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.:Dawn:.{{A LiGhT iN dArKnEsS}}KH-Invite Only-OOC Thread

Discussion in 'Archive' started by ::Hazel::, Aug 11, 2009.

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  1. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    This is the OoC thread for the people in ".: Dawn:.{{A LiGhT iN dArKnEsS}}" :)


    It is five years after Kingdom Hearts II. Everything went back to normal...or so they thought...
    The Organization was defeated, but Nobodies still exist, and heartless are still plentiful in the other worlds....Only Sora, Riku, and Kairi didn't know that.

    ;;hearts without s o u l s;;bodies without h e a r t s;;

    There is a force far more sinister than the Heartless or Nobodies. They are called Soulless. They are the hearts of Nobodies, only most Nobodies don't know that;And the ones that do know that if they are merged with their former heart they will be consumed by darkness. That's all a Soulless is: a heart of pure darkness..
    Some of the most powerful soulless grouped together and formed there own organization.They call themselves the Hearts of Darkness, which is an ironic, but fitting name. Together they put a powerful spell on Sora, Riku, Kairi,the King, Donald, and Goofy.Now they're in a deep sleep, but they still think they are in their own world, living everyday life as if all was right.

    Organization XIII has reformed with new members unknown. Xemnas was never truly destroyed, but disappeared into the darkness. He's having the new Organization scout the worlds for new keyblade wielders. With the help of a mysterious new member, who somehow is a keyblade wielder, he forces them to fight heartless and free the hearts so once again he can attempt to get Kingdom Heart's power. The group of prisoner keyblade wielders is known as The Keys of Oblivion.
    Overall the worlds are either being controlled by the Nobodies or the Soulless.


    There is rarely a keyblade weilder in sight. When there is they surrender to Organization XIII.There is a prophecy of five keyblade masters that will stand against the Organization and free the original keyblade wielders from the soulless.

    1>No Ch@T$p3ak, grammar is a must.
    2>The usual no Godmoding, powerplaying, ect. IF YOU DO I WILL HURT YOU.
    3>Romance is fine, if not encouraged
    4>Read the whole plotline, or things might get confusing. It's not painfully long.
    5>Try to post frequenty, and add your own twists to the plot to keep it interesting. Remember, no one is more important than anyone else here. Try to include everyone.
    6>There are only 5 keyblade wielder positions, not including Keys of Oblivion
    7>If you read all of the rules post "Ice Ice Baby" in your profile

    :.:Organization 13:.:
    {{PM me to join}}
    II:unknown(keyblade wielder)
    III: ???
    IV: ???
    V: ???
    VI: ???
    VII: ???
    VIII: ???
    IX: ???
    X: ???
    XI: ???
    XII: ???
    XIII:{{Alive, but not with them}}

    ||Keys of Oblivion||

    1: Blair-::Hazel::

    ;;S K E L A T O N;;
    Allience:{{Soulless, Heartless, Nobody, ect.}}
    Looks:{{pic and description}}

    ;;Nobody/Keys of Oblivion;;
    title(ex:Xemnas=Superior) :
    Ranking:{{Remember to ask if its taken}}
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2009
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    You might want to recopy everything from the actual thread to over here. Just saying. I'll tell you more later, 'cause I g2g fer now.

    Name: Vincent

    Age: 16

    Gender: male

    Weapon: Keyblade - For Hamstertastic: Keyblade by =ValentineAngel on deviantART
    Originally - Four floating orbs, each one containing it's own element.

    Heart: Light
    Side: Light

    Appearence: Mage by ~whitecrow4545 on deviantART

    Personality: A total clutz. Bound to trip and fall flat on his face. Somewhat of a wishful thinker

    Bio: Vincent was a talented mage at a very young age. At age 6, he could cast Fira, and by age 10 he could cast 3 tiers of Thunder, Blizzard, Aero, and Fire. This easily got him recruited in the Junior Restoration Committee. He once lived an almost-normal life in Radiant Garden, but once nobodies stated appearing, his life got much harder. Try as he might, he couldn't stop all of their attacks on his side of the town on his own.


