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How did you die most of the time?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Sephiroth X Slasher, Feb 20, 2008.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Yes but wisdom lacks in power. It's good for spells.
  2. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Final Form using 5 Drive gauge in order to transform, kinda very useful only in grave moment. Since i'm rarely use Form. XD
  3. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Well I just started playing again and I keep failing the Land of Dragons event where you have to get through the Mountain Pass within the time and keeping Morale Bar up.
    I either run out of Morale or get killed from panicking to much and running into attacks by the heartless.
    Too much was on my mind... It's Sunday!!!
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    That wasn't hard for me. Just use a form, and you can breeze through it. Valor works best.
  5. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I use Blizzard to get rid of that Centaur-like Heartless. (forget its name :p)
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Those things? I don't have any real good methods for them. They take a lot of damage, so i always go behind them. Attacking head on is pointless cause they spin those lances.
  7. DawnBlade

    DawnBlade New Member

    Demyx, grr. I also kept dying on the Land of Dragons, where you have to search for the heartless in the camp, stupid Ping keeps jumping in the way XD but i just blow up the tents and the heartless appear (albeit, slightly) faster.
  8. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    That's why you need to mastered how to use guard.
  9. LordOfTheKeyblade1

    LordOfTheKeyblade1 New Member

    For the minotaur heartless, stand on one of the ledges and just attack his head from out of their range and jump whenever he swipes at you XD. I'm not actually sure if that works but I used Valor Form a fair bit:).
  10. Riku1996

    Riku1996 New Member

    By Xigbar. 7 times :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  11. モンスーン

    モンスーン New Member

    Sephiroth at level 65 on Proud... over..and over..and over...
  12. Sunnyxx

    Sunnyxx New Member

    As embarrassed as I am to say it.... Demyx.
    I couldn't beat him until I leveld p to like lvl 50 :(
  13. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Dont be,alot of people get hung up on him.In Chains of Memories the second Axel fight,I couldnt beat him till I reached lvl 84...

    To be honest,except for Seph,all the fights are much easier on the second playthrough.Seph has so far been the only one to repeatedly kill me.Cept for Luxord,every time,he ALWAYS beats me the first time!Then I kick his arse the second time.
  14. ViaSan

    ViaSan New Member

    ......Dem-Dem,I WAS BEATEN BY HIM A THOUSAND OF TIMES!god,I hate him!
  15. Keyblademasterman

    Keyblademasterman New Member

    Demyx Nuff said
  16. Roxotho

    Roxotho Banned

    Demyx beats me with those stupid stupid STUPID "kill x guys in x seconds" things.
    he's right there, y can't I just hit him?
  17. Omega

    Omega New Member

    most of the time it was because of underleveling, demyx, or terra
  18. Ven

    Ven New Member

    Dymx... I'm playing through the game on standard now and he was a nightmare!
  19. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Banned

    I got killed a handfull of times but in the Hades Paradox cop (lvl 90 requirement and alot of other things)

    It really was a nightmare, it pissed me off like crazy haha.
  20. Roxotho

    Roxotho Banned

    right.....hades cup....
    how do u get 2 that again?
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