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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Lost Darkness

    Lost Darkness New Member

    No its not a win for the baby it would have been if it lived because I was going to care for it but he just died.

    How can you believe the bible? It was written millions of years ago and not by God but by some guy that could have changed things.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    First of all, it's ignorant to blame the parents for what their children turn out to be. Yes, they play a role, but people have their own personalities and make their own decisions.

    I would not say that Hitler has been the only one to orchestrate a genocide like that, but this isn't the right thread to debate THAT in. Regardless, you said it was wrong to kill the baby because it was also killing that baby's future children. Who says that baby would want any children in the future? Some don't. That baby could have her tubes tied or have a vasectomy at a very early age and never make any children at all. You can't base your decision on whether to abort your child or not by thinking that far into the future, in my opinion. Unless you're a psychic and had a premonition of all the future babies that unwanted one will have. Which I doubt is likely.

    This is not the right thread to debate that. Please take your comments to the religion thread.
  3. Zexion_14

    Zexion_14 New Member

    I feel its the woman's baby woman's uterus and w.e she choses is her and her choice alone oh the father's also so I fall into its ok(if they wanna) category
  4. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    1. have you heard the new (proven) facts about how much of a role parent's play, it has been proven that if parent's ignore their children thier children will grow up to have mental disorder's and even grow up to be even worse parent's then thier's. i didn't pay much attention though... my father tapes all kinds of documentaries (he's wierd) and this documentary had to do with some cell in your body that somewhat makes you the way you are and how your parent's treat you when your young greatly affect's who you are in the future (believe it or not)

    2. true hitler is not the only one but he was just a example

    3. no one know weather or not that baby is going to have children or not, but that's the thing we do not know. that is all the more reason to let it live becuase of the fact that it could have kids. also if that baby dies before it get's old enough well then their's nothing anyone can do about it...

    4. you don't know the future but killing could be doing two thing's one.) making the future better or two.) making the future worse

    the fact is we don't know the future but don't you people think that the future with a few more people in it would be that bad?
  5. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Yeah, but its the parents choice, and everyone who keeps talking about how its evil, its not your decision, your allowed to have your views, but in a free country its not right to tell someone wether or not they are allowed to have a child.
  6. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    That's part of the point I've been stating. I don't agree with it personally. However, I do believe that it should be legal. Both because, with our rights in this country, it'd wouldn't be right to outlaw it, and also because people are gonna do it anyway, so you might as well make sure it's done properly.

    I don't really consider it murder, I just don't agree with it. Abortion is no more murder that masturbation is, and that isn't gonna be outlawed any time soon. But if you manage to get pregnant when you don't want a kid, that's actually your fault, at least the majority of the time. There are steps that can be taken (condoms, birth control, just lpain not having sex, etc) that will prevent a pregnancy. If you chose to ignore those options and take the risk, than you should take responsibility for your actions. If you think keeping the child would ruin your life or their's, again adoption is an option. Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control.

    And as for the comment made earlier to those of us who are upholding the adoption option that "if we think it's so great then adopt", I personally have no problems doing that. I don't know that I actually will, and I do know that I want at least one kid that's mine. But I do consider that to be an option, if the girl I marry wants to do so. So I'm not out there just blowing off plans that I'm not willing to do myself.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2008
  7. Luke

    Luke Member

    I'm mixed on this, I think it`s wrong to kill something that hasnt wronged you. But on the other side if the woman who is pregnant has something wrong or is sickly or frail, Small, etc. And can`t pay for a cecerian(sp) section then abortion is the only other choice without death.
  8. Riku

    Riku New Member


    If I were you, I would be more careful with what you say.
  9. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member


    listen to me the adoption option is the best option, abortion is murder becuase (what luke siad) it is a innocent child plus you are killing it. the baby is a person no matter which way you look at it. if you kill a person with a gun that is wrong and you could go to prison, if you get an abortion you are still killing a person the only difference is that getting a abortion is legal.

    did you guys ever stop to think that the baby that you are about to abort is half of what you are. that baby is partly you. it will grow up and act like you, talk like you, look like you, even eat like you. and you are willing to throw that baby away all becuase of your selfishness, and don't say that your not selfish becuase what other reason would you have to kill a innocent child then your own.

    think about this for awhile
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2008
  10. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Its not an innocent child, its an innocent fetus. Child = has concioussness. Fetus = develops into something that eventually has conciousness.
  11. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    what is the difference?! it will still be a person some day!!!
  12. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Yeah, it will be a person one day if it develops, but it doesn't know that. It doesn't know about its own existance, so terminating something that doesn't even know its alive, thats like weeding your garden.
  13. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    a person doesn't have to know it's alive to be alive!!!
  14. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I believe his argument is that neither do the weeds in your garden, but they're just as alive when you pull them as a fetus is when you abort it. And no one complains about that.

