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Who is your fav KH2 Organization 13 member?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Sora_Sun, Sep 5, 2009.

Which is the best?

  1. Xemnus

  2. Xigbar

  3. Xaldin

  4. Vexan

  5. Lexaeus

    0 vote(s)
  6. Zexion

  7. Saïx

  8. Axel

  9. Demyx

  10. Luxord

    0 vote(s)
  11. Marluxia

  12. Larxene

  13. Roxas

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  1. cool, atleas for sure, they have Gay voices
  2. Frostwolf

    Frostwolf New Member

    Axel. I mean, he's funny, sexy, smart.. *-*
  3. blackrose7

    blackrose7 New Member

    well i actually like xemnas but he is completely cold hearted.
    I'll go for Zexion next... :eek:
  4. Crimson

    Crimson New Member

    *ahem* Sorry, got carried away... xD;; But Axel, he's epic. He's smexy ~ And his personality rocks. <3
  5. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Roxas is awesome, but I LOVE The entire Organization.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I voted Roxas, because he's really the one I got to know the most. I liked playing as him during the beginning of KH II.

    Besides him, though, I'd vote for Demyx, because I liked his goofiness, and Axel, because like with Roxas, we spend more time getting to know him, and I thought he was interesting. Really, I suppose I like these three about equally.
  7. constant_sugar_high

    constant_sugar_high New Member

    I can't decide between Axel, Demyx and Roxas.
  8. Wakana

    Wakana New Member

    Roxas will always remain my favourite. 13 is my lucky number and he's a very astonishing character. Not to mention that he has a persona that I just love. <3
  9. Bulbie

    Bulbie New Member

    Hem. I have four members who I consider my favourites: Xigbar, Vexen, Zexion and Luxord. (Xaldin (Purple eyes, balck hair, epic sideburns..) and Demyx (Music~!) are cool too but I don't consider them my "Absolute Favourites")
    The "whys":
    Xigbar is funny (even though he fails in Days..) and the way he talks is just too epic.
    Vexen likes science. That is enough of a reason to like somebody in my opinion. :p Plus his Japanese laugh is wonderful!
    Zexion.. Um... I don't really know why. Maybe it has something to do with Lexicon (books~!) and his hair? He's just too cool not to like. >.> (I've heard people call him "emo"... I believe (and hope. o.o ) it doesn't have anything to do with the Finnish word "emo" which means mother..)
    Luxord likes card games! And he talks in a funny way (The way he pronounces the word "Organization". Beautiful). Every time I see a picture of him/hear his name/etc. I want to play any card game. Too bad I have no friends who like to play with cards --> I have to settle for solitaire and card houses.

    Now THIS turned out to be a longer message than I thought it would.. Ô.õ
  10. Phox

    Phox New Member

    My fav is Axel not because he looks awesome or uses badass yo-yos. I chose him because he highly values friendship and will go to any lengths to save his friends. :D

    After that i like Roxas, Xigbar, Demyx and Luxord. Roxas for obvious reasons of being Sora's nobody (who doesn't love him? :p) Xigbar because he's awesome when he says "As if!" shows personality. Demyx because he's super lazy and tries to get out of any form of stress if he could :p Luxord because everything he says is about games XD
  11. YenSid

    YenSid New Member

    Xigbar, come on. He has an eyepatch. That's ridiculous, Luxord didn't get a vote either, but he's the funniest one.
    Last edited: May 14, 2010
  12. Rejected Oblivion

    Rejected Oblivion New Member

    Zexion gets top spot but Axel follows in his wake.
  13. Lanasende

    Lanasende New Member

    Axel, Roxas, Demyx and Zexion are the best <D
  14. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Mine has to be between Roxas and Axel.
  15. Veldin

    Veldin New Member

    i dond know who...
    there all good...
    all got there good things!
  16. Nunez

    Nunez New Member

    I voted for Vexen. My favorites are:

    Vexen=Ice. :p
    Axel--Got it Memorized?
    Saix--Gotta love your guys with the X on their head. :p
    Demyx--I'm kind of partial to the element water and the sitar (because of the Beatle George Harrison)
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