    Name: Ammex

    Title: The Artist
    Ranking: V

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Element: None

    Weapon: A giant paintbrush

    Appearance: Glow by *ramy on deviantART

    Personality: (I will let this develop. Cant decide >_<)

    Bio: Once was a great artist. However, heartless invaded her life and she did her best to fend them off, but was unsuccessful and eventually lost her heart in the process.

    Ammex's Heartless - Shadow Girl's Bubbles by ~dimespin on deviantART


    Now then, first things first. When Roleplaying, please post 3 lines or 6 sentences. The admin won't bite your head off, and the story progresses more. Letsee. . . . Remember to make an OOC thread first, THEN make the actual thread once you have enough players. I can't think of any other basics atm.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  3. Apocalypse735

    Apocalypse735 New Member

    XD Ice Ice Baby.

    Name: Hikari
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: "Angel of Serinity" keyblade. Click

    Allience: Light (though Hikari has her dark thinking too. Just because she's light, she doesn't reject those of the darkness).

    Appearence: Long purple hair, the bangs and front layers are a light, silvery-blue color, and she has curious, light purple eyes. Click

    Outfit: (but without the hat) Her shoes are just simple, ankle-high black boots. Click

    Personality: Hikari is quite shy, yet she is friendly when approached. Sometimes she can be a little timid. Also, she can be clumsy! She is very observant of her surroundings. Sometimes, she can be full of humor and sarcasm. She's a bit on the short side, 5'3, but she is a good fighter, though she'd rather live in peace.

    Bio: Hikari doesn't really have any friends; she's mostly the loner type. She has lived alone since the age of 14, when her parents disappeared into the darkness. Yet her heart does go out to the Nobodies; she really does feel sympathy for them. One night she was walking alongside the ocean like usual, enjoying the gental lapping of the waves, when suddenly she was attacked by a swarm of heartless. Confused and scared out of her witts, she fell to the ground. Just as a heartless leapt at her face, Hikari's arms shot up in front of her, waiting for the pain to come. But it didn't.

    Instead, she opened her eyes to see the creature thrown back, and an odd, yet beautiful weapon of some sort in her left hand. She didn't have much time to think about this; the swarm of heartless made another attack. Instinctively, she whirled the blade through the air, taking out the group of creatures completely. She then looked to see a figure in a black cloak a few yards in front of her. The figure let out a low, menacing laugh, disappearing into what seemed to be a portal. Almost instantly, a there was a flash of blinding light surrounding her. When the light subsided, her eyes opened to reveal a competely new, different world.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Right, I suppose I'll do a recap of past events. . . I suppose I should leave Xire/Rei out of this?
  5. Apocalypse735

    Apocalypse735 New Member

    That'd be fine, if you were talking to the both of us. As for the other people, I don't know. ^^;
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Right then. . . this post will be overwritten with the recap, but in the meantime. . . . Tangle, please post your characters.

    Aha! Now I have found a valid plot excuse for some of the Org members disappearing! They declined the Soulless's offer. . .

    Now then, I suppose this tale is somewhat long, but I'll do this in pieces.. . . . In front of the Mansion of Twilight Town, Blair appears from out of nowhere - confused and lost. Enemies attack her, but to her surprise a weapon in the shape a key appears. Hikari receives her Keyblade not long after on a different world, but then is thrown into a portal and ends up with Blair. Vincent was patrolling Radient Garden when he was also pushed through a portal - but no keyblade. Roxas soon found the group (He was learning about the Soulless in the Lab) and helped the girls and Vincent fight off the Heartless and Nobodies that were attacking. ~~~~ In the meantime, the Organization members Calixta and Ammex were searching Twilight Town for Keybladers - Shikoro, from the Keys of Oblivion was sent to find them. ~~~~ Waiting inside the Mansion for the new group of heroes was Xiao, a high-ranking Organization member. He led half the group to Namine's room where he kidnapped Hikari. ~~~~
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2009
  7. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    I don't think she would really care. She doesn't do as much rping anymore.

    Do you want me to put up Ximek and Ammex on the Organization list, or do you wanna leave them out?

