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Which was the worst time Anti-form caught you?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by DarkDust, Sep 6, 2009.

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  1. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    Anti Form is more an accident than a form, it really sucks and happen when you last expect it. the worst time I got caught by this form was during the fight against Xigbar, I reduced his health completely, I only needed to apply the finisher, Xigbar then reduced my health to critical, then I used auto-master, because it fully replenishes your health, but them anti-form caught me,I got really angry, cuz it was the 6th time I lost to him:(
  2. RoxasxKairi

    RoxasxKairi New Member

    I never got anti-form before..ever! :O
  3. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    xigabar for me
  4. Apocalypse735

    Apocalypse735 New Member

    Normally I love Anti-form, but when you need to make special attacks or heal yourself, Anti-form is quite a stepdown. >_<

    The worst time for me was when I fought Demyx. I was doing good so far, and when the attacks started to pick up, I decided to use a form to prevent losing. But then Anti-form appeared, and Sora couldn't do the things he usually can. It's been awhile since I've played it, so I think I couldn't do the limit attack thing to use the water clones against each other. And I don't think I could heal. I was so confused. XD
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I actually got anti-form pretty often at inconvenient times. <_< I got it once fighting Xaldin, who had already been kicking my ass before that. And I think I got it while fighting Xigbar, too.
  6. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Got anti-form three times throughout the game. I personally never thought it a disadvantage. Then again I never got it at one of those dire moments. When ever I saw it I'd always think: "OMG HOW DO I GET THAT AGAIN >D"
  7. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Rack up anti points by not using Final and continuously using Valor, Wisdom and Master Forms =D
    My FIRST worst situation would have to be against Demyx in Hollow Bastion. I tired Master Form at the start to get his HP down a bit first, I do it, Anti Form happens and there are water clones. Seeing only about 5 or 10 come out at a time time and Anti Form does not allow Reaction Commands, I was boned =\
    Anti Form was good in those "Event" Battles where you fight a number of Heartless. It just looks cool =D
  8. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    If I ever get KH2 again and a PS2 as well I most certainly will do that >D
    RebelMurf likes this.
  9. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    Yeah, while leveling up my forms at TWTNW the Anti Form continually bothered me in leveling up Valor and Wisdom Forms, if I know right, if you rack up 4 anti points you get anti-form, transforming into valor and wisdom is plus 1 anti point, transforming into master and final is minus 10 anti points, during boss battles there are x3 x4 and x5 multipliers, but I like the anti-form combos, they really kick ass.
  10. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    wile i was facing xigbar and demyx! lol
    it was annoyin! :/
  11. Omega

    Omega New Member

    actually i never had a bad time in which anti-form didn't work out for me cause it always did. lucky me!!!
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    DX When I was fighting against Hades in the Paradox Cup. Real terrible.
  13. Sephiroth666

    Sephiroth666 New Member

    The worst time antiform got me

    The worst time it happened to me... hmm... :cool:
    Aha! :D
    The worst time it happened to me is when I fought Xaldin, My HP was really low and he kicked my ass for the 5th time! ( i was low level :p ) good luck Mickey was there to save me! :D:D:D:D
  14. TakashiTheTrainer

    TakashiTheTrainer New Member

    Lets see...

    One of the worst times that happened was when I was fighting Xigbar and he was about to use a special move. I decided to use the master form when all of the sudden, I turned into the dark form!

    He ended up widdling my health down to zero.

    Same with Xaladin, whom was a real pain to defeat. I remember saying to myself, "Ah great, I'm so screwed!"

    I usually run into the dark form whenever I am fighting the bosses I have trouble with. :p
  15. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    Heh it seens like Xigbar is the anti-form's best friend, I used forms to restore my HP when I got into critical, until I found Xigbar, When Sora suddenly turned all black I was like WTF?
    Didn't use forms during Xaldin though, I thought I could do it without then, that's when mickey caught me :D
  16. tori_birdie

    tori_birdie New Member

    The worst time Anti got me was when I was going against Demyx. It's like the game hates me, since my controller cuts on and off for some reason sometimes, and then when I was about to pwn him, I turned Anti when trying to boost up my health after getting through the entire battle with my controller being stupid. -_-
  17. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Probably the worst time for me was when I was fighting Xigbar, but the fight turned out pretty well. I didn't die during the form lol
  18. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    evil dude!
  19. The worst time was when I was taking on Xaldin. Yeah, I didn't die (until the random lance) but it was so annoying trying to get over there when he kept on using his little beam thingy. Even when he came back, he would use his Jump attack and I couldn't use Learn so uh . . . yeah -_-.
  20. kirairiato

    kirairiato New Member

    i get anti form like after ever 2 boss or so, it was beepen anoyying but it sometimes helped lol hahah
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