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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Luke, Dec 10, 2007.

What do you think

  1. Like

    12 vote(s)
  2. Disliek

    16 vote(s)
  3. Don`t Care

    13 vote(s)
  1. JustPlainLucas

    JustPlainLucas New Member

    I love it.
  2. Kanzen

    Kanzen New Member

    I like the beats. Usually they get stuck in my head and I hum them, but I can't ever remember the words because they're pointless.
  3. Mugen

    Mugen New Member

    The love the old artists like Wu- Tang, Onix and Foxy Brown. Today's is dull IMO, same old crap over and over...

    'Look at my chain and car,
    Look at the b*tch*es I have in my backyard...'
  4. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Why is everything that we don't like immediatly thrown into the "hate" collumn... anyway, i personally am a huge fan of Hip-Hop music, breakdancing, all of that stuff. And whoever posted earlier saying they hate the vulgar lyrics of rap, but love metal? What?

    Rap: Look at them b*tch*s up in my crib, bust a n*t in your eye


    and even Emo music: oh these scars, hoorah were dead, blood flowing from my open wrists

    All seem just as vulgar, and honestly I think rap is alitte friendlier than stuff like that, atleast all forms except for gangsta rap.
  5. Luke

    Luke Member

    ^ thats stereotyping brah. Don`t do that.( but about 70 percent of todays rap is liek that. only about 30 - 35 percent of todays emotive and metal are liek that.)
    I like Underground rap, Like immortal technique. Like Political stuff, and stuff about the economy and war.
    I used to listen to rap when i was in middle school, Maybe some people should just grow up.Every kid in my school thinks they`re going to be famous cause they can dance or rhyme.
    Im not racist but most of the black people in my school are who im talking about ^above.
    Most of them should put that shit away and try to learn how to play an instrument so they can at least have something they are good at besides "dancing", though i can`t really call what they do dancing.
  6. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    you can't call breakdancing real dancing? do you understand the amount of skill that it takes to learn moves that way? I don't think im gonna get famous, but its a cool talent to have, and if you tell me not to stereotype dont do it yourself.:p

    and please dont call me brah.
  7. Luke

    Luke Member

    Alright, Im not stereotyping, Im saying I hate the stereotypes in this world. And i think breakdancing is cool, Im talking about dancing like the gay "soulja boy" thing.
  8. Lost Darkness

    Lost Darkness New Member

    I being a rap fan a hardcore rap fan. I can say the rap now sucks.

    Wu Tang Clan

    They rapped about everything and the beats and the lyrics you felt what they where saying they where being real in a time where everything was bland.

    The guy that said every rap is about money and girls never really heard rap. That's like me saying I hate rock music because all they do is talk about Satan and yell really loud.
  9. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    oh, well the soulja-boy isnt really a hip-hop dance, its only popularity is in the "scene". A song like soulja-boy always becomes popular, and then it dies within a year, then it'll be brought back as retro once it dies. its a cycle.
  10. Lost Darkness

    Lost Darkness New Member

    Rap and Hip Hop are 2 different things.

    Hip Hop is Soulja Boy
    Rap is 2 Pac

    Its funny how some people don't know how some rappers use beats and hooks from old famous songs.

    Pitbull used a famous hispanic songs hook on his own and people that don't know the 1st one won't understand the new one. Everything depends on what you grew up with. I grew up with spanish music and a white person wouldn't understand the song like I do so it all depends on who you are and where you was born...
  11. Oblivion

    Oblivion New Member

    I'd say around 85% of rap/hip-hop has parts of other songs in it. (x

    I like all kinds of music. :)

    I like rap because I grew up listening to it. I mostly like lyrical rap/hip-hop and older stuff. Nowadays rap is getting....eh. :/

    Nas, Talib Kweli, Kanye West, D.M.C., etc actually raps about meaningful stuff.

    And songs with not so good lyrics I usually like because of the beat.

    Probably rap is getting dull because they keep playing the same song over and over. If I hear Soulja Boy one more time... ;-; I mean, come on. It was fine the first couple times I heard it, but after 329843209483024809284th time, that song should be put to rest.

