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Fangame:Kingdom Hearts II:D - Demo Released! Christmas Present!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Redzonic, Dec 24, 2007.

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  1. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member

    I don't know if this is the right place for this, if it's not, please move it.
    Thanks :D

    The download link for the demo is at the bottom of this post

    What is it?
    Kingdom Hearts II:D is a fangame created by Redzonic/Redsonic.

    The Story: Story-wise, this takes place after kh2, but sora/riku are explaining the events of kh2 to Kairi, whom missed most of it. So you get to experience kh2 again from Sora and Riku's perspectives

    This fact creates some pretty interesting opportunities as you get to also play as Riku in some points when Riku's telling the story, such as the Roxas vs Riku fight. But ...something else is going on in Destiny Island as they tell the story....

    Gameplay: It is an action game, like kh2. However, some changes include the removal of the ''drive gauge'' bar. Instead, the MP Gauge is used. You can either use MP for physical attacks like Sonic Blade, magics like Ice/Cure, or drives like Wisdom Form.

    Driving and the MP Gauge: Driving consumes all MP, and while in a drive form, the MP Gauge ''becomes'' the drive gauge. When MP hits 0 during a drive form, you will revert back to Normal Sora

    Control Types: There are two types of controls. You can either use a keyboard&mouse, or a xbox 360 controller (which still requires the keyboard for driving anywho)

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts II:D Gameplay - Sora vs Larxene
    YouTube - KHII:D - Gameplay Clip - Sora vs Vexen (no sound)


    The Demo:

    The demo allows you to fight three bosses: Demyx,Axel,and Xemnas (phase

    It also has a little training session where you can practice your skills by Breaking Targets before heading to the bosses

    Download the Demo Now: Send big files the easy way. Files too large for email attachments? No problem!

    There you go. Try it out, tell me what you think :D
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2008
  2. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    i think you should put this in the gaming section since its a game...oh and does it have any spyware or any of those things? o_O
  3. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member

    it's safe....
  4. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    Looks fun how much room does it take
  5. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member

    only 4MB :D
  6. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    It looks ok.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He spoke with me before he posted it so its fine here i already told him if it was ment for a nother forum i would move it
  8. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Thats cool, any chance of a full version?
  9. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member

    Well, the full version won't come out for a while.

    Since this is a full-out RPG, and I have to code in levels/worlds/common enemies, and everything. It could be a couple of months before it's ready

    However, I am looking for some private beta testers. PM me if you're interested.
  10. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    WOW it looks good when the full version comes out i might download that

    thanks redzonic
  11. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    (i know this is off topic but...) hey redzonic can you tell me how you made this? did you use RPG Maker or something? oh and i'll download the game later and play it during the weekends. :)
  12. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member

  13. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    cool vid Red (hope you dont mine me calling you that)
    i have a question though, how come the boss move kinda slow? :confused:
  14. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member

    It's Cloud. he carries a huge sword.
  15. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    hmmm...thats weird, i was playing the game and i couldnt move or anything...-__-;'...did i do something wrong?
  16. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member


    Demo download link fixed. (It was broken for a while)
  17. DjC

    DjC New Member

    hey red, have u ever thought of making this as a homebrew game for psp? there r no kh homebrew games for psp, urs would be cool to have on the go
  18. Crossfault

    Crossfault New Member


    that was pretty fun just to pass the time
  19. DjC

    DjC New Member

    i havent downloaded it. i hate demos, im gonna wait for the full release
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