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The New Organization

Discussion in 'Archive' started by The Chilly Academic, Dec 28, 2007.

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  1. The Chilly Academic

    The Chilly Academic New Member

    Once upon a time, Xemnas, in order to return his heart, founded Organization. One by one, they were dispatched, many by Sora, The Keyblade Master, but some were defeated by each other.
    The theory was sensible, even if their methods failed: create a Kingdom Hearts, and there, nobodys could claim hearts never theirs...
    Many hundreds of years later, a group of nobodys, all strong enough to maintain their own body, returned to Castle Oblivion, and from there, founded the next Organization.

    Simple as, a fairly free-form RP. We would play members of the Organization. We don't necessarily need thirteen players. There are three sensible worlds that we could visit:
    Hollow Bastion
    Twilight Town
    Traverse Town.

    My Rules:
    No Autoing, or Godmodding
    Good grammar and spelling
    5 line post minimum
    No Disney
    Have fun.

    To Join:
    Fill out this sheet, and leave it here, and wait for my approval. There is every chance I despise the sheet, or you. I will be judging from the sheet whether or not you can RP competently. If I think you might be a problem I will ask you to leave the RP.
    [b]Name:[/b] (Ie: Xigbar)
    [b]Custom Title:[/b] (ie: The Whirlwind Lancer)
    [b]Appearance Age:[/b]
    [b]Appearance:[/b] (you wil be wearing typical Orgy cloaks)
    [b]Element:[/b] (Needn't be the ones of KH)
    [b]Rank[/b] (I might prefer you to change)

    Name: Rogexeth
    Custom Title: The Deceptive Protector
    Appearance Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Rogexeth is simply immaculate and has slicked back black hair, and an olivey skin-tone. Obviousy wearing an Organization Cloak, he is stockily built, and average height.
    Personality: Rogexeth is stoic, and always plans his actions cleverly. He is naturally defensive, but once sure he is safe, or can escape, can become insanely aggresive. He's also very manipulative.
    Weaponry: Rogexeth has a small round shield, not dissimilar to that of a certain Disney character, that is pretty useless on its own. However, he connects this into a huge clod of Earth he summons from the ground, and this formsa huge shield that floats as he wishes it. Safe, he can sue it for clobbering, or throwing the shield as though a discus.
    Element: Earth.
    Rank: III
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2008
    Oath likes this.
  2. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    Name: Mi'eyre
    Custom Title: The Shadow of Darkness
    Appearance Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Mi'eyre is 6 ft, has pale red eyes and sapphire blue hair, he has a very pale skin tone and makes his face stand out from his jet black organisation cloak
    Personality: Mi'eyre is likened to a puppet master, manipulative and controlling, he will use who he needs to when he needs to as long as either it helps him accomplish his tasks, or out of sheer entertainment. he is closed up, but will open up to battle-worthy allies and sometimes opponents too.
    Weaponry: Two dark-coloured Chakrams used for acrobatical fighting and throwing, Mi'eyre is a deadly aim with them and can cut a normal being down with 1 thrown chakram.
    Element: Darkness
    Rank IV?
  3. The Chilly Academic

    The Chilly Academic New Member

    Yep, you're good to go.

    We need a leader character!
  4. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Hey! Sounds like fun!

    Name: Lexa
    Custom Title: The Darkness of Flames
    Appearance Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Lexa has long yet short spiky mix of red and white blonde hair; eyes are a dark green with dark purple eyeliner around each eye, and wears the Organization’s Cloak
    Personality: Lexa has a short temper, but trys to control it. She is always thing when others think she isn’t, and Lexa sometimes wonders if their plans will really work because of what happened to the other Organization.
    Weaponry: A long black and purple lance that can summon black and purple flames. The lance is 5’4. But when not using this lance Lexa uses only her hands witch explode into flames.
    Element: Dark Fire
    Rank: VII

    Hope I can Join!
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2008
    Oath likes this.
  5. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    Vii= 7
    Vii= 8
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2008
  6. Axel

    Axel New Member

    oh thanks, I'll change it
  7. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    ok im in :D

    Name: Hunter

    Custom Title: Cryptic Swordsman

    Appearance Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Hunter is about 6 feet tall. Black hair with a touch of blood red that comes down to just above his eyes. Hazel eyes that are always full of playfulness and always has a sly grin on his face. Lean and thin.

    Personality: The only one of the Organization to laugh and joke around. Pokes fun at the others but they all know he is just messing. Talks alot of trash but has the skill to back it up. Only thing he takes serious is protecting the leader I. Almost like a second in command/bodyguard and takes that very serious in his joking way. Easily provoked and does things without thinking about it and that can get him in trouble from time to time. Huge womanizer and sweet talker with the girls and is not afraid to go after who he wants

    Weaponry: Master of hand to hand combat but rarely gets to use it. Main weapons are two katanas. One is sheathed by his hip and the other on his back. Has weird mind control powers over them but usually handles them on skill alone.

    Element: Steel

    Rank: II
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2008
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    name: Draco

    custom title: the Whirl bladegunner

    appearence age: 11

    gender: male

    appearence: draco is 5 foot 6 inches and looks like a cross between roxas and riku. He has silver hair and dark blue eyes, and wears his Organization cloak. he is medium sized, and mostly never likes to smile.

    personality: draco, being the youngest of the group, doesn't really get along with the others, and is always getting into trouble. He likes to be alone most of the time and to go on missions.

    weaponry: draco's weapons are twin laser pistols with laser blades that come down from the muzzle of the guns.

    element: wind

    rank: XIII?
    Haresuno likes this.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    This looks cool :D Heres the profile.