    Name: Blair
    roleplay :: Inner_Confliction_Keyblade.jpg picture by Uchiha_girl_bcb - Photobucket
    Allience: neutral, but mostly light
    roleplay :: Burea picture by Uchiha_girl_bcb - Photobucket
    Accept with very curly auburn hair and hazel eyes.
    Personality: Quiet, but stubborn, clever, but can be very naive. Often stands up for what she believes in even if she is a little gullible.
    Bio: Born in a layed back town with her friends and family and lived happily with them, although it wasn't like that forever. Once her best friend left without a trace she started to rebel against her parents by sneaking out to the surrounding hills occasionally at night to sketch various things. Her parents thought she was just being stubborn, but the view often numbed the pain of losing a friend. One night when she stayed out later than usual sketching stars bizzare things started to happen, and the last thing she remembered when she woke up in Twilight Town was whispering and black cloaks..

    * * * *
    ||Keys of Oblivion||
    Title:"The Shadow"
    Ranking:Head of Keys of Oblivion
    Element: Darkness
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    With dark brown hair
    Personality: Basically acts like a closed book. He has a mysterious and somewhat smooth style that can get the job done, but no one really knows where he is from and who he really is. For some reason he has an unusual fear for fire. Most people in the Organization and KoO{Keys of Oblivion..I know, lol}} think he is cold and much like a "living" heartless. But why isn't he a heartless by now?
    Bio: Grew up in the same lazy town as Blair. The two of them where close friends, even when most of the time they seemed like oppisites. All was well until one fateful night when he was walking back from her house he smelt smoke and ran to see his home in flames. In terror he fled to the hills, literally, and hid there until he knew for sure that it wasn't a blaze anymore. When he returned to the rubble that was once his house, he saw two roses at the front step. His neighbor always put out rose when someone died.. Black creatures swarmed from the shadows and lunged at him. He hit back with all of his anger and pain and a key-like sword appeared in his hand. All he could remember from that point was falling to his knees sobbing, and hearing a deep, comforting voice from the shadows. He didn't care anymore, he decided to go with the comfort, hide in the shadows. He left with the man with the shadowed voice: Xemnas.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  8. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    So then, I suppose we had better get somebody else in here.
  9. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    Yeah, I guess so..Do you know any other good rpers here we could ask?
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Well, King of Darkness is a fun guy. . . you also might want to give Zerieth a chance, if he can find the time.
  11. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    Okay, King of Darkness already knows he's welcome. We'll invite Zerieth and see if they're interested. Now that school's started the majority of time I can spend here is on the weekends, so sorry if I'm not on much!
  12. Bulky Vendor

    Bulky Vendor New Member

    Name: Dex
    Age: 18
    Weapon: Chains
    Alliance: himself, with the occaisonal help to anyone with the better deal
    Looks: I'll get around to it, I just made my account a few minutes ago, gimme a minute or day
    Personality: Loves using third person, somewhat moronic, somewhat smart. He's a funny person in his own three minds. He has a love for nursery rhymes.
    Bio: An independant scientist working out of his own garage to substitute for a lack of a car, he devoloped ways of extracting hearts. Since no person with half a brain would be his test subject, he quickly worked on a way to put a persons heart back in, scientifically mind you, and thought he knew how, and finally decided to take on the experiment himself. His greatest success was also his greatest screw up, as he lies between a heartless and a nobody, with abilities to access his heart, without actually having it. This also triggers three different personalities, a heartless, nobody, and his former self. Though he'll always claim he's a heartless, he truely is heartless.

    (Sorry I didn't get the post earlier >>
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Welly well well, look what the moogle dragged in! Glad to have ya, falcon!
  14. Bulky Vendor

    Bulky Vendor New Member

    Am I truely that recognizable, so.... did this RP already start in another thread?
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    No, it didn't. But c'mon. . . very few people have the capabilities to play Dex.
  16. Bulky Vendor

    Bulky Vendor New Member

    I'm sure we all have the capability.
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    . . . Riiiiight. Anyways, now we gotta wait for Tangle to come back on.
  18. Bulky Vendor

    Bulky Vendor New Member

    Yes yes, I suppose we must.
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Yeah, so when you're ready, just post the link here, Hazel. I suggest we start with the group coming back into the real world after the Mcp thing.
  20. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    May I join and be an Org Member?
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