    This is kind of amusing, I've argued both points at various parts of this debate, XD.
  15. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    <_< yeah who's side are you on anyway? LOL jk
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2008
  16. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    haha yeah, not choosing a solid side huh? Anyway, I've given my points, I feel like we kind of took over this thread with that argument from a moment ago, hahaha.
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Haha. I agree with you dude. As for you Ansem The Wise I am willing to take a crack at it.
    Consider this. A woman is raped and finds herself pregnant with the rapers child. While the raper is being carted off to jail, and may he rot in hell for what he has done, the poor woman is left with a bastards child. Yes she could let it grow and hope to god that the poor thing does not end up like daddy but can she actually stomach giving birth to the kid? The fact that she is living with a constant reminder of what has happened for many months alone might drive her to end what she eventually thinks as a pathetic existence.
    Now here is another shot at your possibly rock hard defense. A woman lays with her boyfriend/husband and finds herself pregnant. Ecstatic she tells her husband/bf and so they begin to gather all the things that will be needed for the eventual baby's birth. When the child is born one of four of these things happen.
    One is that the poor dear died in his/her mothers arms because of defects. The mother goes into depression and can't seem to find the will to live. Eventually she gets better but she is scarred for life because of what has happened.
    Two the mother dies in childbirth without anytime to say good bye. The husband rejects the child because of what it has, in his opinion, done. Now the poor boy/girl finds that her father doesn't like her, well just say that this one is a girl because I for one will not say one or the other because it takes to long, and when she finds out the reason she is horrified. Now she knows that her mother died trying to give her life and that makes her incredibly sad. While consoling will eventually solve this problem she has to live with that knowledge for the rest of her days.
    Three is that although the baby is born, it has severe mental defects and will never be able to speak, walk, or learn enough to make it on his own. The parents will have to take care of him for the his days, which is not someone will want to do. Plus they will have to waste money on school, thank you Bush, and may become all the porer for it.
    Our final one is that although the child is born healthy with no complications the parents feel they are not ready yet and decided to put the child up for adoption. When the kid grows up he will always wonder why his parents didn't want him or if they are alive at all.
    Now that I have had my say in this I await your reply. I just wish for you to analyze these situations and try to shoot them all down with logic. These four things would not have happened if the baby was aborted. The parents aren't simply saying that it is inconvenient , but in most cases are saying they don't think they are ready for the responsibility. The child will have been better off not even existing, except for the fourth one in which case he will just live life in confusion. I know it is cruel but it is simple fact.
    Note that these were all possibilities in the game of chance known as giving life.
  18. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    How about a fifth possibility in there? The child is born. No one dies. Either there are no defects in the child, or the child lives quite a happy life with them. The parents keep the child, or the child is quite happy living with their adopted parents. They don't brood over the fact that they are adopted and are simply content in having parents who, though they may not have given birth to them, love them very much.

    I would say that this is the way the majority of of pregnencies and births go. And it's the scenario that you seem to have left out of your little post. What you basically said is that because it is possible that something could go wrong, you should just abort the child. That way, none of those horrible scenarios could possibly play out and no one's life could be ruined. But at the same time, having children can also be one of the best experiences in a person's life. And by just aborting to avoid any possible hurt, you also ensure that you never get to experience it. And that is indeed a shame.

    And now I'd like to take a personal shot at point three. I'm going to shoot that scenario out of the water right now. I have a genetically inherited condition myself. Not only that, but I lived for eigtheen and a half years before it showed itself, so I got quite used to life without it. I'm quite content and it's not strain on anyone else. And there are people who live with much worse conditions than mine with just as much comfort. To say that a child with defects was better off aborted is complete bullshit. You have a pretty narrowminded view if you think that. Go out and look around at people. Life is what you make of it, and some of the happiest people in the world are the ones you're saying would have been better off not being born at all.

    That fourth point needs to be addressed as well, but there is a better person for that than me, and I'll let her do that one.
  19. Luke

    Luke Member

    Abortion, in my opinion, Is ok, but only under certain circumstances
  20. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    I have to agree with Luke here. I mean if your going to get rid of the baby just because its cutting into your social life or because it'll stop you from doing certain useless things then thats when it becomes a bad thing:mad:. But if you really believe something terrible is going to happen to the kid (say reduce it to a poor mindless slave or something) then it makes it a bit less terrible(though its not the best choice). It all depends on the person.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2008

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