    and ive made another char

    Name: Kronox
    Age: 17
    Looks: Normal form: Rikus hair in black, red eyes, white skin colour, and soras KH2 clothes in red.
    Special form: Axels hair in yellow, white eyes, brown skin colour, and yellow suit.
    Special Abilities: has te ability to summon nobodies, ( dusks ) and can change in a Special form.
    Characters they are most like: Riku, Cloud, Sephiroth and Xemnas in normal form, and Jafar, (genie) Oogie Boogie, Mickey, and Axel in Special form.
    Gender: male
    Short Bio: cursed with two personalities, Kronox didnt know what to do and met Maleficent. Maleficent did the same with Kronox as she did with Riku in KH1. So, Kronox stepped over to the bad side, and became friends with the nobodies. the nobodies did whatever he wanted them to do, and they began to become slaves. ( of course, most of the nobodies were controlled by Organization XIII ) and when he got stronger, Maleficent handed him over a special keyblade which holded the darkness of all evil. Then, Kronox learned to use his second form...
    Power level: tough to beat in special form, but easy to beat in normal form.
    Darkness or light: He actually is a good person, 100% light, but he doesnt know it.
    Other: he has 3 beginning quotes:
    1. Darkness will overpower. ( normal form battle )
    2. Scared? Hmph. Doesnt surprise me. ( normal form / special form battle )
    3. BRING IT ON!!! ( special form battle )
    quotes in battle:
    Take this! ( normal attack, 2 slashes )
    Ahaah! ( quick attack, 4 quick slashes )
    HuuuuuuuuHAAAAAAH! ( strong attack, 1 hard slash )
    give me STRENGTH!!!!!!!!!!! ( turns in special form )
    HRAAAAAH! ( Thunder slash, 5 quick slashes )
    PATHETIC! ( 1 hard slash )
    OPEN YOUR HEART! ( thunder bolt attack, thunder bolts falling from the sky )
    NO!! ( changes back in normal form )
    ending quote: no way... this is not real...
  13. Sephiroth666

    Sephiroth666 New Member

    Sorry guys i didnt introduce myself at beginning :eek::eek:
    Anyway, im Sephiroth666, ( yes i know what 666 means XD )
    and ive made another char

    Name: Kronox
    Age: 17
    Looks: Normal form: Rikus hair in black, red eyes, white skin colour, and soras KH2 clothes in red.
    Special form: Axels hair in yellow, white eyes, brown skin colour, and yellow suit.
    Special Abilities: has te ability to summon nobodies, ( dusks ) and can change in a Special form.
    Characters they are most like: Riku, Cloud, Sephiroth and Xemnas in normal form, and Jafar, (genie) Oogie Boogie, Mickey, and Axel in Special form.
    Gender: male
    Short Bio: cursed with two personalities, Kronox didnt know what to do and met Maleficent. Maleficent did the same with Kronox as she did with Riku in KH1. So, Kronox stepped over to the bad side, and became friends with the nobodies. the nobodies did whatever he wanted them to do, and they began to become slaves. ( of course, most of the nobodies were controlled by Organization XIII ) and when he got stronger, Maleficent handed him over a special keyblade which holded the darkness of all evil. Then, Kronox learned to use his second form...
    Power level: tough to beat in special form, but easy to beat in normal form.
    Darkness or light: He actually is a good person, 100% light, but he doesnt know it.
    Other: he has 3 beginning quotes:
    1. Darkness will overpower. ( normal form battle )
    2. Scared? Hmph. Doesnt surprise me. ( normal form / special form battle )
    3. BRING IT ON!!! ( special form battle )
    quotes in battle:
    Take this! ( normal attack, 2 slashes )
    Ahaah! ( quick attack, 4 quick slashes )
    HuuuuuuuuHAAAAAAH! ( strong attack, 1 hard slash )
    give me STRENGTH!!!!!!!!!!! ( turns in special form )
    HRAAAAAH! ( Thunder slash, 5 quick slashes )
    PATHETIC! ( 1 hard slash )
    OPEN YOUR HEART! ( thunder bolt attack, thunder bolts falling from the sky )
    NO!! ( changes back in normal form )
    ending quote: no way... this is not real...
  14. Sephiroth666