    But Gackt (he's not rap, though) can be played that many times, because he's awesome like that.♥
  12. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    haha, i do like Gackt. And I do know that rappers use beats from other songs, but I kind of like that, unless they completely kill the song, in no way am I saying that ALL hip-hop is great.
  13. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    straight up gangsta rap about smokin a joint and slappin their whore is annoying and retarded but what some people seem to overlook is that there is a difference between rap, hip hop, and r&b. hip hop is ususually not as crude and does not cuss as much as rap, if not at all, and you can usually understand it. r&b songs though they are slightly crude, they have a slower beat and are nicer to listen too. so it really depends what type of "rap" you are talking about.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  14. Lost Darkness

    Lost Darkness New Member

    You people that say they only rap about girls and money only hear the songs they play on the radio.

    Buy the Album and you'll see they do rap about women and money and politics and goverment and their own lives.
  15. Not everyone talks about girls and stuff. Kanye West, Common, Nas, and Lupe Fiasco for example don't talk about girls and stuff sometimes. They talk about the government and things that are happening today in our country. You people are saying bad things but those are the thing that you said in the radio. Buy there albums and see the different between the things that you hear from the radio and there lyrics.
  16. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    i agree with kb. not all rap is about sex, drugs, and violence. i personally am a huge fan of rap but i really don't blame you guys who hate on it. rap today has been exploited by the media as a quick and easy way to gain money, and this is most likely because of the rapidly growing appeal rap has to an already massive fanbase (mainly teens from suburban areas, no offense). the profanity used in mainstream rap is mostly just a way for rap songs to gain more listeners (it makes people think theyre ghetto n all), and more listeners adds up to more cash. clear examples of "artists" who use rap for cash are mims, rich boy, and 50 cent (in fact, he even admitted he doesn't care about the music, only the profit made from the music).

    now, rap (only a form of hip-hop, which includes more than just music like dance and fashion) was originally a way for deejays to show their lyrical creativity or simply just a way to playfully boast to their friends. as rap became more widespread, rappers began to talk about more serious things such as their political views. back then, rap was a way for people to express themselves, to enjoy themselves, or just to chill. it was only when gangsta rap was introduced by ice-t and the n.w.a., who were mainly just trying to explicitly show the difficulties of life in the ghetto, that rap gained a bad name.

    so for those of you who don't like or hate rap/hip-hop, listen to true hip-hop artists like common, lupe fiasco, nas, talib kweli, and de la soul (just to name a few) or older artists like the fresh prince and a tribe called quest who all know the real meaning of rap. and for those of you who think rap isn't intelligent, it can be EXTREMELY intelligent. for example, good rappers use a ton of metaphors, funny and imaginative wordplay, and creative delivery in their raps in addition to catchy and downright ill beats. (and u guys can be sure of what i say cause im from philly, a huge city of hip-hop)
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2008
  17. Thank you

    Thank you for agreeing with me un BLE vble. I just think that we just need the pioneers of rap. And show the newcomers how rap is done.:D
  18. Lost Darkness

    Lost Darkness New Member

    Gangsta Rap is the best kind of Rap!

    N.W.A , Snoop, 2 Pac, B.I.G, The Game, Big Daddy Kane, Wu Tang Clan and others. They made Rap a hit and now we get 1 second Rappers.

    To the guy that said Rap got its bad name from those guys above did you mean that's a good or bad thing?
  19. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    He meant its a bad thing. Gangsta rap is stupid, its all just about "paper, b*tch*s, gunfightin" Its a waste of time. Rap shouldn't be about shit that you don't actually feel or do, to me rap is self expression. So when you rap about doing a drive by shooting that you didnt really do, to me that is a lie.
  20. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    thanks Zenrot, you hit it right on with that one. i'm gonna continue from my last post--gangsta rap has transformed about 75% of its genre-- a once upbeat, playful, and creative form of music--into outright trash filled with things that only apply to selfishness, sex, drugs, and money.

    but don't get me wrong Lost Darkness, gangsta rap can be meaningful at rare cases like in "dance with the devil" by immortal technique (just in case you've never heard of it, its about a traumatizing story of a teenager in the ghetto who is addicted to materialism and fame and who devastatingly pays for it). but sadly when you look at this sub-genre as a whole, its been poorly used and makes people like some of the ones on this forum hate rap.

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