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Your Nobody's Name

Discussion in 'General' started by Reef, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. Reef

    Reef New Member

    Okay, i've seen this a few times before, but haven't been able to find it on this forum, so...

    What would you nobody be like?


    Nobody Name:

    Real Name(optional):



    Organization XIII Member/Partner(s)(Can include Riku and/or Mickey):​

    Thats it. Have fun with it, and if you can't figure out a name, just post it so someone can help you out. By all means, use you forum name instead of you real name if you like.

    Heres mine, but im still having trouble with my name.

    Nobody Name: Xaldyn (yes, its all i got right now, so please, recomend something else)

    Real Name: Dylan

    Attributes: Light & Darkness

    Wepons: Twilight Chakrams

    Partner: Axel ​

    Have fun guys. :D
  2. MoonShadow101

    MoonShadow101 New Member

    Hehe i have to do this

    Nobody Name: Kesxy

    Real Name(optional): Skky

    Attribute/s: Utter Darkness( Muahahaha)

    Long sharp sword (I guess???)

    Partner: Riku :)
  3. Reef

    Reef New Member

    Nice!!! I like it!
  4. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    Yay, finally something like this is up! :D

    Nobody Name: Xepter

    Real Name(optional): N/A tho its prolly obvious

    Attribute/s: Can control the 8 FF elements

    Wepons: Transformable sword/spear

    Organization XIII Member/Partner(s)(Can include Riku and/or Mickey): None
  5. Reef

    Reef New Member

    Sweet, and yes, it is obvious.
  6. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Nobody Name: Exion

    Real Name: Obv now ^

    Attribute/s: Ice

    Wepons: Katana

    Partner : Riku
  7. Reef

    Reef New Member

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  9. TheKingOfHearts

    TheKingOfHearts New Member

    Nobody Name:Iku
    Real Name:Raiku

    Attribute/s: Dark


  10. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    This Is Interesting.....

    Nobody Name: Cradox

    Real Name(optional): Draco

    Attribute/s: Ice/Wind

    Weapons: Twin Blue Tinted Katana.

    Organization XIII Member/Partner(s)(Can include Riku and/or Mickey): Riku, Roxas, Xion, Zexion.

    There's Mine...:)
  11. Reef

    Reef New Member

    wow, this forum finally took off! And Draco, I like your Nobody. So many partners though... is cradox insecure?
  12. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    Nobody Name: Marxest

    Name Used: Master

    Attribute/s: darkness/ice

    Waepons: Trident

    Partner: Cloud, Squall
  13. Fantasia

    Fantasia New Member

    Nobody Name: Xerobok

    Real Name (optional): Brooke

    Attribute(s): Minerals/Rocks (Earth)

    Weapons: Twin Mallets

    Organization XIII Member/Partner(s): N/A
  14. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    Nobody Name: Toxym

    Real Name (optional): Tomy

    Attribute(s): Poison

    Weapons: blowdarts

    Organization XIII Member/Partner(s): Zigbar, Larxene
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2009
  15. Midnight

    Midnight New Member

    Nobody Name:Zen

    Attribute/s: Darkness and Fire

    Wepons:The Oblivion Keyblade

    Organization XIII Partner: Roxas
  16. Natsu_Dragneel

    Natsu_Dragneel New Member

    Nobody Name: Xuzakk <--hard to come up with something
    Name: Zakku
    Attributes: Fire/Darkness/Light
    Weapons: Zero Gear or Fenrir Keyblade
    Partner: Roxas/Xion/Axel/Riku

    Hmm, maybe I'll make another one.

    Nobody Name: Xier
    Name: Rei ^obviously
    Power: Darkness/Fire
    Weapon: two katana like weapons
    Partner: Axel
  17. Frostwolf

    Frostwolf New Member

    Nobody Name: Xaramik

    Real Name: Marika

    Attributes: Water/Ice

    Weapons: Two broadswords

    Partner: Axel
  18. Xehanort

    Xehanort New Member

    I already have one.

    Xemnas of coarse.

    No in real life my name doesnt go with anything. Koty+ X just doesnt go well together.
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    So your real name is Mansex?

  20. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Nobody: Yexroc
    Real: Corey
    Weapon: Large Axe
    Attribute: Gravity
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