    Name: JaxX (Pronounced Jazz. Full name is Jaxxmine)
    Custom Title: The White Shadow
    Appearance Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    JaxX is tall and thin. She has long, curly silvery hair and white eyes. She wears an organization coat.
    Personality: She has absolutely no idea how she ended up leading the new organization. She's kinda naive and she trusts Hunter with her life and values his opinion more than she sometimes lets others know. She's not all that forcefull or bossy, but people still listen to her anyway. She doesn't really see herself as a born leader, but she is treated as such by others dispite that. JaxX is cunning and pretty cocky. She Loves to win and hates to lose. But she never shows any temper. She keeps her cool in stressful situations. She is extremely good at her skills with just about any wepon. And likes to practice when she doesn't have anything else to do. Gets really competitive sometimes, and hates being wrong. Oddly enough, the wether of the place where she is often changes with her mood.
    Weaponry: A pair of Sias or Katanas. She doesn't use the Sias as often as the Katanas.
    Element: Lightning
    Rank: I (if that's ok...)
    Name: Alex
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Looks: Tall for his age with bright green eyes and spikey red hair. (Hair not as long as Axel's though) He looks a lot like Axel from the games but he looks younger and his face is rounder. He wears... normal cloths I guess. A black T shirt and pair of blue jeans.
    Personality: A lot like Axel but he is a little more naive and sweet.
    Weponry: (for now) Kingdom Key
    Elament: Fire
    Rank: Subject or Enimy
    Name: Cole
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Looks: Spikey brown hair and eyes that almost change color depending on what light he is in (Lighter: green, Darker: blue) He has angular facial fetures. He wears a black T-shirt, blue jacket, blue headband, black pants and green shoes. There is a silver earing on his left ear and he wears a green wristband.
    Personality: Really competitive and cocky. Cole doesn't show his emotions often but his closest friends know what he's feeling anyways.
    Element: Ice
    Rank: Enimy...?
    Name: Ryan
    AGender: Male
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Personality: He never smiles and almost isn't trusted around the organization because of his multiple could be assasination attempts on JaxX's life. He use to be Number 2 but after he was accused of nearly killing JaxX(Assasination attempt stopped by Hunter) His title was denounced dramaticly. It was only later was it revealed that Jaxx was never in any real danger around him. He is Jaxx's brother and the assasination was only Ryan trying to force Jaxx to falsify her own death because he was trying to protect her. (Neither he nor Jaxx like to talk about what he would be protecting her from.) He joined the organization a little bit after his own organization was destroyed. In the end, he turned out to be a completely different guy than he was orininaly known to be... but he was killed by Kasmocs.
    Elementge: Appears to be 22
    : Darkness
    Title: The Shadow of light
    Wepon: Just a regular sword
    Other: Rumor has it that he hates Hunter and JaxX for being the top two and would stop at nothing to be the new leader of the organizaton... people say he is just waiting to kill them both but JaxX just waves asside any warnings deturmined to see only the good in her org.
    P.S: He is said to be a decendant of Xemnas.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008
    Haresuno likes this.
  10. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Can we PLEASE start this thing :D
    Haresuno likes this.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    This thread isn't dead is it?
  12. Axel

    Axel New Member

    no! DX it can't be! Let's start NOOOOOOW!
  13. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    aw dont worry key of hope ;) im not gonna let this die
    i already messaged the guy who started this but he hasnt responded. so lets give him one more day then we will start it
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    ... sounds like a plan :) .
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    We really should start soon or this thread will die...
  16. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    lol ok you want to start it?
  17. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Wait for me! Can I join?
    Name: Alph
    Custom Title:Nobody with a Heart
    Appearance age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: White, silvery hair that's always a mess. Gray eyes. He looks like a normal 14-year-old. Orginazation cloak.
    Personality: Cheerful like Axel. He gets along with everybody in the organization, sometimes. In battle, he is a different person. He will be aggressive, but he will show his enemies mercy.
    Weapons: A humongous sword that is taller than him, and very heavy, and guns. A rifle, shotgun, fletcher, and two magnums. He keeps the shotgun and rifle on his back.
    Element: Time
    Rank: IX
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sure, I'll start.
    JaxX sat alone on the roof of the Castle Oblivion. The wind was blowing her hair a little but she didn't really notice it. She was stairing at the ruins of a heart shaped moon in the sky where Xemnas once succeeded in making a Kingdom Hearts. She sighed "It will work this time...." She put her hand up to a necklace around her neck. A necklace she hadn't taken off since she saw her other killed years before. It once belonged to her other, Jasmine. But Jasmine gave it to her the day she died. JaxX shook her head ,frustrated.
  19. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Alph saw JaxX alone on the roof."I wonder what's going on her mind?"he wondered. Alph went back inside and thought why there were so many gaps between the members."I mean, Draco is Number Thirteen and there are only seven Nobodies here,"he said to himself.
  20. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lexa walked down a long white hall with many papers in her hands. "Dam paper work.." she mumbled. Sometimes her wanted to burn it all so Lexa wouldn't have to do it. She got to her door and put the papers down to get the key to her room. She always got the most work out of any of the members...next to the leader.
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