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Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Father-McKenzie, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    my fav character is Donald, and Goofy it's so funny how they like react to onw another Donald is hilarious even in KH re:chain of memories.Sora and kairi and Piglet o_o adorable!^^
  2. My favorite character is Roxas, but I don't like Sora for some reason. His big shoes bother me. I also like Mansex (xemnas).
  3. piano's sad song

    piano's sad song New Member

    i like saix. as far as organization members goes... he's cool but goes ballistic when he has to fight. i also like riku though... he just has a really awesome personality. and his way to dawn and dark keyblades kick ass
  4. LordOfTheKeyblade1

    LordOfTheKeyblade1 New Member

    I like Riku, like Piano said, he has an awesome personality and I like Sora, definitely Sora.:)
  5. LatiJediLukeAndLeia

    LatiJediLukeAndLeia New Member



  6. mitsukaiwolf

    mitsukaiwolf New Member

    Sora, and Cloud!
  7. IcecreamLink

    IcecreamLink Banned

    sora.in the first kh sora is adorable....with his cute pink cheeks....and that cute smile..
  8. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    . . . . I like the Kurt Siza Heartless.
  9. NightKairi

    NightKairi New Member

    Sora and Kairi
  10. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Great Ninja Yufiie Kisaragi!
    I freakishly semi look like her =0
    Also Ninja's are cool and bad ass ;)
    But unfortunately she didn't have her rude tude' in KH like she had in FF7.
  11. smiffyboy13

    smiffyboy13 New Member

    Axel or King Mickey
  12. soldediamantes

    soldediamantes New Member

    Sora, definitely. He was so much cuter and loveable in KH. Then Goofy. I have a soft spot in my heart for him and his little "Hoo hoo hoo HOO!" laugh.

  13. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I loved all of the characters in Kingdom Hearts, all of them were different, and their personalities were well thought out ^^... If I had to pick a favourite though for KH I'd have a tie between Riku and Donald :]
    Riku: I love how he's so free spirited and wants to leave his island to travel to new places and explore new worlds... I also like his personality traits, he can be nice but sometimes he's a little naive and tries to do things on his own... He has good intentions throughout the game because he wants to restore Kairi's heart but he gets lost on the way and turns to the dark side and uses the heartless to realize this wish... He does have a bit of an ego but I he's one of my favourites because of that :3
    Donald: This duck has such a temper XD... I like how he's hard headed and gets mad at times and fights with Sora over the weirdest thing (Like landing in the Deep Jungle XD)... He always makes me laugh and he sounds so cute =3... I've always been a fan of him, ever since I saw him in Mickey Mouse Club House or whatever that's called XD... I find he never gets annoying and if I ever had to travel to different Disney worlds he would be a must have companion :]
  14. kiarigrl888

    kiarigrl888 New Member

    i just AHdor riku. i love all the different parts he contributes to in the storys plot. but i also love how dark he is!
  15. Hailstorm_Heartless

    Hailstorm_Heartless New Member

    I think my favorites would have to be...

    Kairi - Because ever since I started playing KH (when it first came out), she's always been my favorite. I was even her one Halloween. :)

    Goofy - He's always been my favorite main Disney character. And him being a member of the team, makes me happy. It even made me giddy when he first appears in the game.

    and Hades - Hades is just one big blue ball of fire, he's always been one of my favorite villians (not just in the game).

    My favorites have sort of shifted since KH1, but these were my favorites when I first started playing the game. :p
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2009
  16. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    Probably Tidus & Squall.
  17. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    Jack Sparrow and Jack Skellington
  18. Midnight

    Midnight New Member

    My favorite character is Yuffie becuase of her awsome ninja skills.
  19. Xetanion

    Xetanion New Member

    well i gotta say Tidus if they had him grown up so Cloud or Leon then Sora then ROxas
    fav bad guy ever: AXEL!!!
  20. constant_sugar_high

    constant_sugar_high New Member

    Umm...in KH, I loved Sora. He was just so adorable and cute. What a kid. And then Leon. And then Cloud. But not his hair. His hair was MESSED UP. Just, no. No. And Yuffie.

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