    Sephiroth666 New Member

    Name: Patchy Pumpkin
    Age: 25
    Looks: Pumpkin head, scarecrow clothes, scarecrow hat.
    Special Abilities: can throw pumpkin bombs, can put himself into fire, and controls fire.
    Characters they are most like: Oogie Boogie, Jack Skellington, Jack Sparrow.
    Gender: male
    Short bio: Patchy Pumpkin, the nephew of Oogie Boogie, wanted to take revenge on Jack Skellington for destroying Oogie Boogie. Patchy didnt show up in Halloween Town for a long time, but since he heard of his friends Lock, Shock and Barrel that Oogie Boogie was destroyed, he came angry and came to Halloween Town. ( Patchy actually lives in Eastern Town since he was banned out of Halloween Town. )
    Power level: very quick, but not strong. He avoids more than he fights.
    Darkness or Light: 80% darkness, 20% light.
    Other: ( quotes )
    beginning quote: Starting to give up already?
    Just kidding! ( throw bombs )
    BURN! ( fire tornado )
    Phew, its gettin' warm here! ( puts himself on fire )
    ending quote: What?! No!
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    (Actually, 616 was the original number of the beast. Your (not so) fun fact for the day!
  16. Xutsuchiru, The Avenging Chronos

    Name: Xutsuchiru
    Age: 20
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Special Abilities: Total manipulation over Time.
    Gender: Male
    Short Bio: Due to the very fact that he is a Heartless, he was immediately cast aside and marked as an enemy. His daily victimizations caused him to come to a terrible conclusion: all Light is evil. He's heard of all the great deeds that the Keyblade Master, Sora has done. From his perspective, he's decided to go on a "Crusade" against the Light. His only resolve is to snuff out all Light.
    Power Level: 10+
    Alignment: Dark
    Other: He can actually erase Time. But in doing this, he becomes extremely vulnerable.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  17. FixedDice

    FixedDice New Member

    Hope it's okay to still post here.

    Name: Topple
    Age: Judging from his voice, maybe 20’s?
    Looks: Over his head is a neon purple frog mask which covers his face. Below he wears a dark green jacket with overly long sleeves that reach his legs. His bright green pants have more neon purple stripes that go down to his blue and red sneakers.
    Special Abilities: Topple can run away at amazing speeds, while having a lot of munny to bribe enemies not to fight him. His master ability is stealth, as he can hide in cramped spaces for hours.
    Character they are most like: Gogo
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: As a master of mystery and secrets, Topple has managed to keep is past hidden. All that is known is his love of travelling and strange ability to show up at the most dangerous times.
    Power Level: Weak – 10/100
    Darkness or Light: Light
    Other: Steals things I think.
  18. MiakoxxAxel

    MiakoxxAxel New Member

    Name: Miako
    Age: 17
    Looks: Long black hair. Blue eyes. Tall.
    Specail Abilities: Has two long skinny swords and can weild fire to a very powerful point
    Character they are most like: Konan (naruto)
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: Is a nobody but yet remembers her name. She is Kairi's half-sister. Kairi's mother was married to Miako's father. Kairi's mother is Miako's step mom. Miako and Kairi's 'parents' split up and Kairi and her mother went to Destiny Island while Miako and her father stayed in Hallow Bastion. Miako and Axel are best friends and grew up together. Miako left to find Kairi and forgot about Axel. She met Sora, Riku, and Kairi yet Miako forgot about Kairi also. While Sora wanted to rescue Kairi from the darkness Miako got engufled into the darkness and became a nobody.
    Power Level: Very strong
    Darkness or Light: twilight
    Other: She can be very evil. Yet she has a soft side

    Oh I forgot I'm new to this.. add me or message me please. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2009
  19. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    He's basically another Final Fantasy X character looking for his son, Tidus. lol.
    It's kinda ironic. After Sin, Tidus goes looking for his father, then after the Heartless, Tidus's father goes looking for him! lol :)

    Name: Jecht

    Age: Late 30s or early 40s.

    Looks: [​IMG]

    Special Abilities: None.

    Character they are most like: He's pretty original, but is old and tough like Cid or Xigbar.

    Gender: Male.

    Short bio: Jecht is just another person looking for his son (Tidus) after the Heartless attacked. He was sucked into the darkness along with other civilian villagers of Destiny Island.
    Jecht was saved by the Organization XIII, not actually knowing the only reason they defeated the Heartless is because they needed more hearts to complete Kingdom Hearts.

    Jecht is now once again living upon the realm of light, as he has gotten a home in Radiant Garden after the Organization brought him there.
    He still is searching for his son, going world to world with the help of King Mickey, and he believes they will one day reunite.

    Power Level: ¿Qué? lol :D

    Darkness or Light: Light.

    Other: N/A
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  20. twilightaxel

    twilightaxel New Member

    Name: grengol
    Age: 19
    Looks: he has a scar across his face he where a dark black coat with a hood .
    Specail Abilities: he is a lot quicker with a double ended sword
    Character they are most like: he is a lot like squall(leon).
    Gender: male
    Short bio: he is a orphan who is looking for his parent's since he was 14 then he got caught up with the orginization but then he got away before sora found out he existed.
    Power Level: very strong
    Darkness or Light: used to be darkness but now 10/10 light
    Other:uses double ended sword
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